Tag Archive: Featured

Achtung vor weiterer Inflation kehrt zurück – “DAX Long oder Short?” mit Marcus Klebe – 19.08.22

HIER geht´s zum kostenlosen JFD Livetradingroom: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5477297854855570446?source=marcus-social-media Folge uns auf: Telegramm: https://t.me/jfdbank_de LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/jfd... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JFDGermany/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JFD_Group Webseite: https://www.jfdbrokers.com/de...

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Scam mit Brokern – So verlieren normale Menschen jedes Jahr viel Geld

Wie du dich vor GELDABZOCKE schützt! Wichtige Warnsignale Geldtraining: https://thorstenwittmann.com/geldsicherheit-garantiert/ Freitagstipps abonnieren: https://thorstenwittmann.com/klartext/ Diese Broker-Scam-Masche hat Andrea aus unserer Community viel Geld gekostet – diese Tricks musst du kennen! Die Abzockerbranche boomt – leider! So auch bei Andrea (Name geändert), anhand deren E-Mail und Praxisbeispiel ich dir heute zeige, wie...

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1 UNZE Gold jeden MONAT? So investiere ich in Gold! 🥇🤫

💰Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► http://sparkojote.ch/swissquote * (only for swiss residents) 1 UNZE Gold jeden MONAT? So investiere ich in Gold! Gold als Krisenschutz oder Investment? Ich zeige euch heute wie ich mit Gold umgehe, wo ich es kaufe, verwahre und so langfristig für mein Vermögen sorge. Habt Ihr auch Gold und in welcher Form? Schreibt es mir gerne in die Kommentare. #gold #münzen #Finanzrudel 👉🏽 Ich...

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Is Economic Growth Synonymous with Ecological Destruction? The NYT Gets It Wrong (Again)

According to the New York Times (NYT) article July 17, 2022, “The pioneering economist says our obsession with growth must end,” a major threat to our living standard is the obsession with economic growth. Herman Daly—an economist that has been exploring for more than fifty years the relationship between economic growth and individuals’ living standards—is of the view that the pursuit of economic growth causing ecological harm.

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00:00 - Kapital & Arbeit 01:30 - Abhängigkeit 02:40 - Entfaltung / Verwirklichung 03:50 - Freiheit 05:00 - Beziehung von Kapital & Arbeit 06:55 - Kapital erwirtschaften 11:40 - Vorgehensweise beim Sparen 14:00 - Kapital verwalten & managen 17:17 - Situation im Job 20:00 - Fazit

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Bitcoin technical analysis

Bear flag still seems in play for BTCUSD, so we may be at the end of a bullish retracement within a down trend that is still in play. Bears are looking better than the bulls. Long term buyers seeking to enter or increase positions should wait for a daily candle to close above $26000.

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Unstoppable Derivative Collapse To Destroy Currencies | Alasdair MacLeod

Sign up for the New Orleans Investment Conference and be supporting LibertyAndFinance along the way: https://bit.ly/3SP58Xu Rising interest rates are creating a credit contraction that could lead to a systemic failure of the banking system, says Alasdair MacLeod, head of research at GoldMoney Inc. The endgame? Amid a collapse in derivatives, the world's central banks will have to save the system through currency creation. The further expansion of...

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Poll finds early support for pension reform and eco-friendly farming

Despite leading in latest polls, a proposed ban on factory farming in Switzerland has limited chances of success at the ballot box next month, pollsters say. A reform of the old age pension scheme enjoys more solid backing. 

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Ghastly – We Might Fall (ft Matthew Koma) (AA12 Intro 2017) #AndrewMoran

Making YouTubers songs intro: First @AA12

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Be Prepared: Something Big Is Happening In Silver – Alasdair Macleod | Gold Silver Price

Be Prepared: Something Big Is Happening In Silver - Alasdair Macleod | Gold Silver Price Alasdair MacLeod shares what's happening with the current financial market. #AlasdairMacLeod #silver #gold #theincomefinance -------------- ⬇ Inspired By: ⬇ Financial Crisis Is Already Here, Don’t Let the Market Exuberance Fool You Warns Lynette Zang -tnozmGa4 Fed’s Credibility is Destroyed, Why Cash, Gold and Silver Will Be Best Lifeline | Outlook 2022...

