Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

The Federal Reserve is Running Losses. Does This Cost Anyone Anything?

The new problem we now face arises from the fact that huge deficits are only manageable so long as interest rates remain very, very low.  Original Article: The Federal Reserve is Running Losses. Does This Cost Anyone Anything?

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Student Loans: The Continuing Crisis That Is Getting Worse

The leviathan does not rest in pursuing free universities, creeping ahead unchecked by either reason, law, or accounting principles. Why is student assessment of their federal-debt-financed degrees so low? Why are 26 percent of past payments delinquent? More than 50 percent of students agree that they either studied the wrong major or wasted time and money. Less than half have found work in their major field of study. Public dialogue is lured into...

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Israel Isn’t the Brilliant Friend of Freedom the Beltway Claims It to Be

While Israel receives praise for being a "democracy" in the undemocratic Middle East, its surveillance policies mirror those of China, which is decidedly not democratic. Original Article: Israel Isn’t the Brilliant Friend of Freedom the Beltway Claims It to Be

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Killers of the Flower Moon Is about Government Failure

The newly-released movie "Killers of the Flower Moon" depicts what happens when politically-connected people can use the state to carry out nefarious deeds. Unfortunately, government failure is one lesson that is sure to be lost here. Original Article: Killers of the Flower Moon Is about Government Failure

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Is Migration a Tool of the Consumptive Class?

An unfortunate consequence of increased wealth is the growth of the parasitic consumptive class of political and cultural elites. Labor migrations often follow in the wake of damage that elites do. Original Article: Is Migration a Tool of the Consumptive Class?

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Jim Chanos and Stock Markets

In this week's episode, Mark looks at the implications of famed investor Jim Chanos shutting down his hedge fund which specialized in shorting stocks. The closure comes as stock markets in the US hit all time record highs. Mark frames these two events in light of the Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle.  Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Get your free copy of Murray Rothbard's Anatomy of the State at...

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Overcoming Chinese Communist GDP Myths

In March, at the National People’s Congress, Beijing set its annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth target. Since 1985, in every year but one, China has met or exceeded its official projections, raising doubts about whether or not Beijing’s claims of rapid growth can be believed. The New York Federal Reserve issued a report in 2020 that challenged the numbers, saying that China’s GDP growth chart was too smooth for the data to be authentic....

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Fed Rate Cuts Will Not Save The Economy

Market implied Fed Funds rate discount a string of cuts starting in January 2024 and culminating in a 4.492 percent in January 2025. These expectations are based on the perception that the Federal Reserve will achieve a soft landing and that inflation will drop rapidly. However, market participants who assume rate cuts will be bullish may be taking too much risk for the wrong reasons. The messages from the Federal Reserve contradict the previously...

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The Fed Is Draining Our Economy Like Farmers Have Drained Their Aquifers

In an October column, Paul Krugman admonished people who are not all in on the Joe Biden economy and declared that we are headed at worst for a “soft landing” in which an economic slowdown—if it happens at all—will be short and shallow. He wrote: The most important reason for optimism is that an ever-widening range of indicators suggests that the conventional wisdom—that we needed a recession to bring inflation under control—was wrong. Instead, we...

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Seven Reasons to Abandon the Public Health System

Despite the numerous permanent problems faced by public healthcare systems, a significant number of people (such as citizens, politicians, and doctors) still seem to deem them necessary and believe that the problems associated with them can be solved by, for example, better management, increased expenditure, or central planning. Therefore, in this essay, the main arguments in favor of a gradual departure from public systems will be presented...

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NEUER Präsident Javier Milei – trojanisches Pferd des WEF oder libertärer Heilsbringer?

🌎 Argentinien hat einen neuen Präsidenten! Erfahre mehr über Javier Milei, einen umstrittenen Politiker und Ökonomen. Ist er ein Werkzeug des Westens oder eine Hoffnung für Libertäre? Freitagstipps abonnieren: Thorsten Wittmann Homepage: Heute geht es um den argentinischen Präsidenten Javier Milei und die Frage, wer er wirklich ist. Folgende Punkte werden behandelt: - Mileis...

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Bourne Again

In his new book Only a Voice: Essays (Verso, 2023), the critic and essayist George Scialabba brings to our attention the wisdom of two authors who analyzed the dangers of war: Randolph Bourne and Dwight Macdonald. In this week’s column, I’d like to discuss what Scialabba says about them. Bourne will be a familiar name to many readers owing to Murray Rothbard’s praise of him, but he was not a libertarian. Like John Dewey, he was a Progressive and a...

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War is the health of the State

Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland This is precisely what the State is doing. The idea of war, mayhem and destruction being economic boosters is exactly what has supported the thin facade that politicians like to place over their greed and their personal gain that they derive from the military industrial complex. “It’s good for the country”, is certainly easier to sell than “it’s good for me and my reelection...

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Co-Creator Explains Javier Milei’s Plan to Abolish the Central Bank

Nicolás Cachanosky was a co-author on the dollarization proposal for Argentina that Javier Milei publicly endorsed. Nicolás explains to Bob the outlines of the proposal, which involves replacing pesos with USD for bank deposits, currency in circulation, and central bank liabilities. How to Dollarize Argentina: Rear More from Nicolás: The Human Action Podcast Episode with Peter Lewin:

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Private Medical Care STILL Is a Better Deal Than Government Care

Most people have a negative view of business monopolies. Whether for allegedly exploiting workers, causing inefficiency, or crowding out potential challengers, most government-granted monopolies undoubtedly hurt entrepreneurs and customers. This basic distrust of monopolization disappears as soon as one enters the floors of the United States Senate or Congress. Government-forced monopolization arises in virtually every industry, but nowhere is it...

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Help the Institute Fight Censorship and Expose Government Tyranny

Dear Friend, In the chapter of The Road to Serfdom entitled “The End of Truth,” F.A. Hayek wrote that in a totalitarian society “truth” is not determined by scholarship, research, discussion, and debate but by pronouncements by the government “authorities.” Anthony Fauci’s notorious “I am science” declaration is a perfect example of such totalitarian thinking, as is Al Gore’s “settled science” declaration regarding global-warming research. Of...

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Geld in Gefahr! Wie das SAG-Gesetz deine Ersparnisse enteignen kann

Bankguthaben in Gefahr: Wie funktioniert das Gesetz, das dein Geld enteignen kann? Zum Banken-Crashkurs: Freitagstipps abonnieren: Das kaum bekannte Enteignungsgesetz Es gibt ein wenig bekanntes Gesetz mit nur drei Buchstaben: SAG Das sog. Sanierungs- und Abwicklungsgesetz. Warum dieses Gesetz dein Bankguthaben enteignen kann, das sehen wir...

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The Interest Rate Shock Will Blow Up the Government’s Ponzi Game

As the federal government continues its Ponzi scheme of issuing debt to pay for past debts, interest rates will increase to the point where this no longer is a tenable strategy—if it ever was. Original Article: The Interest Rate Shock Will Blow Up the Government’s Ponzi Game

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