◆ Important to focus on safe haven value of gold and not the coming record high prices ◆"Nobody has a crystal ball and you should not be buying these assets based on anybody's price predictions" ◆ "The possibility of gold over $16,000 per ounce and silver over $700 per ounce ... I hear people gasp in dismay when I say those figures and I will qualify them" ◆ "You would wonder if the criminal enterprises are continuing? You would wonder has a whole lot changed and are other players now manipulating the gold market?" ◆ "There are a lot of important developments in the precious metals market ... the outlook for gold and silver has never been more positive" ◆ "Price is what you pay; value is what you get" - Warren Buffett's phrase regarding value stocks is very apt with regard to the safe have value of gold and silver today ◆ Most investors remain gold cynics, some of whom know the price of gold and silver but very few of whom know the real hedging and safe haven value as seen in the data, research and all of history including that of recent years ◆ Gold and silver's fundamentals and the heady cocktail of macroeconomic monetary, geo-political and systemic risk have never been more bullish ◆ "Ignore the short term noise and focus on the long term value of gold and silver" ◆ SIGN UP FOR OUR AWARD WINNING VIDEO AND TEXT MARKET UPDATES HERE: https://info.goldcore.com/gdpr-email-subscription-preferences Thanks for sharing and clicking that 'Like' button and thank you for all for your kind support Mark, Stephen and the GoldCore team |