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Kickstart your trading day: A technical look at the EURUSD, USDJPY and GBPUSD for September 22

What are the technical saying for the 3 major currency pairs including the EURUSD, USDJPY and GBPUSD?

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Preise purzeln im Rekordtempo

In diesem Video: In zwei Bereichen sind die Preise so stark gefallen, wie schon seit vielen Jahren nicht mehr. Das hat natürlich Auswirkungen. Außerdem: Der Fresenius-Chef trimmt den Konzern auf Rendite, die geplante Übernahme des deutschen Chemiekonzerns Covestro kommt voran, sowie neues von der Zinspolitik der US-Notenbank Link zu meinen Onlinekursen: Vortrags- und...

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Brisant: SPD nahe Studie unhaltbar!

Und wird der Bürger unbequem, ist er plötzlich "rechtsextrem" Diese Studie halte ich in diesem Kontext sogar für extrem gefährlich, da sie relevante und tatsächlich bedrohliche Tendenzen in einen riesigen Topf mit schlicht System-und Regierungskritischen Haltungen und Meinungen vermengt und alles als "rechtsextrem" framed. Depot bei Freedom24 einrichten * Mehr Infos über die kostenlosen Aktien...

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What to Do When Trump Tax Cuts Expire

(9/22/23) The Trump tax cuts of 2017 temporarily doubled the base amount individuals could give away without paying estate taxes to $10 million. These cuts are due to expire in 2026, pushing wealthy Americans to move fast. The Oscar Meyer Weinermobile is returning; Jerome Powell & the shrinking market; the resilience of the consumer is weakening, cooling down. Candid Coffee preview of Progression Planning presentation: Having the Conversation;...

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End of an Era: Jacob Shapiro on Why Globalization Was a 30-Year Aberration

Mauldin Economics COO Ed D’Agostino interviews the master of nuance Jacob Shapiro, a partner at Cognitive Investments and co-founder of Geopolitical Futures with the legendary George Friedman. Jacob breaks down why the last 30 years of globalization were an aberration, how it started to unwind with Obama’s tire/poultry trade war, and which country will become “the next China.” You can learn more about Jacob Shapiro here:...

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Unlocking Wealth and Sustainability – The Great Heist with Robert Kiyosaki

Bucky Fuller called on us to become the architects of the future and now we have the chance. With the changes in the economy and incentives currently available to build a green power grid, disrupt transportation, and reduce carbon emissions, we have a chance right now to make tremendous wealth while making the world a better place. Let’s learn how to be on the right side of history and get wealthy in the process…a true win/win. Watch the full...

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Faeser Rücktritt: Supergau der CDU!

Obwohl die Union noch im Januar von Faeser den Rücktritt gefordert hat, stimmt sie nun geschlossen dagegen. Und verspielt somit die innere Sicherheit Deutschlands. Nancy Faeser ist ihrer Doppelrolle als Innenministerin und mögliche Ministerpräsidentin nicht gewachsen! Depot bei Freedom24 einrichten * Mehr Infos über die kostenlosen Aktien * Bildrechte: Olaf Kosinsky, CC...

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Zukunft der Banken und Krisenausblick 2024 | Dr. Markus Krall

Dr. Markus Krall im Interview: Bankenkrisen, Inflation, Energiekrise und digitale Währungen Geldsicherheit GARANTIERT - Online-Training: Atlas Initiative: Krisen 2024 – das solltest du jetzt wissen ?! Dr. Krall ist Ökonom, ehemaliger CEO der Degussa-Goldsparte und mehrfacher Bestsellerautor. Er hat große Banken, Versicherungen und Regierungen beraten....

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Pay Less Taxes with Government Incentives – The Great Heist with Robert Kiyosaki

The rich know how to play the game…they helped create it. The government has certain priorities that it has. Society needs to feed and house people. We need energy to fuel the economy. There are dozens of areas where the government has needs and it creates incentives in the forms of tax breaks, rebates, and grants in order to get this done. We need to learn how to play along with this game to build wealth and render value for society. Watch the...

