Blog Archive

Steuern wir auf eine Hyperinflation zu?

Droht uns durch die Geldschwemme der Notenbanken eine Hyperinflation? Diese Frage beantworte ich Dir selbstverständlich ausführlich im Video. Außerdem freue ich mich auf eine spannende Diskussion mit Dir zum Thema “Hyperinflation”. Hinterlasse mir Deine Fragen und Anmerkungen dazu einfach unter diesem Video. ____ Was ist eine Hyperinflation? Eine Hyperinflation ist eine Form der Inflation, in …

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Is It Smart to Vote Immorally? | Robert P. Murphy

Recorded at “The End of Politics”—the Dallas-Ft. Worth Mises Circle—on 5 November 2016. America appears more divided than any time since the Vietnam War, by race, class, faith, sex, sexuality, education, political party, and zip code. And thanks to social media, we are utterly aware of those divisions. No matter who wins the nasty contest …

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US Election 2016: Potential Impacts on Currencies

Nathan Hutchings, FX Dealer talks about the potential impacts the US Election could have on Dollar and Sterling

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Demokratin röstar fel hela tiden

Putin, Brexit och Trump. Vad har de gemensamt? De är fel! Och fel är inte bra för fel är inte rätt. Demokratin måste börja rösta rätt igen. Man kan också skita i politiker, men inte Jonny. Honom ska du välja på. Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES:...

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Joakim Fagerström | #089 Radio Mises

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Joakim Fagerström är svenska Mises-institutets ordförande och medgrundare. Han gästar studion och vi diskuterar Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Property and Freedom Society, privata samhällen, Orania, ”förräderiet” mot Rhodesia och mycket annat. Bok som diskuteras vid 10:06: The Great Betrayal: The Memoirs of Ian Douglas Smith FACEBOOK: TWITTER:...

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How the Swiss capital reacted to Trump’s win

The election of Donald Trump as president had strong reverberations on the streets of the Swiss capital Bern, with some saying they were reduced to tears. (Julie Hunt, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on …

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Dimitri Speck ueber Gold, Roh-Oel und Minenaktien Auf der Internationalen Edelmetall- und Rohstoffmesse Anfang November 2016 in München haben wir mit Dimitri Speck (Seasonax) unter anderem über die Themen Gold, Minenaktien und Roh-Öl gesprochen. Auch die Fragen, für wie wahrscheinlich er ein Gold- bzw. Bargeldverbot hält, sind Bestandteil des Interviews. Dimitri Speck ist Buchautor (Geheime Goldpolitik) und Gründer von „Seasonax – …

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Donald Trump’s cataclysmic election victory

The Economist’s word of the day conveys the seismic impact of a decisive win for Donald Trump, the reality television star turned Republican nominee set to become the next American president Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube:

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Dirk Müller – Trump gewinnt die US-Wahl: Annäherung an Russland?

Donald Trump wird neuer Präsident der USA. Besonders die Entscheidung der US-Amerikaner gegen Hillary Clinton bringt nicht nur Negatives mit sich, sagt Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 09.11.2016. Den vollständigen Kommentar von Dirk Müller sehen Sie auf…/tagesausblick-donald-trump-gewin…/ Unter anderem mit ersten Antworten auf diese Fragen: • Wie reagieren die Märkte? • Schuldenschnitt für …

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Democracy Means Whatever You Want It to Mean | Ryan McMaken Find out about real Liberty Education worth learning at “The End of Politics”—the Dallas-Ft. Worth Mises Circle—on 5 November 2016. America appears more divided than any time since the Vietnam War, by race, class, faith, sex, sexuality, education, political party, and zip code. And thanks to social media, we are utterly aware of …

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Democracy Means Whatever You Want It to Mean | Ryan McMaken

Recorded at “The End of Politics”—the Dallas-Ft. Worth Mises Circle—on 5 November 2016. America appears more divided than any time since the Vietnam War, by race, class, faith, sex, sexuality, education, political party, and zip code. And thanks to social media, we are utterly aware of those divisions. No matter who wins the nasty contest …

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US elections and the possible impacts on the SA markets

Investec’s David Gracey sits down with former leader of the opposition in S.A. parliament Lindiwe Mazibuko for a conversation on the U.S. elections and the possible impact a victory by either candidate would have on the markets. The views expressed in this video are those of the individuals in the video and not Investec Bank. …

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Välkommen till valdagen!

Jonny Lander har en överraskande annonsering att göra. Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES: GOOGLE+: LINKEDIN:

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Elderly share homes with Geneva students

Hundreds of students in Geneva are struggling to find a a place to live. Now the University of Geneva has started placing students in private homes of elderly people. In exchange the students help their hosts with work around the house. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its …

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David Gracey & Lindiwe Mazibuko discuss their views on how markets will react to the U.S. elections

David Gracey of Investec previews the U.S. elections with former politician Lindiwe Mazibuko – watch the full video on 9 November at

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Why the elite come to Switzerland for healthcare

Swiss luxury clinics are doing a roaring trade, thanks to a growing number of rich patients from abroad seeking medical help, detox or cosmetic surgery. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For …

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Välkommen till valdagen!

Jonny Lander har en överraskande annonsering att göra. Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES: GOOGLE+: LINKEDIN: Donationer...

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David Gracey & Lindiwe Mazibuko unpack the U.S. elections

David Gracey of Investec previews the U.S. elections with former politician Lindiwe Mazibuko – watch the full video on 9 November at

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Hans Werner Sinn vs Heiner Flassbeck

Nov 2015

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Zero 2016-11-07

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at

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