Heuschrecken an der Wallstreet – Wie die Aktien-Investoren handeln … | Florian Homm

? https://www.florianhommlongshort.ch Florian Homm, Deutschlands bekanntester Ex-Hedgefonds-Manager – einst Dollar-Milliardär -, über das Thema Heuschrecken an der Wallstreet.

? Florian Homm’s YouTube Kanal abonnieren: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Iq-yi4q3lsnSEXltzpqc

? Börsenbrief: https://www.florianhommlongshort.ch
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? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florian.homm.official/
? OLMOMS e.V.: https://www.olmoms.org/kinder/
? Florian Homm: https://www.florianhomm.org

Are you the author?
Florian Homm
Florian Wilhelm Jürgen Homm is a German former businessman and investment banker. Absolute Capital Management, a hedge fund managed by Homm, once reached a volume of up to three billion US dollars, but collapsed in 2007. Investors are said to have lost 200 million US dollars


Permanent link to this article: https://snbchf.com/video/heuschrecken-an-der-wallstreet-wie-die-aktien-investoren-handeln-florian-homm/

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