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Marc Faber: When Negative Rates End, It Will Be Total and Complete Destruction

Marc Faber has been a student of markets since 1970, and has learned that the stock market is largely distorted and manipulated. The markets are no longer trading on sound fundamentals in a system where the quantity of money is relatively limited. The liquidity bubble created by central banks, paper money, interest rates, and quantitative easing are examples of this manipulation.

He says we are essentially trading in a virtual reality fantasy land that is driven by the insane money-printing professors at central banks. In looking at the trade deficit, and the current account deficit, Marc’s sense is that the US dollar will not continue be a strong currency. The trade balance of goods has been deteriorating continuously.

The US is not very competitive, and many services including accounting, auditing, and software can be provided at a much cheaper cost than in the US. The reasons the market in the US has gone up is due to money printing and stock buy backs, but there is no revenue growth, and no earnings growth.

He recommends staying out of US equities in general, although he feels the gold, mining, coal, and fertilizer sectors in the US are inexpensive. Comparing the price of gold, platinum and silver to all this increased paper money created out of thin air by central banks, precious metals seem inexpensive. Following another correction he thinks precious metals will have further upward moves.

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Marc Faber
Marc Faber (born February 28, 1946) is a Swiss investor based in Thailand. Faber is publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and is the director of Marc Faber Ltd, which acts as an investment advisor and fund manager. Faber also serves as director, advisor, and shareholder of a number of investment funds that focus on emerging and frontier markets, including Leopard Capital’s Leopard Cambodia Fund and Asia Frontier Capital Ltd.'s AFC Asia Frontier Fund.
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