Category Archive: 3.) Swissinfo Business and Economy

Waste not, want not

Is it possible not to create rubbish…? This woman is living her best ‘zero waste’ life. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation … Continue...

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Even on their way to be slaughtered, animals have rights

A Swiss Public Television programme discovered that cattle being transported to the slaughterhouse were being mistreated. Here’s what happened. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the …

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Praying at the altar of football

Football is already like a religion to many. Is a football church the next step…? Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). …

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‘Explosive’ Swiss artist Roman Signer turns 80

Roman Signer is best known for his exploding landscape performance pieces. His art is playful, full of humour and of brutal (yet quiet) poetry. Now the trailblazing Swiss performance artist turns 80. (SRF, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to …

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Meet the 11-year-old author

Leandra’s still in school, but she’s already published a book! Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report …

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Bern from a homeless perspective

The Surprise association, which publishes a magazine to help the homeless, is celebrating its 20th year. To mark the event, it has launched “socially aware” tours of the city of Bern, with guides who have personally experienced homelessness. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Swaziland, not Switzerland

Switzerland is sometimes confused with Sweden. But there is another country that gets mistaken for Switzerland: Swaziland, a small country in the south of Africa. Its king has had enough of the mix-ups and is now taking a radical step. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role …

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Whatsapp? Not for under 16s

Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international …

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Swiss city fights sexual harassment with humour

A number of associations have been fighting sexual harassment for years, but now Swiss cities are also getting involved in the campaign to stamp it out. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. …

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A one-way ticket to a greener planet

Is the night train one solution for our carbon footprint problems? Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Why don’t the Swiss recycle more plastic?

Most plastics carry a recycling label, but few are convenient to recycle in Switzerland. For 30 days, journalist Susan Misicka saved all of her plastic garbage. She filled four shopping bags, but found that not even half of the waste could be recycled. Is it as bad as it sounds? ( — is …

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Formula E comes to Zurich

Motor racing on race circuits has been banned in Switzerland for the last 63 years. Now, environmentally friendly Formula E is coming to Zurich. On June 10, these electric racing cars will be hurtling along the banks of Lake Zurich. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role …

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The first LSD trip

The first LSD trip Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a … Continue reading...

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Swiss teens and their guns

In Switzerland 15 year olds can learn how to use an assault rifle at their local shooting club. And interest is growing. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international … Continue...

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Poverty in Switzerland affects more than you might think

Poverty can also affect people on a more short term basis than the statistics usually consider. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation …

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The history of Swiss chocolate

Cailler is Switzerland’s oldest chocolate manufacturer. However, resting on its laurels is not an option in today’s chocolate business: innovation is a must. A look back at the past shows the milestones in the history of Swiss chocolate. It was at the beginning of the 20th century that chocolate conquered the world. (SRF/ — …

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Young Swiss care less and less about politics

Is it a lost cause or is there a way to get younger people involved in politics? Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting …

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Flying high at the Swiss Museum of Transport

If you fancy trying your hand at air traffic controlling, head for the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne. A new interactive exhibition entitled “Switzerland in the air!” takes a look at air and space travel. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on …

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Switzerland still very much sees colour

Racism is part of everyday life in Switzerland: in 2017, more discriminations were registered than ever before. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting …

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Wood is the future

Wooden skyscrapers: a Swiss trend that’s not going anywhere. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on …

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