Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

UBS Vitainvest Funds Review – 1° semestre 2019

Dans la vidéo, découvrez-en plus sur le développement actuel du UBS Vitainvest Funds ainsi que sur les thèmes suivants: • Répercussion d’événements géopolitiques sur la performance. • Influence des principales banques centrales et indicateurs économiques. • Évolution des actions et des obligations.

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UBS Vitainvest Funds Review – 1er semestre 2019

In questo video scoprite di più sull’andamento attuale dei UBS Vitainvest Funds e sui seguenti temi: • effetto degli eventi geopolitici sulla performance • influenza delle principali banche centrali e indicatori economici • andamento di azioni e obbligazioni.

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UBS Systematic Allocation Portfolio Funds Review – First Half of 2019

In the video, you’ll find out more about the current performance of the UBS SAP Funds as well as the following topics: • The effect of geopolitical events on performance. • The influence of the most important central banks and economic indicators.

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UBS Strategy Funds Review – 1. Halbjahr 2019

Im Video erfahren Sie mehr zur aktuellen Entwicklung der Strategy Funds sowie zu folgenden Themen: • Auswirkung geopolitischer Ereignisse auf die Performance • Einfluss der wichtigsten Zentralbanken und wirtschaftliche Indikatoren • Entwicklung der Aktien, Anleihen und alternative Anlagen wie Hedge Funds

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UBS Strategy Funds Review – 1er semestre 2019

Dans la vidéo, découvrez-en plus sur le développement actuel du UBS Strategy Funds ainsi que sur les thèmes suivants: • Répercussion d’événements géopolitiques sur la performance. • Influence des principales banques centrales et indicateurs économiques. • Évolution des actions, des obligations et des placements alternatifs comme les hedge funds.

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UBS Strategy Funds Review – First Half of 2019

In the video, you’ll find out more about the current performance of the UBS Strategy Funds as well as the following topics: • The effect of geopolitical events on performance. • The influence of the most important central banks and economic indicators. • How stocks, bonds and alternative investments such as hedge funds have performed.

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UBS Systematic Allocation Portfolio Funds Review – 1. Halbjahr 2019

Im Video erfahren Sie mehr zur aktuellen Entwicklung der UBS SAP Funds sowie zu folgenden Themen: • Auswirkung geopolitischer Ereignisse auf die Performance • Einfluss der wichtigsten Zentralbanken und wirtschaftliche Indikatoren

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UBS Kids Cup | Le début de grandes choses

“Des émotions fortes à l’UBS Kids Cup: ”

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UBS Kids Cup | Hier startet Grosses

Grosse Emotionen am UBS Kids Cup erleben:

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UBS Kids Cup | Partire alla grande

Grandi emozioni all’UBS Kids Cup:

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Swiss tourist chief warns against Europe-only strategy

The director of Switzerland’s tourism marketing company has dismissed criticism that the country is overrun by Asian tourists. Martin Nydegger said concerns by the local population about too many tourists should be taken seriously. But the perception of overtourism was mistaken and potentially damaging.

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UBS WorldSkills 2019

Portiamo i talenti dove meritano: ai vertici mondiali. UBS sostiene il Team SwissSkills alle WorldSkills a Kazan dal 22 al 27 agosto.

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Börsen-Talk vom 19. Juli 2019

Die Aussichten am Schweizer Aktienmarkt haben sich eingetrübt. Daniel Egger, Chefstratege der Falcon Private Bank, warnt im Börsen-Talk aber vor Überreaktionen - und sagt, wo man jetzt einsteigen sollte.

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Börsen-Talk vom 19. Juli 2019

Die Aussichten am Schweizer Aktienmarkt haben sich eingetrübt. Daniel Egger, Chefstratege der Falcon Private Bank, warnt im Börsen-Talk aber vor Überreaktionen – und sagt, wo man jetzt einsteigen sollte.

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Switzerland could lose billions in global corporate tax reform push

Switzerland stands to lose up to CHF10 billion ($10.2 billion) as a consequence of attempts by other countries to change how multinationals are taxed. Countries belonging to the G20 and OECD are pushing for changes in corporate taxation rules to capture a larger share of taxes of multinationals based in tax-friendly destinations like Switzerland.

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Rents have risen in Switzerland’s main cities, according to rental website

The website has compiled data on rental prices in Zurich, Basel, Bern and Geneva over the last two years. The data shows how rents have risen in these cities and presents them on maps showing prices rises by suburb in each of these cities.

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Retirement age to rise for women in Switzerland

The Swiss government has been looking at measures to shore up the finances of Switzerland’s pension system for some time. The difference between the official retirement age for women (64) and men (65) is an obvious target.

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US ratifies double-taxation deal with Switzerland

The United States Senate on Wednesday ratified a double-taxation agreement (DTA) with Switzerland, ending years of stalemate. The agreement, which required two-thirds of votes, was accepted by a large majority, according to the US Senate website.

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Vas Narasimhan, CEO Novartis

Die Zahlen von Novartis werden vom Markt sehr positiv aufgenommen. Im Video-Interview verspricht ein zufriedener CEO Vas Narasimhan weiteres starkes Wachstum in den nächsten Jahren.

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Vas Narasimhan, CEO Novartis

Die Zahlen von Novartis werden vom Markt sehr positiv aufgenommen. Im Video-Interview verspricht ein zufriedener CEO Vas Narasimhan weiteres starkes Wachstum in den nächsten Jahren.

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