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Fighting for film funding

No one gets rich from making films in Switzerland. While the number of filmmakers applying for funding has tripled in recent years, the money available has stayed the same. The result is fierce competition. (SRF/

This year’s “Prix de Soleure”, the main award of the Solothurn Film Festival, was presented on January 26 to the Italian-Swiss director Petra Volpe for her film “Die göttliche Ordnung” (The divine order), a comedy about the struggle for gender equality in Switzerland. The Solothurn festival is considered the most important festival for Swiss film productions. Here the audience can meet members of the film industry in panel discussions.

Most Swiss films, from feature films to short films and documentaries, are financed through public funding. In recent years more and more film makers have been entering the market, making it harder for producers to secure financing. is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events.

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