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Understand Cash Flow and Win the Money Game – The Great Heist with Robert Kiyosaki

To win the money game, we need to learn how to read Financial Statements so we can be financially literate. Why? Because a banker doesn’t want to see your high school diploma. They want to see your Balance Sheets and Income…they want to see assets and Cash Flow. Let’s learn to play the game the right way. Watch the full documentary here: About “The Great Heist” - A centuries-old plan nurtured by greed, maintained by...

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Build Assets, Not Liabilities – The Great Heist with Robert Kiyosaki

In order to be free, we have to stop working for money since it’s not a store of value. It’s debt. We need to learn the game and start building ASSETS. In this segment, we explore what Assets are and teach you how to think about true wealth. Watch the full documentary here: About “The Great Heist” - A centuries-old plan nurtured by greed, maintained by misdirection, and exclusively encouraged by a faceless, unofficial...

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If you want to be more successful you must get over THIS

Being successful requires getting over THIS. From my conversation with @ELLIOTCHOY. #raydalio #principles #advice

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Cash Heist: How the Elite Control the Money – The Great Heist with Robert Kiyosaki

In this segment, we explore the ominous prediction of Buckminster Fuller. He saw this heist coming decades ago and warned us about it. Let’s explore it from a bird’s eye view so we can learn how to escape the trap. Watch the full documentary here: About “The Great Heist” - A centuries-old plan nurtured by greed, maintained by misdirection, and exclusively encouraged by a faceless, unofficial elite… The Great Heist is the...

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Retirement Heist: Broken Retirement Systems – The Great Heist with Robert Kiyosaki

The Great Heist continues to extract our wealth through the broken Pension and 401k systems that promise security but feed Wall Street and deprive us of our financial freedom. These false promises have fooled us for too long. Let’s explore the next level of the Great Heist… Watch the full documentary here: About “The Great Heist” - A centuries-old plan nurtured by greed, maintained by misdirection, and exclusively...

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Eilmeldung: Vonovia bricht gerade zusammen!

Vonovia schreibt Milliarden-Verluste! Statt Wohnungen zu bauen, die überall gebraucht werden, muss das Unternehmen nun sogar Wohnungen verkaufen, um überhaupt liquide zu bleiben! Denn die Immobilien-Preise fallen und die aktuelle Lage ist mehr als düster! Depot bei Freedom24 einrichten * Mehr Infos über die kostenlosen Aktien * 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►►...

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NZDUSD corrects higher off lower swing area today and test 4-hour MA levels

The 4-hour MAs in the NZDUSD come in at 0.5919 for the 100 or moving average and 0.5943 for the 200 bar moving average

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Así es cómo ADOCTRINAN en las Escuelas…

Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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AUDUSD bias shifts to the downside on the move below MAs on 4-hour chart. What next?

The AUDUSD has been trading in an up and down range over the last 6 or so trading weeks.

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Ablenkung, damit das Volk DAS nicht weiß! – Ernst Wolff im Gespräch mit Krissy Rieger

Kostenlose unzensierte News-Beiträge: ►► Mehr zu Krissy Rieger: Finanzkanal ►► / @chrisrieger91 Zweitkanal ►► / @krissy.rieger2 Instagram ►► Twitter ►► Telegram ►► 📅 Alle Termine und die Links zu meiner Vortragsreihe finden Sie hier: 👉 Auf dem offiziellen...

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Unveiling the Secrets of the Wealthy – The Great Heist with Robert Kiyosaki

Money is the #1 cause of stress and divorce in our culture. Why is it that some people have it so easy and most of the world’s population struggles with money? In this video, we explore an age-old tradition where the rich closely guard the secrets of money and wealth. What is the Great Heist and how can we escape from the money trap we’ve been put into? Watch the full documentary here: About “The Great Heist” - A...

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