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A conversation with Thikra Mohammed Nader, exiled Iraqi journalist

Thikra Mohammed Nader, a Baghdad native who worked there as a journalist for a quarter century, fled to Switzerland in 2006. Decades ago, she was honoured by the Iraqi government for her work and was one of the first journalists on the ground of the Iran-Iraq war in 1980. But throughout her career and especially following the arrival of American troops in Iraq in 2003, she was targeted and threatened for her writing which contained ideas that ran counter to the agenda of the ruling regime and various powerful fundamentalist groups.

Now exiled in Switzerland, the award-winning Iraqi writer met us in a park in Geneva to discuss new life here and how it is different from the past.

In Switzerland, she says she has found a place where she can live "as a human being." She praises the country's "breathtaking nature, its security and safety and everything it offers".

Even after fourteen years in exile in the Alpine nation, Nader remains a target of online attacks that include threats to her life. They relate to her active presence on Twitter, where she comments freely on Iraq’s turbulent politics.
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  1. Ron Eyers

    Is there something wrong with the sound, seems jumbled?

    1. SWI - English

      Hi Ron, thanks for the comment. The audio seems to be fine here, can you maybe point out to a specific point or is it throughout?

    2. Ron Eyers

      SWI – English sorry but my wife has explained to me it’s in a foreign language- sorry to trouble you.

    3. Hfhehdhwhhahshhauwunsnammwmensh

      @Ron Eyers thats hilarious

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