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WIE würde ich 2021 mit dem Investieren STARTEN? ? | Sparkojote

?Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► * ?? Der BLOG zum YouTube-Kanal ►► #2021Investments #Dividenden #Finanzrudel Wie würde ich 2021 mit dem Investieren Starten? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Herzensprojekte von Thomas dem Sparkojoten ★ Mittlerweile betreibe ich einige Projekte und es macht mir ungemein Spass, an diesen zu arbeiten. Ich gebe mir viel Mühe, alle Projekte wie...

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Yanis Varoufakis: I’m not a China-Basher, but…


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Financial Fitness Friday | The Real Investment Show [1/8/21]

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP

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Hans-Werner Sinn ist ein deutscher Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. Er ist emeritierter Hochschullehrer an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und war von 1999 bis 2016 Präsident des ifo Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung.(wikipedia)

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The “Marc Faber” Interview With 57 Talk

Marc Faber is a famous investor having over 4 million dollars to his name. He has written 3 books one of them being " The Great Money Illusion: The Confusion of Confusions" which scored decent reviews. He has also made a report called "The Gloom Boom & Doom report).

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Neues Markus Krall Video - Dr. Markus Krall gibt Einschätzung zu Gold, Immobilien & Geldanlage in der Wirtschaftskrise - Interessante Tipps & Strategien von Markus Krall aktuell im Video...

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Charlie Munger on How to Deal With Change ? and About Mental Biases

Charlie Munger answered questions about technological changes, how to react to change, and how to be smart and not to do stupid things. (December 14, 2020)

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 1.8.21

With Eric still out to spend time with his family, Bob Thompson of Raymond James in Vancouver joins us to discuss the price action in the precious metals and the mining shares. He also shares his outlook for 2021 and beyond. You can submit your questions for our Weekly Wrap Up to [email protected] Visit our website for more news.

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Helicopter Money + Changes in Medicare | The Real Investment Show [1/8/21]

The Medicare program is pretty simple, once you plow through the dense text of instructions. Failure to comply, however, can be catastrophic. Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, with Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Download our 2020/2021 Tax Planning Survival Guides! Your must-have tax planning strategies in unprecedented times: -------- Register for the...

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Inflation: could covid-19 cause prices to rise? | The Economist

In the past two decades inflation has puzzled economists by remaining low in good times and bad. Could the pandemic cause it to rise? Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest coverage: Find all of our finance and economics coverage: Read our special report about how inflation is losing its meaning as an economic indicator: How to...

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How To Go On a Financial Diet in 2021 | Financial Fitness Friday [Full Show: 1/8/21]

SEG-1: Fundamentals & Expectations for 2021 SEG-2: Deathwish Coffee; Financial Resolutions, Habits, and Goals in 2021 SEG-3: Helicopter Money and Changes to Medicare SEG-4: How to Go on a Financial Diet Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Articles Mentioned in this Episode: The Fed is Juicing Stocks: Technically...

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Weekly Highlights from The Real Investment Show for Week Ending 1/8/21

The first week of the New Year did not disappoint in providing plenty of fodder for discussion: * Why Wall Street is a Criminal Enterprise * The Fed in the Box * Market Averages vs Physics--we get schooled! * The Biden Presidency & The Fed * A Remake of The Living Dead RIA Advisors Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, from this week's episodes of The Real Investment Show. -------- Get more info & commentary:...

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WOW! BITCOIN 40.000 USD ALL TIME HIGH!!! WANN CRASH??? Bitcoin hat 40.000 USD erreicht und jetzt Fragen sich viele wie es weitergeht? In diesem Video zeige ich dir einfach Tipps wie du in dieser Situation am besten umgehst. ► Hier kannst du bitcoins kaufen und bekommst auch gleich bis zu 10% pro Jahr Zinsen: —————— Hat dir das Video gefallen? Gib mir nen DAUMEN HOCH ? bzw. TEILE dieses Video um gemeinsam AT, DE und CH...

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Essentialismus, der neue Minimalismus! ?? | Sparkojote

?Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► * Essentialismus, der neue Minimalismus! Heute eine Buchvorstellung für euch zum Thema Essentialismus, ein Buch was mir sehr gut gefallen hat. Ich konnte viel Mehrwert daraus ziehen, Dinge umsetzen und habe auch geplant 2021 noch mehr daraus umzusetzen. Es geht schlichtweg darum, was einem essenziell wichtig ist. #Essentialismus #Minimalismus...

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The Real Investment Show [1/7/21]

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA

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7 dramatische Bitcoin Vorhersagen für 2021!!

7 dramatische Bitcoin Vorhersagen. 2021 wird ein spannendes Jahr. Während der letzten Wochen hab ich mich für 2021 vorbereitet und teile gerne meine Gedanken in diesem Video mit dir.

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Finanzmeinung: Hans-Werner Sinn (das Undenkbare)

Wenn Sie meine Arbeit und den Kanal unterstützen möchten, freue ich mich über eine kleine Spende.

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Charles Hugh Smith The Fourth Estate’s Role in Thrusting America into Fascism

Charles Hugh Smith explains the “Fourth Estate” that refers to the press and news media, both in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues.

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Does the US Want Julian Assange Dead? | Interview with Yanis Varoufakis

On Monday a British judge ruled that Julian Assange should not be extradited to the United States on charges of espionage and computer hacking. Yet despite that verdict the judgment arguably represented a blow to freedom of the press - with the judge accepting the substance of the case made by the US state department.

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Billionaire’s first $100k

This clip was part of Charlie Munger’s interview with Caltech on 14 December 2020 as he accepted the university’s highest honour, the 2020 Distinguished Alumnus.

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