Tag Archive: Featured

ETF Gold Demand Soars while Consumer Demand Slows

ETF gold demand from investors has soared over the past year. The unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus were rolled out to tackle the effects of Covid -19. However, consumer demand, particularly but not surprisingly, jewellery demand slumped.

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Markus Krall gibt Einschätzung zu Gold, Immobilien & Geldanlage in der Wirtschaftskrise - Interessante Tipps & Strategien von Markus Krall aktuell im Video - Die wichtigsten Antworten zum Great Reset, Systemcrash & Wirtschaftszusammenbruch...

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Prof. Dr. Max Otte: echnologischer Totalitarismus – Punkt.PRERADOVIC

Wohin steuern Deutschland, Europa und die Welt? „Auf ein neues politisches und wirtschaftliches System hin“, sagt Prof. Dr. Max Otte. Der Ökonom ist sicher, daß sich Arbeitswelt und demokratische Systeme ganz grundlegend ändern werden. Ein Gespräch über die Macht der Tec-Konzerne, gerechte Steuersysteme und die mögliche Rückkehr zu regionaler Marktwirtschaft. Quelle Video: Punkt.PRERADOVIC - https://t.me/milenaPRERADOVIC

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Credit Suisse Claws Back Bonuses, ‘Restructures’ Asset-Management Unit As Greensill Scapegoating Continues

Credit Suisse is still reeling from the collapse of Greensill Capital, a firm which it championed by helping to sell its financial products (created by ensconcing trade invoices in a complex securities wrapper).

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Mit 970’000 Euro in Frührente gehen?!

Mittlerweile betreibe ich einige Projekte und es macht mir ungemein Spass, an diesen zu arbeiten. Ich gebe mir viel Mühe, alle Projekte wie z.B. den Sparkojoten, das Finanzrudel oder den Amazing Online-Shop auf Kurs zu halten. Falls ihr euch für eines der Projekte interessiert, checkt sie gerne ab.

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How a Small Rise in Bond Yields May Create a Financial Crisis

How can a small rise in bond yields scare policymakers so much? Ned Davis Research estimates that a 2% yield in the US 10-year bond could lead the Nasdaq to fall 20%, and with it the entire stock market globally. A 2% yield can cause such disruption? How did we get to such a situation?

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Charlie Munger: My Worst Mistake Cost me $2 Billion

More Videos like this Charline Munger: Why I HATE Tesla?

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Sprott Money News Ask The Expert March 2021 – Tavi Costa of Crescat Capital

Macro and precious metals analyst Tavi Costa joins us to answer your questions regarding inflation, commodities, gold and silver. Tavi is a partner and portfolio manager at Crescat Capital and has been with the firm since 2013. He built Crescat’s macro model that identifies the current stage of the US economic cycle through a combination of 16 factors. His research has been featured in financial publications such as Bloomberg, The Wall Street...

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BANKENPLEITEN kommen – Hält die Einlagensicherung? (Greensill Bank)

Die Pleite der Greensill Bank ist eine der größten Bankenpleiten der letzten Jahre. Kosten für die Einlagensicherungstöpfe sind ca. 3 Milliarden Euro. 500 Millionen Euro an Steuergeldern sind aber wohl ein für alle Mal verloren, da mehrere Kommunen das Geld aufgrund der Nullzinsphase bei der Risikobank angelegt hatten um Minuszinsen zu umgehen.

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The future of shopping: what’s in store? | The Economist

The pandemic has upended the way people buy—online retail has soared as high-street shops and malls close. Brands are now racing to exploit one of the most important weapons in the battle for buyers: their customers’ data. Read our special report on the future of shopping here: https://econ.st/2Q8XQC2 Read more of our business coverage: https://econ.st/2OsXUw2 Listen to “Money Talks” weekly podcast on markets, the economy and business:...

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FX Daily, March 18: Dovish Fed but Yields Rise, Helping the Greenback Recover from Yesterday’s Slide

Overview: Asia Pacific equities mostly advanced after the US benchmarks recovered following the dovish FOMC. Australia, New Zealand, and India did not participate in today's gains. European bourses edged higher, but US shares are struggling, and the NASDAQ futures are off nearly 1%, threatening to end the three-day rally. 

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How the Swiss central bank could control the cost of pandemic debt

The cost of paying off spiralling national debt in the United States and Switzerland is rising as interest rates increase. This makes the financing of pandemic expenditure more expensive. That's not a problem in Japan where the central bank is holding interest rates in check. Would the Japanese recipe also be something for Switzerland?

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It’s Time for the US to Withdraw from Korea

Pulling troops out of South Korea is an important step in changing the conversation on American foreign policy, which is swamped in platitudes of promoting missionary enterprises abroad and finding new bogeymen to confront.  Original Article: "It's Time for the US to Withdraw from Korea" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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Why a Green New Deal Is More Expensive Than Joe Biden Realizes

Wind and solar power can work well when placed in an ideal location. Much of the time, however, these projects require a lot of fossil fuel to produce, but then never deliver the promised "zero-carbon" energy. Original Article: "Why a Green New Deal Is More Expensive Than Joe Biden Realizes" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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Bitcoin Suisse bank license bid hits regulatory roadblock

Cryptocurrency firm Bitcoin Suisse has withdrawn its application for a banking license, in part because it failed to meet the anti-money laundering requirements of the Swiss financial regulator.

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WHAT’S UP MARKETS ? Tesla, Bitcoin, NFT & Charlie Munger 03/17/21

Welcome back to you guys ! In this video, we go through the important financial/market news of the last days and therefore we're going to talk about Bitcoin, Charlie Munger, NBA TopShot, NFT, Tesla...

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Thorsten Polleit | Massive Geldentwertung | Jeder muss das wissen!

Videoinhalte: Banken, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Geld, Kapital, Aktien, Börse, Immobilien, Politik, Medien, Gold, Silber, Edelmetalle, Bitcoin, Kryptowährung, Währungskrise, Währungsreform, Finanzpolitik, Finanzmarkt, Banken, Finanzcrash, Eurocrash, Bankencrash,

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Markus Krall (* 10. Oktober 1962) ist ein deutscher Volkswirt, Unternehmensberater und Autor. Seit September 2019 ist Krall Mitglied und Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der Degussa Goldhandel GmbH. Er steht der Österreichischen Schule nahe. Rezipiert wurde er als „Crash-Prophet“ mit umstrittenen gesellschaftlichen Forderungen, beispielsweise der Einschränkung bzw.

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5 Trading tips to trade like a pro

In this video, Greg Michalowski from Forexlive.com outlines 5 simple tips that will have you trading like a pro.

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Mutig für das Wohl unserer Kinder – Ernst Wolff im Gespräch mit dem Kinder & Corona Kongress

Ernst Wolff im Gespräch mit dem Kinder und Corona Kongress. Neben Ernst Wolff wurden weitere 26 Ärzte, Psychologen, Heilpraktiker, Therapeuten, Rechtsanwälte. Journalisten, Pädagogen, Coaches, Autoren etc. zu all den folgenden und vielen anderen Fragen interviewt.

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