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flight shaming

Young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and the thousands of young Swiss who are striking for the climate have drawn the public’s attention to air traffic pollution. More and more people are deciding not to fly anymore and some Swiss universities are issuing rules on flights for business and study trips. The phenomenon has been called “flight shame”, from the Swedish “flygskam”, which was on the list of Swedish neologisms for 2018. Here we explain “flight shame” and get a personal confession from our Swiss German-speaking colleague Pascal, who calculated the amount of kilometres he’s flown in the last ten years.

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  1. JacqBLUEjay

    I have that dilemma but i have to visit family in Switzerland. From L.A./USA. I have to train to the East coast and the find a sail boat to cross to France then train to CH. Not unfeasible but I don't have the vacation time 🙁

  2. Pain Train

    Lets remind how trains look when they have same age as planes and how many trees do you have to cut, how many Animals will be killed by train and we are still talking about one railway also i check ticket price on short route Kraków-Gdańsk train 20 euros, plane 19 euros

  3. Henry Blue Throttle

    Don't you think concrete production to make rail is bad?

    1. kano 1971

      You are totally correct… I am fully in support of concrete shaming it does more damage

  4. David Shepard

    Nonsense. Live a tiny, inconsequential life if you like. It's your human right. As for me, I'll happily jet, rail, drive, boat anywhere I like, as it's a) my right and b) its 2019, not 1719.

    1. David Shepard

      @non grata Nonsense. You cannot truly believe that. If you believed it, perhaps you'd make your case to the privileged class who recently private jetted (over a hundred) and yachted to a Google-sponsored beach party to talk about the crisis. No, I think not. Enjoy your backpack and the small view of your tiny, flat Earth.

  5. Alaskan Wolf

    Yeah, another bullshit buzzword. I live in Alaska and at some areas there are no highways connecting to lower 48 states in US so airplanes here are our only means of transport. Sorry, but that's just the truth.

    Besides, I wouldn't drive 60-80 hours or more to get to Florida, Texas or some southern states when you can do it in 5-8 hours by a plane.

    This liberal madness needs to stop

  6. Thomas Johnsson

    Swiss? She is a Swedish joke!!

  7. Antonin 2020

    If you're alone in the car, you will pollute a lot more if you drive than if you fly. So stop blaming planes. Please.

  8. cnlGNERnh

    Well done! The comments by some of the people below illustrate why the planet is dying…..ignorance…selfishness etc. These same people can enjoy their future summer trips in insane heat, visiting melting glaciers, drought and forest fires .. And their children and grandchildren will remember them for the what they were…..the generation that destroyed the planet.

    1. john smith

      wow you are completely brainwashed.
      people are living longer and better than any time in history.
      before fosil fuels hurricanes droughts and wildfires used to kill millions now it kills hundred or maybe thousands. now thanks in large part because of fosil fuels we have irrigation, firefighting planes, stronger homes, satellites, fertilizer, asphalt roads, water treatment facilities.
      a thousan years ago a stormy night was deadly, today you drink coco with your girl warm in your fosil fuel home and complain about the hand that feeds you

      come on dude!

  9. conyo985

    I dunno should you flight shame people that requires airplane to travel in less time? This needs balance.

  10. Dixie Normous

    what an utter load of shite, Millennials have to resist the urge to blindly jump on the climate change “bandwagon”. Try to read as much of the published scientific literature as possible, avoiding the popular press and Internet blogs. Seek to understand general physical process(es) (e.g., no need to intimately know the radiation laws). Take the “Greenhouse Effect” for example; long-used by many to help explain climate change. And yet the warming air temperatures inside a greenhouse is not so much a result of trapped infrared radiation, but rather the restricted convective losses of the ground air heated from solar shortwave. In fact, glass, despite common belief, has little effect on the transmission of outgoing terrestrial longwave. The warming instead results from the fact that the turbulent fluxes cannot effectively dissipate near-surface heat, fucken morons

  11. cnlGNERnh

    There’s always the component of the population that no amount of science or reason can help. We have people that think the Moon Landings were faked, or that Holocaust never happened . One could almost understand a time when people thought the sun revolved around the earth or that one would fall off the edge of the world if they traveled too far. For decades the same people that claimed climate change wasn’t happening, when it became an easily observable global phenomenon, some finally conceded yes, it was happening , but yet tens of thousands of scientists somehow missed the fact there have always been changes in earths climate. An industrial revolution, billions more people, massive carbon emissions into an atmosphere that only extends a few miles above the earths surface ….all those millions of tons of carbon emissions , couldn’t possibly have any effect whatsoever on global temperatures, a point which can be proved scientifically by insulting people on YouTube. In the long run, one cannot change the reality by attacking those who point out the problem. Those people will join the faceless masses whose existence contributed nothing to humanity but they will receive the derision of future generations that will have deal with the mess they left behind.

    1. john smith

      what are you talking about? climate always changes the question is
      .is it caused by human
      .by how much
      .is change harmful or beneficial
      .if harmful how harmful
      .can we do something
      .should we do something
      .cost benefit of doing something
      .what if we're wrong
      .what about past wrong prediction
      .has it become politisized
      .what are our priorities

  12. Megan Lyall

    Good video! 40 years ago flying was not so common but we were still able to live good lives, choose to enjoy holidays nearer home and help save the planet for others later.

  13. Salmo Trutti

    All good — if you don't want to fly, that is your right — take the train or a hybrid car, or even a bicycle if you can. It might take longer, but you'll possibly enjoy the time spent and see things you wouldn't have otherwise seen. Nothing wrong with that. I admire that people are willing to sacrifice their time for something they believe in.
    On the other hand, some people like to or have to fly, so that should be up to them. Humans only contribute 5% of the world's total CO2 — the rest is by natural processes, so if others want to fly, there isn't much harm anyway.

  14. barleyarrish

    I think the word that will come to prominence before too long will be 'bedrägeriskam' or Fraud shame!

  15. barleyarrish

    I think the word that will come to prominence before too long will be 'bedrägeriskam' or Fraud shame!

  16. barleyarrish

    I think the word that will come to prominence before too long will be 'bedrägeriskam' or Fraud shame!

  17. Kelp Farming

    Keep Sweden Swedish. Endless migration of those who NEVER EVER leave will turn Sweden into the chaos of those arriving. For think oif it…if those people were unwilling to save their own native lands what makes you think they will help yours? SHAME THE FLYERS. SHAME THEM GOOD.

  18. Yacel Delgado

    Flight more drive less

  19. Dveswans

    This Is Horrible. As An AvGeek, I nearly threw up ????????????????????.


    BTW, I'm 13. I hope I can be a Air Traffic Controller, and If planes stop flying by 2030 (Which will not happen Hopefully ??) than my Dreams would be crushed. Think about all of the Future Pilots out there. You are basically crushing their dreams, and taking the child out of their childhood. If No planes fly before 2030, it would be horrible for them. I would absolutely feel horrible for them. In my opinion, They should keep flying. Huge dislike ??????????.

    Avaition is my Passion, and all of us AvGeeks out there will keep on fighting, until we get planes to keep on flying, for ages, on end.

    1. Max C

      I feel the same way

    2. Max C

      Also, Mail would be slower, the world will be harder to travel and so on.

  20. Max C

    Why would you feel ashamed for flying?

    Stop shaming people for flying.

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