Tag Archive: Finance

The Case Against Fordism

Share this article It’s hard to imagine where we would be today in terms of economic progress, industrial production capacity and labour dynamics if Henry Ford never existed. The revolutionary system he pioneered in the early 20th century, largely known for implementing the concept of the “assembly line” (which, notably, was actually invented by Ransom Eli Olds, and merely popularized by Ford), forever changed the way companies thought about...

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“Does The West Have Any Hope? What Can We All Do?”

Share this article Interview with Godfrey Bloom I recently had the great pleasure of being interviewed by my good friend Godfrey Bloom, whose point of view and sharp assessment skills of economic and political events I have consistently found illuminating throughout the years.  It’s always extremely refreshing talking to Godfrey, because his questions cut through the noise and concentrate on what is actually important. I find his views and...

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Predictions vs. Convictions

Share this article Separating the signal from the noise Most regular readers and friends will undoubtedly already know what my position is in regards to projections and forecasts. For many years, I have consistently maintained that any and all attempts to “time the market” are as useless as they are unrealistic and I have always urged all responsible and rational investors to be extremely wary and suspicious of anyone that claims they can...

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Swissgrams: the natural progression of the Krugerrand in the digital age

Share this article Having worked in the precious metals industry for decades, I have had countless opportunities to have very honest and very enlightening conversations with numerous investors and partners alike. For many years, I’ve been discussing the challenges, the hurdles and the problems they’ve encountered. The details of each story I’ve heard might be as unique as the person who shared it with me, however, most of these accounts have a...

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Year in review: A tectonic shift has only just begun

Share this article As we’re approaching the final hours of 2024, it is a good time to take a step back and remember what this year taught us. History might not repeat itself, but it does rhyme, as the saying goes, and the past is always the best teacher to prepare us for the future. For many of our fellow humans, 2024 was yet another turbulent year, filled with terrible strife, war, death, pain and indescribable suffering. The two ongoing war...

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Share this article DR. THORSTEN POLLEIT (WWW.BOOMBUSTREPORT.COM) INTERVIEWS CLAUDIO GRASS Thorsten Polleit (TP): On November 5, 2024, Donald J. Trump was elected the new U.S. president with a landslide victory. His declared goal is to take on the “Deep State” and its bureaucracy. His advisor, Elon Musk, is urging the reduction of national debt, and even the inflationary Federal Reserve (Fed) has become a target, described as an evil that must be...

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The Heartland theory: More relevant than ever?

Share this article Sir Halford Mackinder’s famous Heartland Theory was first formulated in the early 20th century, but it holds renewed relevance and importance today, especially when analyzed though a critical lens of the current geopolitical system, one that emphasizes individual freedom, limited government intervention, and skepticism of centralized power. Mackinder’s theory posits that control over the “Heartland” — roughly the region of...

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Gold climbing from record high to record high: why buy now?

Share this article Part II of II Business as usual” will simply not cut it anymore. The “print and spend” policies of the past, the QE lifelines, the liquidity injections, the zero and negative interest rates, the blatant debasement of the currency, the market manipulation and all the direct and indirect bailouts will not work as they did before.  And it’s not only because the central bankers have overused these “weapons” and have by now...

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Gold climbing from record high to record high: why buy now?

Share this article Part I of II There is no question that gold owners have been finally and spectacularly vindicated over the last months: the “barbarous relic”, the “worthless shiny rock”, as many have called the yellow metal, once again proved its value as a true safe haven. In the face of inflation, intense geopolitical turmoil and widespread uncertainty, investors fled to safety “en masse”, as they consistently, repeatedly and predictably...

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The permacrisis strategy: the mortal dangers of our “new normal”

Share this article Over the last years, we have encountered an abundance of alarmist and hysterical “warnings” and admonitions, foretelling the impending doom of the world as we know it. Market corrections have served as an excuse for scaremongers to cultivate panic over a total systemic collapse. Surprising political shifts, like unexpected electoral results, have been coopted to support extreme scenarios, predicting the fall of the current world...

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A new era for silver?

Share this article It’s been a fantastic year for physical precious metals owners and by many accounts, the best is yet to come. All the issues we’ve been warning against for years, including inflation, currency debasement and government suppression of individual financial liberty have started boiling over in a way that is so obvious, that even the most naive citizen can clearly comprehend.  Despite the efforts by politicians and institutional...

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The road to Serfdom: are we on the final stretch?

Share this article An attempt at an analysis from the perspective of a free Swiss individual What you’re about to read is the abridged and condensed English translation of a speech I gave in Munich in November 2023. You can find the full speech, in German with English subtitles, here. It tackles the very difficult, but also very crucial, subject of individual freedom, or what is left of it these days, and it seeks to offer a constructive...

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Economic freedom: Politics, of course, by its nature is always the pursuit of the Left

Share this article Article II of II, by Claudio Grass Collectivism is extremely versatile and very easy for political animals to “sell” to the public and to weaponize. Politics, of course, by its nature is always the pursuit of the Left, if we are to follow strict definitions. It seeks to influence and coerce others and it abhors individual liberties and self-determination. What we know as far-right is national socialism and the rest is...

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Economic Freedom: The Cornerstone of Western Civilization

Share this article Part I of II, by Claudio Grass Western civilization – with all its scientific and technological progress, artistic prowess, philosophical and sociopolitical evolution, moral values, ethical principles and rich culture – took millennia to reach its famed “Enlightenment” point. It has been a rollercoaster, violently swinging from highs to lows and from darkness to light, from autocracy, tyranny and despotism to humanism and...

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Interview with Executive Global: “The Return of Marxism in the West”

Our special interview on Swiss Wealth Advisor with CLAUDIO GRASS, CEO and Independent Precious Metals Consultant, explores the manner in which astute investors may preserve wealth against the backdrop of debilitating central economic planning and monetary inflation. 

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Saving in gold is the only reliable way to save 

Share this article For the longest time, according to conventional and widely embraced wisdom, all responsible and prudent members of society had to have a savings account. All those hardworking taxpayers and all those forward-thinking and sensible individuals that understand the importance of planning ahead, of being prepared for whatever the future holds and of securing a better life for their children, have traditionally been expected to put...

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Is gold too expensive to buy right now?

Share this article This question has been at the center of a great many conversations I’ve been recently having with clients and friends. The way I like to answer it is with another question: Expensive compared to what?  Despite its recent surge to record highs, there are compelling reasons why purchasing gold right now is a prudent decision, with strong indications that its value is poised to climb even higher. Making investment decisions...

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Sound Individualism vs Toxic Collectivism

When it comes to the State, however, and all its ministries, branches and institutions, a very different set of rules seems to apply – a much more lenient, flexible and liberal one.

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Private property rights under siege 

People invest in gold for many different reasons. Many do so out of concern over economic, monetary or political uncertainty. Others seek a hedge against inflation, a way to protect and preserve the real purchasing power of their savings.

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A perfect storm in the making 

The New Year is usually associated with a new beginning, a fresh start, or a “clean slate”. Unfortunately, for millions of Americans, these are wishes that are bound to remain unfulfilled – for them, the New Year has nothing “new” to offer at all: it will only perpetuate all the same burdens, obligations and worries of the past year and of the ones that came before.

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