5 Ways to Prosper in the Coming Crisis – Goldnomics Podcast (Epis. 11)
In the 11th Episode of The Goldnomics Podcast Mark O’Byrne and Stephen Flood are interviewed by Dave Russell as they discuss 5 ways to prosper in the coming systemic crisis.
There are many risks facing us and Brexit, while important, is just one of them.
For details of the valuable Exclusive Offer made during this episode visit:
Listen to the full episode or skip directly to one of the following discussion points:
00:59 – The coming crisis: meaning, focus and scope – Mark O’Byrne
01:37 – The coming crisis is economic, political, financial and monetary in nature.
03:15 – Environmental & ecological degradation, income inequality, Brexit, Italexit, China – USA – Russia trade wars: Potential triggers for global crisis.
04:02 – Potential global crisis: Fact or fiction? – Steve Flood
05:38 – How reliable are market fundamentals for predicting the market today?
07:25 – Political apathy, poor governance, bad fiscal management and misuse of debt: Biggest contributors to past and potential future global crisis.
8:29 – #1 Diversify savings and investment as a means of living through and prospering in the coming crisis.
10:46 – Humongous debt and debt to GDP ratio: Evidence that the global economic and financial system is broken.
11:46 – Economic recovery/boom generated by ultra-low interest rates, zero and negative interest rate policies, and quantitative easing is artificial and unsustainable.
13:06 – Permanent Portfolio Theory: Diversification of assets with bonds, equities, cash and gold could cushion against the coming crisis.
13:38 – Same holdings, different vehicles: Pitfall to avoid when diversifying your portfolio.
14:38 – How to examine interest rate sensitivity against your overall investment portfolio.
15:55 – #2 Holding gold and silver safely and in conjunction with other asset classes in the right proportion can insulate one from the coming crisis.
17:49 – Best way to own and store gold in order to hedge against systemic risk.
20:04 – Counterparty, liquidity and pricing risks: Gold is only a safe haven asset if you own it in the safest way possible.
21:48 – Triggers to help determine when to increase or decrease gold asset allocation.
24:00 – Exclusive offer for anyone interested in owning gold in the safest way possible Click Here.
26:09 – #3 Avoiding excessive debt and leverage will help hedge against the coming global economic and financial crisis.
30:04 – Debt should only be used to acquire assets that create a return that more than compensates for the debt itself.
31:20 – How sustainable is the debt in the mortgage market today?
33:15 – #4 The coming global economic and financial crisis will create profitable investment opportunities. Be prepared to take advantage of this by owning a higher allocation of gold, silver and cash.
34:40 – People stand a better chance of prospering through the looming economic and financial crisis if they become their own central banks.
35:35 – What is the benefit of having gold in your portfolio today?
37:19 – Investing in yourself to acquire the right knowledge and information will position you to stay on the right track to take advantage of opportunities that changes in the global economic and financial system brings.
40:00 – So many knowledge resources today including on @Youtube. One example of this is Brian Rose’s excellent London Real and the wonderful and inspiring guests he has on his show who are at the cutting edge of neuroscience, quantum physics, health and an emerging consciousness. An exampple of two of these guests are Dr Joe Dispenza and the Ice Man, Wim Hof.
41:20 – Being physically, mentally and psychologically healthy will help make people prepared for the changing dynamics in the global economic and financial space.
42:26 – Personal sovereignty and taking back control and power from the system is the key to financial prosperity.
44:06 – Time to become your own central bank. Why are big central banks buying gold today?
45:06 – Having gold is an insurance and an important key towards achieving personal sovereignty and ultimately our financial and emotional wellbeing.
Make sure you don’t miss a single episode……
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