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Human Action Part Seven with Tom Woods

We’ve reached the end of Human Action! Tom Woods joins the podcast to discuss Part Seven, “The Place of Economics in Society,” and it’s a show you don’t want to miss.

Woods and host Jeff Deist enjoy an engaging and far-ranging discussion of the book’s place in history, Mises’s frustration with economics co-opting the methods of physical sciences, and the public’s seeming inability to overcome anticapitalist propaganda. Mises concludes his great treatise with unmatched clarity and wisdom, reminding us why economics belongs at the forefront of society—and why we all should retain our unwavering sense of élan vital.

Use the code HAPOD for a discount on Human Action from our bookstore:
The Sociology of the Development of Austrian Economics by Joe Salerno:
Mises’s Élan Vital :
Human Action:
Bob Murphy’s Study Guide to Human Action:

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Jeff Deist
Jeff Deist is president of the Mises Institute, where he serves as a writer, public speaker, and advocate for property, markets, and civil society. He previously worked as a longtime advisor and chief of staff to Congressman Ron Paul, for whom he wrote hundreds of articles and speeches. In his years with Dr. Paul he worked with countless grassroots activists and organizations dedicated to reducing the size and scope of government.
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