Despite the widespread discovery of fraud in the financial sector, individuals leading the fraudulent activity never get charged for their crime. Instead, the company or bank is slapped with expensive fines. Here’s a great example:
00:00 – Audio starts 00:03 – Announcer: “Markets took a bit of a breather yesterday following 3 days of volatility. Gold and silver rose slightly, markets turned in a mixed performance.” 00:11 – “Wells Fargo is in hot water following revelations employees created 2 million accounts which weren’t authorized by customers, then charged fees. Last week regulators slapped it with $185 million in fines.” 00:24 – “And now Federal Prosecutors have launched an investigation into whether or not any higher ranking executives were involved in criminal activity. Right now the bank’s stock is down 20% from July highs.” 00:35 – “The Justice Department has yet to pursue any criminal charges against a single CEO, or other top level leader, since the 2008 financial crisis.” 00:45 – Gold and silver price charts. Price charts do not reflect live prices. If you’d like to see live prices, please visit |