Targetting higher inflation at any cost is a big mistake. First, because real inflation and the daily cost of living are already rising above CPI headlines, second because the poorest suffer higher inflation than the privileged (as food prices, rent, healthcare, utilities rise faster than headline CPI) and third because central banks ignore efficiency and technology disinflation as positive effects. _______________________________________________________________________ Please subscribe to my channel and leave your comments below: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Website - ☑ My books at Amazon - Kind regards! |
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2020-08-26 at 08:41 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
On point. Stagflation is a possibility if we keep inflating the dollar…on the other hand the Fed is fearful of a deflationary spiral…
Traders Mark
2020-08-26 at 15:14 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Investing can be complicated when you're trying to pick and choose between individual stocks. Here's one characteristic that makes for a winning stock so you can choose wisely. #cryptocurrencytrading info on
Mega Xenu
2020-08-26 at 08:47 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
short term deflation will result in hyper inflation down the road because businesses can't pay back debts.
currofbm currofbm
2020-08-26 at 15:05 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Gracias. 🙂 Ahora consiga que eso se entienda en Europa…
Traders Mark
2020-08-26 at 15:14 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Investing can be complicated when you're trying to pick and choose between individual stocks. Here's one characteristic that makes for a winning stock so you can choose wisely. #cryptocurrencytrading info on
2020-08-26 at 22:49 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Seems like the fed is doing its best to keep the rich rich and the poor/middle class down.