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Marc Faber: The Chinese Will Not Print Money

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In this episode of China Money Podcast, guest Dr. Marc Faber, renowned investor and publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, speaks with our host Nina Xiang.

Dr. Faber shares his thoughts on why China’s economic problems are solvable, explains the reasons behind his belief that China is likely to keep its currency stable, and rebukes the argument that capital may be flying out of China for a lack of confidence in the world’s second largest economy.

Read an excerpt or watch an abbreviated video version of the interview. Be sure to listen to the full interview in the audio podcast. Don’t forget to subscribe to China Money Podcast for free in the iTunes store.

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Marc Faber
Marc Faber (born February 28, 1946) is a Swiss investor based in Thailand. Faber is publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and is the director of Marc Faber Ltd, which acts as an investment advisor and fund manager. Faber also serves as director, advisor, and shareholder of a number of investment funds that focus on emerging and frontier markets, including Leopard Capital’s Leopard Cambodia Fund and Asia Frontier Capital Ltd.'s AFC Asia Frontier Fund.
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