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Jim Willie Interview – Gold Standard Cometh In This The Multi Polar Century (Part I)

Just released Part 2 of the interview: Gold Buyers Are "Having Difficulty Getting Their Gold and Their Cash" - Jim Willie

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Jim Willie Interviews Mark O'Byrne of GoldCore about the coming Gold Standard in this the Multi Polar and Asian Century (Part I)

- The 'Gold Standard' jigsaw: the global monetary pieces are falling into place as China quietly moves to re-establish some form of Gold Standard

- The legs of the Gold Standard stool are here - gold trade notes, gold panda bonds (Italy) and central banks are buying gold as Basle III makes gold a "risk free asset"

- Trump may have become compromised by the Neo-Conservatives and their crazy and expensive dreams of maintaining Empire and a 'New American Century'

- United States is bankrupt (with $22 trillion US debt and over $100 trillion of unfunded government liabilities) and "living on a maxed out credit card," therefore U.S. Treasuries are no longer a risk free asset

- The Global Monetary RESET will see the "Third World" dollar sharply devalued and paper wealth and assets including stocks and bonds lose significant value

- Global Financial Crisis II is "going to be much, much bigger" ... Prepare now

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GoldCore was founded in 2003 and has become one of the leading bullion brokers in the world for both delivery and storage.
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