Tag Archive: Featured

EURUSD lower and back below 200 day MA, but buyers on the dip near support. What next?

The EURUSD fell to the 100/200 hour MA and briefly moved below on the stronger US jobs report, but has seen a bounce. What happened the week? What can we expect going forward technically?

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The Consequences of Good Intentions

Between the ongoing war in Gaza and Houthi attacks on Western shipping in the Red Sea, the media has had plenty of gruesome foreign policy fodder for the content mill. However, this coverage has come at the expense of the ongoing grinding conflict in Ukraine, which has quickly gone from a euphoric cause célèbre to a now embarrassing catastrophe that is best shoved in the closet and forgotten like all the rest of America’s decades of costly foreign...

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Dividenden Hammer: DAS erwartet jetzt Anleger

Zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://thomas-anton-schuster.coachy.net/lp/finanzielle-unabhangigkeit Vortrags- und Seminartermine, sowie kostenlose Anforderung des Aktienbewertungsblatts: https://aktienerfahren.de

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Are You Really Ready for Tax Day?

It's the Financial Fitness Friday episode of The Real Investment Show, hosted by RIA Advisors Senior Financial Advisors, Danny Ratliff, CFP, and Jonathan McCarty, CFA, CFP Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- Articles mentioned in this report: "Japans Lost Decades: Are We On The Same Path" https://realinvestmentadvice.com/japans-lost-decades-are-we-on-the-same-path/ "Market Corrections Matter More Than You...

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FDR and the End of Gold: 2,500 Percent and Counting

The world is full of scraps of paper today.- Benjamin Anderson, economist, Chase Manhattan Bank (1920 - 1939)April 1933 found America mired in a crushing economic depression, and newly elected president Franklin DeLano Roosevelt -- who had declared the previous month he had a legal power derived from the Trading with the Enemy Act to assume control of our monetary system -- responded by taking America off the gold standard. That the Act, an...

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The 1940s vs 2020s: Debt Levels, Monetary Policy, and Cryptos as Global Currencies | Lyn Alden

Inflation is proving stickier than anyone would have hoped. Lyn Alden, the author of Broken Money: Why Our Financial System Is Failing Us and How We Can Make It Better and my guest today, offers a cogent explanation of why, likening it to the fiscal-driven inflation of the 1940s. Lyn explains how the pandemic-era fiscal stimulus continues to affect our economy, along with increasing geopolitical instability and the runaway federal deficit. We...

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Fixing FDR’s Biggest Blunder: From Gold Standard to Fiat Folly and Back

Today, states across the country are beginning to actively embrace prosound money legislation, inviting a critical examination of how America abandoned the gold standard of money and racked up $34.5 trillion in debt. To understand how we got here, it’s important to understand the policy that initiated our monetary decline.More than ninety years ago today, April 5, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6102, forever reshaping...

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US Employment Data to Set Dollar’s Course

Overview: The focus is squarely on the US employment report. At the risk of oversimplifying, given the position adjustment in the past 48 hours, a solid report can see the greenback recover, while a disappointing report will likely see it deepen the correction of the rally that began with the February jobs report. The dollar recovered in the North American afternoon yesterday and many observers attributed it to the bevy of Fed comments. Yet, the...

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Are American Libertarians Unduly Pessimistic?

Nick Gillespie, editor-at-large for Reason, recently got into a friendly dispute with Bob over whether American libertarians were being too pessimistic. He joins Bob to make the case for optimism, while Bob demurs.Human Action Podcast listeners can get a free copy of Dr. Guido Hülsmann's How Inflation Destroys Civilization: Mises.org/HAPodFree

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SO wird unser Glück beeinflusst (SLD Prinzip)

Kostenfreies Video-Training (Durch Trading in 2024 absichern) 👉 https://oliverklemmtrading.com/casestudy-1?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tradingcoacholi&utm_term=morning-news&utm_content=1 Klicke hier, um dich direkt gemeinsam mit Oli unabhängig zu machen 👉...

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The Most Important Price of All

In The Price of Time, Edward Chancellor has given us a colorful and provocative review of the history, theory, and the profound effects of interest rates, the price that links the present and the future, which he argues is “the most important price of all.” The history runs from Hammurabi’s Code which in 1750 BC was “largely concerned with the regulation of interest,” and from the first debt cancellation, which was proclaimed by a ruler in ancient...

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Heftig: Habeck Ökonom entgleist völlig!

Ist das jetzt eine Märchenstunde in Politik und Ökonomie geworden? Oder wollen die sich mittlerweile nur noch selbst einlullen? Depotempfehlung 3,9 % Tagesgeld-Zinsen und 5,3% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot* BIldrechte: By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung from Berlin, Deutschland - Ursula Weidenfeld , Marcel Fratzscher, Andreas Esche, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=107204150 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden...

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USDJPY Technical Analysis – WATCH OUT for the NFP for a possible breakout

#usdjpy #forex #technicalanalysis In this video you will learn about the latest fundamental developments for the USDJPY pair. You will also find technical analysis across different timeframes for a better overall outlook on the market. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Topics covered in the video: 0:00 Fundamental Outlook. 1:59 Technical Analysis with Optimal Entries. 3:39 Upcoming Economic Data....

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Ethereum, Solana und bald neue ETFs? Zünde deinen Krypto-Turbo mit Altcoins!

Krypto-Tipps von Experten: Investitionsstrategien für Ethereum, Solana und andere Altcoins Krypto Powerday: https://thorstenwittmann.com/KPD-3-FF Freitagstipps abonnieren: https://thorstenwittmann.com/klartext-yt Krypto-Experteninterview: Altcoins, Solana, Ethereum, ETFs & Co. Krypto ist wieder auferstanden, wie von uns mehrfach prognostiziert. Aber wo stehen wir genau? Wo geht die Reise hin? Wie kannst du mit „Altcoins“ dein Geld...

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How the “Informal” Economy Creates Free Markets in Bolivia

In today's discourse on Bolivia, notions of liberalism, free markets, or traditional capitalist ideals don’t ever come to mind in contrast with mainstream discussions of 21st-century socialism, Keynesian policies, and a notable lack of economic freedoms. In fact, Bolivia was ranked 117 in 2021 by the Fraser institute in the Economic Freedom of the World: 2023 Annual Report. And it scored 43.4 in the Economic Freedom Index by the Heritage...

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An Optimistic Strategy for Liberty

A strategy for liberty must be both optimistic and realistic.Perennial optimists are sometimes tempted to ignore or minimize hazards, their answer to every challenge being somewhat lackadaisical: “Don’t worry, it will be fine.” They make the mistake of supposing all that is needed to surmount any challenge is a good bout of optimism. They can be heard, for example, assuring us that simply pronouncing the slogan “go woke, go broke” will scatter the...

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GBPUSD trades to new session lows and targets the 200/100 hour MAs next

The 200-day MA is also a key target for the GBPUSD on more downside momentum.

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Your Work and Passion Should Be The Same Thing

Your #work and #passion should be the same thing (and don’t forget about the money part). #principles #lifeadvice #mentor #relationships

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USDJPY short-term sentiment shifts towards sellers

USDJPY tilts downside bias as it drops below 100/200 hour MA amidst risk-off sentiment and lower yields

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EURUSD retraces all the gains in Thursday’s trading and restarts the new day at 200D MA

The 200-day MA is at 1.08314 and that is now close support for traders

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