Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Responding to Yaron Brook’s Critique of Anarcho-Capitalism

Recently Yaron Brook and Bryan Caplan debated the merits of anarchism at the Soho Forum. Bob critiques Brook's opening statement. The Soho Forum Debate: Bob's Book on Market Anarchy, Chaos Theory: Rothbard's Book on Natural Rights and the State, For a New Liberty: Hans-Herman Hoppe's Book on Private Defense, The Private Production of Defense: Responding to...

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Battling Beasts and Bureaucrats: Naomi Wolf and the American Medical-Government Police State

Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Ageby Naomi WolfChelsea Green Publishing, 2023; 232 pp. Naomi Wolf was, until the covid era, “a well-known feminist nonfiction writer for thirty-five years . . . privileged to be part of the cultural ‘scene’ made up of influencers on the progressive Left.” With great courage, she rejected the masks, lockdowns, and vaccines urged upon us by the state, viewing them as totalitarian...

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The Federal Reserve Turns 110: A Review of the Damage Done

It's about much more than just price inflation. Ryan and Jonathan Newman look at the many ways that America's central bank causes economic chaos while making us poorer and more unequal.  Check out the lectures from Supporters Summit Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at Radio Rothbard mugs are now available at the Mises Store. Get yours at  PROMO CODE: RothPod for 20% off

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Spending More Taxpayer Money on Foreign Policy Boondoggles Has Solved Nothing

The US government doesn't just blow money in the US. Indeed, the reach of its wasteful spending spans the globe, and Congress seems incapable of stopping it. Original Article: Spending More Taxpayer Money on Foreign Policy Boondoggles Has Solved Nothing

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No Coincidence: US Enemies Foment War Across the Globe

“Usually, coincidences don’t exist in geopolitics.” Mauldin Economics Partner & COO Ed D’Agostino speaks to Jacob Shapiro of Cognitive Investments about military tensions running hot across the globe. The Israel-Hamas war is top of mind. But at the same time, Kosovo is pointing fingers at Serbia over a gun battle at a monastery. China’s Coast Guard rammed into a Philippine boat in contested waters in the South China Sea. And the war in Ukraine...

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Pushing the False Narrative of U.S. Isolationism

Every mainstream school curriculum and state narrative regarding American history includes a common story between the years 1919 and 1941, and it is the myth of American isolation. Americans, as they say, foolishly forgot that they too were part of the world and so left themselves and their allies vulnerable as totalitarianism swept across Europe and Asia. The conclusion that is being pushed with this fictitious tale is shockingly unsubtle....

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Geld auf Konten außerhalb der EU | Tipps und Communityfragen

Heute beantwortet Thorsten aktuelle Fragen aus unserer Community, die sich um das Thema Auslandskonten drehen. Auszug aus der Fallstudie 19 legale Auslandskonten: Freitagstipps abonnieren: Es gab viele Fragen zum Tippvideo der letzten Woche zum Thema Auslandskonten, auch einige „kritische“. Ich habe die meines Erachtens wichtigsten Fragen...

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Police Mergers Are Not the Answer, but Privatization Is

Some small municipalities in Pennsylvania have disbanded their police departments, so others want to tax them for “depending” on state police. There is an even better course of action: allow private policing. Original Article: Police Mergers Are Not the Answer, but Privatization Is

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Federal Flood Insurance Drains Taxpayers

The US government’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is flush with debt. The NFIP owes the US Treasury roughly $25 billion. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the NFIP will pay $280 million in interest in 2022. “The program was never intended to generate a profit. It was established because due to the nature of flood risks, commercial insurance was not generally available.” Congress created the NFIP in 1968 to make...

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Government Is the Hidden Hand Directing the Culture Wars

American culture wars are not the product of religious fundamentalists or even activist groups. They exist because of state interference in the private lives of individuals. Original Article: Government Is the Hidden Hand Directing the Culture Wars

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Reason versus Emotion in Economics: A Praxeological Response

According to a relatively new economics field called Behavioral Economics (BE), one’s emotional state rather than reason influences their economic decisions. Vernon Smith, the BE economist who won a Nobel in economics, wrote: People like to believe that good decision making is a consequence of the use of reason, and that any influence that the emotions might have is antithetical to good decisions. What is not appreciated by Mises and others who...

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Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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The Cato Institute’s Belated, Squishy Stance on the Latest Middle East Crisis

The alarming events taking place in the Middle East are growing worse and have more than a small potential to entangle the United States in another foreign war. Hamas’s well-coordinated, surprise attack on Israel from Gaza clearly blindsided Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. However, Israel is now responding with overwhelming force—as it has to previous, smaller-scale attacks over the decades. The bombing of civilian neighborhoods in...

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The Dollar See-Saws between Two Views on Fiscal Explosion

Fiscal explosion is not in the economic dictionary. But in the foreign exchange markets and bond markets this intuitive concept has sometimes powered a narrative which drives long-term US interest rates and the dollar upward in tandem. The puzzle to explain at such times, whether the early 1980s, or autumn 2023, is why the dollar shrugs off the inflation danger of so much red ink in the government accounts. Let’s start with the proposal for a new...

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How Inflationary Money Causes the Affordability Crisis

The affordability crisis is upon us. Housing, food, you name it, life is becoming expensive. The government blames business, but perhaps government officials should look in the mirror. Original Article: How Inflationary Money Causes the Affordability Crisis

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If the Fed Goes, The State Will Soon Follow

A central bank is not a natural product of banking development. It is imposed from the outside or comes into being as a result of government favors. —Vera Smith, The Rationale of Central Banking and the Free Banking Alternative Anarchy, the absence of coercive government, must not be confused with chaos. —Robert P. Murphy, Chaos Theory The Federal Reserve is dying from monetary mischief. The Fed recently made a woke mandate that will only...

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Richard Cantillon at the Louvre

Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 12-14 October 2023. Download the slides from this lecture at

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The Life and Death of American Exceptionalism

Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 12-14 October 2023. Sponsored by Jule and Lynne Herbert. The Life and Death of American Exceptionalism | Thomas DiLorenzo Video of The Life and Death of American Exceptionalism | Thomas DiLorenzo

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Early Dollar Crises: Lessons for Today

Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 12-14 October 2023.

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