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Has The Boat Left The Dock For Gold? – Marc Faber | Kitco News

Kitco News speaks with Marc Faber, editor and publisher of “The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report,” to see what he thinks of gold these days. “I don’t quite understand why anyone would be disillusioned by the movement in the gold price,” Faber says. But has the boat left the dock for gold? “In my view, there is no dock anymore because we have a money printing environment so we don’t really know where to park our boat or car,” he says. Faber comments on the recent Chinese gold scandal, tensions in the Middle East as well as central banks policies ahead of the much anticipated ECB meeting on Thursday. Perhaps deflation isn’t even as much of a threat that so many analysts make it out to be? Tune in now to hear more from the famous contrarian investor Dr. Marc Faber. Kitco News, July 2, 2014.

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Marc Faber
Marc Faber (born February 28, 1946) is a Swiss investor based in Thailand. Faber is publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and is the director of Marc Faber Ltd, which acts as an investment advisor and fund manager. Faber also serves as director, advisor, and shareholder of a number of investment funds that focus on emerging and frontier markets, including Leopard Capital’s Leopard Cambodia Fund and Asia Frontier Capital Ltd.'s AFC Asia Frontier Fund.
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