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Getting a new heli hub off the ground

Experts at helicopter air rescue, the Swiss are hoping to gain greater recognition in order to capitalize internationally. (SRF/

The former military airport of Mollis in canton Glarus is becoming a hub for the helicopter industry. It’s a joint venture between the local authorities, the canton and local helicopter companies.

Currently there are only a few smaller companies here, but there’s plenty of room for more. Among the main ones are the Swiss air rescue service, REGA, which maintains one of its basis here, and Marenco, the producer of the first Swiss-built helicopter.

The network in Mollis helps the various companies to better share their expertise. And the hopes are, that this will help attract further companies to the site. The helicopter network also wants to open a branch in Dubai to improve access to the emerging markets of the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events.

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