Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Switzerland number one for expat pay and stability

In 2019, Switzerland came top overall in a ranking of destinations for expatriates to live and work, moving up from eighth last year. Singapore, which had held the top spot for four years in the HSBC’s list of the best countries for expatriates, dropped to second place.

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Quantum says Swiss prosecutors close Angola-related case

The Office of the Attorney General has closed an investigation into events surrounding the Zug-based asset manager Quantum Global and its founder Jean-Claude Bastos, the firm says. Bastos has been in the spotlight over ties to Angola’s sovereign wealth fund.

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Swiss car importers fined over higher CO2 emissions

For the third year running, newly registered cars in Switzerland have failed to meet the national CO2 emissions target, largely due to the growth in the number of 4x4s and fall in diesel cars, the Federal Office of Energy has warned.

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Planned pension reform sees women working a year longer

The Swiss government plans to incrementally increase the retirement age of women to 65 while offering incentives for all people to work longer. The CHF2.8 billion ($2.84 billion) savings measures would be accompanied by a sales tax hike and extra pension payments for hardship cases.

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Börsen-Talk vom 5. Juli 2019

Kleine und mittelgrosse Schweizer Aktien: Nach Erfolgsjahren gabs zuletzt bei vielen Titeln Abstürze. Ronald Wildmann von Research Partners macht nun im Börsen-Talk die grosse Auslegeordnung bei Small und Mid Caps.

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Börsen-Talk vom 5. Juli 2019

Kleine und mittelgrosse Schweizer Aktien: Nach Erfolgsjahren gabs zuletzt bei vielen Titeln Abstürze. Ronald Wildmann von Research Partners macht nun im Börsen-Talk die grosse Auslegeordnung bei Small und Mid Caps.

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First-half investment in Swiss start-ups doubles to more than CHF1 billion

Venture capital investment in Swiss start-ups doubled during the first half of 2019 to exceed CHF1 billion ($1.01 billion). After record investment in 2018, the venture capital market has stayed strong in 2019, according to data published on Tuesday by Swiss company Venturelab.

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Impact investing: Stephen Koseff talks to Aunnie Patton Power

Former Investec CEO Stephen Koseff talks to Aunnie Patton Power, a leading voice in the growing field of impact investing, about why investors are increasingly seeking to generate societal as well as financial returns. Read more

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What foreign reporters think of Swiss science

Participants at the World Conference of Science Journalists in Lausanne explain what they think of when they hear “Switzerland and science”. (Julie Hunt, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, …

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Another Swiss bank settles German tax evasion probe

The Schaffhausen Cantonal Bank has settled a tax evasion dispute with the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia with a €3.9 million (CHF4.3 million) payment. The penalty clears the bank for all damages in Germany.

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Vitol overtakes Glencore as biggest company in Switzerland

Commodity trader Vitol has taken the top spot in the ranking of the largest companies in Switzerland by total turnover, relegating Zug-based Glencore to second place. According to the rankingexternal link published in the Handelszeitung on Thursday, in 2018 Vitol boasted growth of 26.8% for a total turnover of CHF226 billion ($231 billion) compared to Glencore’s CHF215 billion.

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Swiss government proposes overhaul of money-laundering laws 

The Swiss government wants to revamp the laws against money laundering so that lawyers, notaries and other advisors are required to comply with due diligence obligations.  The Federal Council (executive body) proposed on Wednesday a set of legal amendments to meet international standards in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing. 

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Switzerland’s upper house wants incentives for people who work beyond 65

The gap between Switzerland’s official retirement age – 65 for men and 64 for women – and average life expectancy is long. Life expectancy at 65 is 20 years for men (85) and 23 for women (88). More and more people are questioning the viability of living for two decades or more without working, particularly when the population is aging and the pension system is crumbling.

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Big pay gaps remain in Switzerland

Large wage gaps continue by gender and within Switzerland’s largest 26 firms, according to two new surveys. According to the Federal Office for Statistics, the median gross salary of male full-time employees in Switzerland stood at CHF85,200 ($87,276) last year, while for full-time female employees it was CHF71,500 – a 19% pay gap.

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Börsen-Talk vom 28. Juni 2019

Steigendes Gold und weiteres Wachstum an den Aktienmärkten - Alex Hinder glaubt an beides. Der Vermögensverwalter zieht eine Halbjahresbilanz und erklärt, wie sich Anleger jetzt positionieren müssen.

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Börsen-Talk vom 28. Juni 2019

Steigendes Gold und weiteres Wachstum an den Aktienmärkten – Alex Hinder glaubt an beides. Der Vermögensverwalter zieht eine Halbjahresbilanz und erklärt, wie sich Anleger jetzt positionieren müssen.

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Swiss pensioners most likely age group to be overweight

Swiss seniors are much more likely to be overweight that other age categories, new statistics from the Federal Office for Public Health (FOPH) show. Some 53% of over-65-year-olds have a body mass index judged to be too high (over 25 on the BMI scale), according to the statistics released on Tuesday by the FOPH.

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Starmus honours men who reached for the moon

With a mix of music and award honours, the Starmus Festival being held in Zurich this week has paid homage to the men who made the first moon landing possible 50 years ago. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide …

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Should we draw lots for fairer elections?

To what extent are elections truly democratic? At the dawn of democracy in Athens, elected representatives used to be picked by lot. This idea is back in vogue: two Lausanne researchers have examined the notion of chance in politics. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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How do Autocalls work?

An Autocall is a five-year structured product that automatically calls if the underlying index is positive at an anniversary date, paying the investor back their initial investment plus an enhanced return. Find out more: Brian Macmillan, Head of Sales, Investec Retail Structured Products, explains how an Autocall can pay a defined return if the …

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