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Unstoppable Derivative Collapse To Destroy Currencies | Alasdair MacLeod

Sign up for the New Orleans Investment Conference and be supporting LibertyAndFinance along the way: https://bit.ly/3SP58Xu Rising interest rates are creating a credit contraction that could lead to a systemic failure of the banking system, says Alasdair MacLeod, head of research at GoldMoney Inc. The endgame? Amid a collapse in derivatives, the world's central banks will have to save the system through currency creation. The further expansion of...

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The secret to my success

My secret to #success. #principles #raydalio #shorts

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The False Paradigm of the Minimum Wage | Lance’s Rants 8-18-22

(8/18/22) Apple is considering "Friend-shoring" production of its iPods and other devices to Vietnam because the labor is cheaper and the political risks are lower. It's no longer PC to describe the movement of production to foreign countries as "off-shoring." The "re-shoring" of production to the US is economically un-feasible because of the high cost of labor. It is a false-paradigm that everyone deserves a living...

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Winter electricity cuts feared, says head of Swiss commission

Electricity cuts lasting several hours are predicted this winter in Switzerland, according to Laurianne Altwegg, vice president of the Federal Electricity Commission. This winter we should ensure we have enough candles and wood for a wood stove for those who have one, advised Altwegg in an interview with RTS.

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Fed Minutes were Not as Dovish as Initially Read

Overview: The sell-off in European bonds continues today. The 10-year German Bund yield is around four basis points higher to bring the three-day increase to about 22 bp. The Italian premium over Germany has risen by almost 18 bp over these three sessions. 

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Wegen BITCOIN in den KNAST? #shorts

💰Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► http://sparkojote.ch/swissquote * (only for swiss residents) #Bitcoin #Krypto #shorts ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Herzensprojekte von Thomas dem Sparkojoten ★ Ich betreibe viele Projekte die mir ungemein Spass machen. Ich gebe mir Mühe, alle Projekte unter einen Hut zu bekommen: Sparkojote, Amazingtoys.ch, das Finanzrudel… Falls ihr euch für eines der Projekte interessiert, checkt...

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New lows in the GBPUSD as London traders look to exitForexLive Video

The GBPUSD is moving to a new session low and in the process is moving away from the 1.2000 level. In the morning video, I spoke to the swing area between 1.2002 to 1.2019 support and the resistance against the 100 hour MA.  The lower swing area was rebroken into the London close and exit and this time, sellers have pushed with more downside momentum.  What next? Watch the video and learn.

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Geopolitik – Russland, China, USA und Europa – Was ist mit Taiwan und der Ukraine?

Nicht passiert auf der Welt ohne Plan. Und so sind die aktuellen #Konflikte kein Zufall, sondern die Auswirkungen von globalen Aktionen, die die großen Staaten und #Machtblöcke der Welt wie mit #Schachfiguren auf dem Brett ziehen. Das Individuum kann nur machtlos zusehen und hoffen, nicht unter die Räder der Mächtigen zu kommen.

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Goldrallye 2022: So triffst du die richtigen Entscheidungen

Gold ist ein immerwährendes Thema am Aktienmarkt. Aber lohnt es sich aktuell in Gold zu investieren oder gibt es da andere, bessere Chancen? Wie findet man für sich die besten Goldaktien im aktuellen Markt? Das alles erkläre ich dir in diesem Video.

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Heute gebe ich dir einen kurzen aber informativen Überblick über die aktuellen News, was Gesamtmärkte sowie Kryptomärkte angeht. Unter anderem spreche ich über die Inflationszahlen, geopolitische Ereignisse sowie den Ethereum Merge. Lass mir deine Meinung dazu in den Kommentaren da! #JulianHosp #Bitcoin #Blockchain 👌 Kein Video mehr verpassen? ABONNIERE meinen Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCseNUrq7mUUWqTspr4QJ9eg?sub_confirmation=1...

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