Tag Archive: Featured

Hans-Werner Sinn: 12 Prozent Inflation im August

#hanswernersinn #finanznews #inflation #finanzmarkt #zentralbank #euro #fiatgeld

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Rising Interest Rates May Blow Up the Federal Budget

Congress enjoys exorbitant political privilege in the form of cheap deficit spending—but it may soon come to an end.

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When cooperatives wanted to prevent a world war

The word “cooperative” is everywhere in Swiss daily life. What’s often forgotten is that cooperatives were once at the forefront of a worldwide movement that advocated for consumer rights, affordable rents – and world peace.

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Eurozone MELTDOWN To Destabilize The Whole System | Alasdair MacLeod

"This is a potential banking meltdown," says former bank director Alasdair MacLeod, head of research at Gold Money. There is a new emerging debt crisis in the Eurozone. The Euro is dropping to parity with the U.S. Dollar, and things are about to get much worse. The problem is not just going to impact Europe, though Eurozone banks are extremely leveraged. For American banks, "it's very hard to avoid that systemic risk entirely."...

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How to Survive in a Down Market

(7/11/22) Lance remains on vacation; Elon Musk vs. Twitter, this week's economic preview: Down market Survival Guide; Optimism for Opportunity; CPI preview; retirement expenses & five surprises you don't want to have; inflation and housing expenses; healthcare expenses; the "Retirement Smile."

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Benzin, der Grund für die Inflation? 🤯

💰Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► http://sparkojote.ch/swissquote * (only for swiss residents) #zurich #sparkojote #shorts ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Herzensprojekte von Thomas dem Sparkojoten ★ Ich betreibe viele Projekte die mir ungemein Spass machen. Ich gebe mir Mühe, alle Projekte unter einen Hut zu bekommen: Sparkojote, Amazingtoys.ch, das Finanzrudel… Falls ihr euch für eines der Projekte interessiert,...

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Marc Faber 2022: Avoiding Disaster, Best Countries To Be In, and GeoPolitical Risks

With energy shortages, war in Ukraine, and rising geopolitical risks, what's the best way to protect both ourselves and our portfolio?

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Is the US poised to overcome its long term debt cycle issues?

Is the US poised to overcome its long term debt cycle issues? #principles #raydalio #shorts

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Silber: Ich kaufe, wenn…

Silber, man muss sich Sorgen machen. Angesichts der immer weiter fallenden Notierungen, hätte ich den Titel des heutigen Videos problemlos pessimistisch darstellen können, denn die Notierungen fallen seit Wochen.

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Technologie-Aktien: Strukturelle Trends sind intakt – Podcast mit René Kerkhoff

2022 war bisher nicht das Jahr der Tech-Werte. Der Nasdaq Composite steht Year to Date bei -27% (Stand 07.07.2022), die Abverkäufe haben auch vor großen, soliden Unternehmen nicht halt gemacht. Ist die Ära der Tech-Dominanz vorbei? Oder muss man die Lage doch etwas differenzierter betrachten? Darüber sprechen wir im Podcast mit René Kerkhoff, dem Spezialisten für Tech-Aktien im DJE Kapital AG Research Team. Zum vollständigen Branchenkommentar:...

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Alasdair Macleod: They’ve Already Gone Long Of Silver On Comex

▶︎1000x – Enter your Email ▶︎ https://bit.ly/3HU7z5S ▶︎ Subscribe to this YouTube channel ▶︎ https://bit.ly/CompactSilverNews_subscribe Alasdair has been a celebrated stockbroker and Member of the London Stock Exchange for over four decades. His experience encompasses equity and bond markets, fund management, corporate finance and investment strategy. After 27 years in the City, Alasdair moved to Guernsey. He worked as a consultant at many...

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Big Shift Coming in Markets, but Not in Precious Metals—Yet – Precious Metals Projections- July 2022

It’s been another tough month in a difficult year, but there are some positive signs in the stock market. When will the precious metals see them? Host Craig Hemke and analyst Chris Vermeulen of the Technical Traders break down all the charts you need to get through the dog days of summer.

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Chinas Coronamaßnahmen gefährden die Weltwirtschaft | Blick auf die Woche | KW 28

► KOSTENLOS: 2-tägiges Beginner-Seminar vom 6. und 7. August 2022. Mit dem Gutschein-Code RU100 Deinen Teilnahmeplatz sichern: https://www.digistore24.com/product/321357 ► Jetzt Termin vereinbaren und vom Experten beraten lassen! https://mariolueddemann.com/trading-beratung/ ► Von 50.000 € auf 1 Million in 10 Jahren Willst du wissen, wie das auch für dich geht? Dann melde dich hier zum kostenfreien Beratungsgespräch an:...

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EURUSD Technical Analysis and Trade Idea Close to Parity

When two currencies approach currency parity, a single unit of one may be exchanged for a single unit of the other. €1 buys $1. As the market is setting itself up for EURO and USD parity, we look at price levels to scale in for a possible Long and fade the recent move down, anticipating a rebound, even a partial one, that can offer an attractive reward vs risk ratio. More at ForexLi ve...

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Monday Blues

Overview:  The US dollar is bid against most currencies today, encouraged not just by good news in the US and poor news out of China, where Covid is flaring up and new social restrictions are fared, while Macau has been lockdown for a week.

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Inflation IS Money Supply Growth, Not Prices Denominated in Money

In the recent Wall Street Journal article “Inflation Surge Earns Monetarism Another Look,” Greg Ip writes that a recent surge in inflation is not likely to bring authorities to reembrace monetarism. According to Ip, money supply had a poor record of predicting US inflation because of conceptual and definitional problems that haven’t gone away.

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Goldanalyst Dimitri Speck: „Ein steigender Goldpreis ist nicht im Interesse der Politik“

Steigende Inflation bei gleichzeitig niedrigen Zinsen sind prinzipiell „gute“ Rahmenbedingungen für einen steigenden Goldpreis. Doch warum gibt es derzeit keine Hausse bei dem Edelmetall?

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Possibility of peace talks: Putin says not rejecting peace negotiations | World English News

Amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he is not rejecting peace negotiations. He added that the West wants to defeat him and Russia.

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Nine Ways Debt and Deficit Spending Severely Harm African Societies

Systemic debt and deficit spending are intrinsic features of today's economic system. Unlike classical economics, where markets play the leading role and governments the supporting one, the existing economic model, driven by Keynesian theory, has inverted the roles.

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Bitcoin Technical Analysis, 11 July

We follow up on our previous BTCUSD technical analysis and trade idea to short the crypto king: https://www.forexlive.com/Cryptocurrency/bitcoin-trade-idea-20220710/ And demonstrate what a profitable trader do now. Does she or he lower their stop loss? Take profit? Take partial profit? See how one needs to connect that decision not just to the Profit and Loss but also to the chart and the potential junction ahead. Follow ForexLive.com for...

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