Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Precious Metals Nowhere Near Cycle Highs – Brace for Gains!

GoldCore's Mark O'Byrne interviewed by the Wealth Research Group talking about the start of a new bull run for gold and silver and answering the following questions...

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Wir freuen uns sehr, wenn du ebenfalls deine Meinung, Handlungsempfehlungen oder deine eigenen Prognosen in den Kommentaren postest. Das würde uns und der Community sehr viel bedeuten.

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How to Prepare for “Economic Depression”

MARC FABER | How to Prepare for "Economic Depression"

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Tyrants Are Waging War Against Their Own Citizens

As [D] Mayor de Blasio shuts down schools and restaurants in NYC yet AGAIN, and as cops in Australia arrest women on beaches for traveling outside of 5 KM from their homes, it’s clear that tyrants around the world are openly waging war against their own people. Claudio Grass joins me to discuss.

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Prof. Max Otte: Der Reset ist programmiert

Wohin führt die Krise? Planwirtschaft oder chinesische Verhältnisse? Michael Mross im Gespräch mit Professor Max Otte.

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The Fed’s Quest for Higher Inflation: What Could Go Wrong?

The Federal Reserve is warning investors in no uncertain terms that higher rates of inflation are coming. Yet markets, for the most part, have disregarded that warning. Bond yields, for example, remain well below 2% across the entire duration range.

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MARC FABER – The Price Of Gold and Dow Jones Are Incredibly Depressed

The gold price and the dow jones are extremely depressed, ready to explode but in what direction? SUBSCRIBE For The Latest Issues About ; #useconomy2020 #economynews #useconomy #coronaviruseconomy #marketeconomy #worldeconomy #reopeneconomy #openeconomy #economynews #reopeningeconomy #globaleconomy #silverprice #stockmarket #recession #goldpricetoday #goldprice #goldpriceprediction #preciousmetals #economics #silverpriceprediction...

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Fed Chairman to Congress: “You Cannot Overdo the (Stimulus) Package”

Precious metals investors faced choppy market seas this week. Gold bobbed to a slight decline while silver essentially treaded water through Thursday’s close. Both are advancing here today.

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Nach-Richten: Mit Planwirtschaft in den Totalitarismus – CDU AfD FDP Max Otte Weltsystemcrash

Quelle des Beitrags:

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 10.9.20

Legendary investor Eric Sprott discusses current events impacting the precious metals markets and then looks ahead to the pending earnings releases of some of the major mining companies. Visit our website for more news. You can submit your questions to [email protected]

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Keith Weiner on an Economic Ray of Hope, Tho Bishop on Pence – Harris Debate

David Gornoski hosts A Neighbor's Choice LIVE 4-6pm EST.

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* Marc Faber warns: “Markets crash coming! ‘there is a bubble in everything’

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Dr. Marc Faber & Yra Harris on What’s Happening in the Economy and Financial Markets

Dr. Marc Faber & Yra Harris on What’s Happening in the Economy and Financial Markets The Roundtable Insight – Dr. Marc Faber & Yra Harris on What’s Happening in the Economy and Financial Markets Receive trading ideas weekly from Yra:

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​Emerging Hyperinflation: DEBT TRAP IS SET

Despite official sources claiming our inflation is under 2%, this well-respected analyst claims emerging evidence reveals we are accelerating from inflation towards hyperinflation. Worse yet, the Fed and other central banks, having no escape will destroy the currency itself, destroying the value of earnings, savings, pensions, and retirement plans.

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Is Silver about to “Pop” or “Drop”

The chart of silver at the moment shows that it is poised for a breakout move. It has failed on a number of occasions recently to close above resistance at $24.40.

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Silver Falls, We’ve Got #$*&! Mail

There was a big drop in the price of silver last Wednesday. Then the price moved up, and down, but mostly up. Let’s look at a graph of the silver price and basis showing Sep 30 through Oct 5, with intraday resolution.

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Marc Faber: India Will be a Top 3 Global Economy

We’re in conversation with one of the top investing minds in the world on the Investor Hour: Dr Marc Faber. It was a pleasure having Dr Marc Faber on the Investor Hour again. He was our very first guest on the podcast and did a 2-part episode. At that time he talked to us about … Continue reading »

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Kantonaler Wahlnotstand

In wenigen Tagen wird im Kanton Aargau, aber auch in anderen Kantonen, das Kantonsparlament und die Kantonsregierung gewählt. Der Wahlkampf ist eher flau. Vielleicht weil es daran liegt, dass das grösste Thema einfach totgeschwiegen wird: Corona wird bei keiner Partei auch nur schon erwähnt (und wenn doch, bitte zeigen Sie’s mir!).

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PBOC Has At Least 20k Tons of Gold

During this 40+ minute interview, Jason asks Alasdair if he thinks China will announce a gold reserves update about its official public government gold holdings.

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Gold and Alternative Investments Conference 2019 – presentation

Giving gold a is this possible? And why?

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