Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Mindre utbildning, mer välstånd | #087 Radio Mises

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Ola Nevander är med i studion och vi diskuterar hans essä ”Mindre utbildning, mer välstånd”. När staten intervenerar i samhället uppstår alltid överskott eller brister jämfört med den naturliga ordningen. Dessa obalanser innebär en onödig välståndserosion. Det gäller såväl räntepolitik som utbildningspolitik. Varför anser politiker att utbildningsväsendet behöver deras …

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Weekend Reading: Another Fed Stick Save, An Even Bigger Bubble

As I noted on Thursday, the Fed non-announcement gave the bulls a reason to charge back into the markets as “accommodative monetary policy” is once again extended through the end of the year. Of course, it is not surprising the Fed once again failed ...

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Why the Coming Wave of Defaults Will Be Devastating

In an economy based on borrowing, i.e. credit a.k.a. debt, loan defaults and deleveraging (reducing leverage and debt loads) matter. Consider this chart of total credit in the U.S. Note that the relatively tiny decline in total credit in 2008 caused by subprime mortgage defaults (a.k.a. deleveraging) very nearly collapsed not just the U.S. financial system but the entire global financial system.

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Patriarkatet är dött, ned med patriarkatet!

Jonny har äntligen uppnått medelåldern och därmed utlovats medlemskap i patriarkatet. Men han blir överrumplad av identitetspolitikens intrikata spelregler. Han låter inte sina förhoppningar grusas. Planen är att göra karriär som populär tyckonom och genuskrigare utan att för den skull göra avkall på de fördelar som patriarkatsmedlemskapet innebär. Inbjudan har dock låtit vänta på sig. …

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Why should you Buy Government Bonds with Negative Yields?

A question worth asking considering the rather large amount of them knocking about at the moment. According to JPM, the total universe of government bonds traded with a negative yield was $3.6tr last week or 16 per cent of the JPM Global Government Bond Index. It’s an answer in itself, really.

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The ZIRP/NIRP Gods and their PhD Priesthood Have Failed

The priesthood's insane obsession with forcing people to spend their savings by punishing savers with ZIRP/NIRP has failed spectacularly for a simple reason: it completely misunderstands human psychology. Let's start with a simple chart of the Fed Funds Rate, which the Federal Reserve has pinned near zero for years.

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Neil Howe: The World Is on the Verge of Generational Crisis

Download a FREE transcript of Neil Howe's speech from the Strategic Investment Conference 2016 here:

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Neil Howe: The World Is on the Verge of Generational Crisis

Download a FREE transcript of Neil Howe’s speech from the Strategic Investment Conference 2016 here:

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 20.09.2016 – EU-Steuern: US-Konzernchefs verfassen Brandbrief

Weitere Themen: – Siemens-Chef wegen verlangsamter US-Wirtschaft vorsichtig – SPD: CETA mit Zweidrittel-Mehrheit abgenickt – Untersuchungsbericht zu Libyen: Massive Fehlentscheidungen David Camerons – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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The Road to Fascism in Just Two Charts

Laws of politics have been turned upside down. The Intellectuals Yet Idiots can make no sense of it. The underdog who ‘tell it how it is’ appeal to people while established reasoning does not.

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Are We Moving Toward World War III? George Friedman’s Groundbreaking Documentary

Register now to watch the premiere of ‘Chaos & Crisis: Are We Moving Towards World War III’ on September 26, 2016, at 2:00 PM EDT:

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 19.09.2016 – Bayer-Chef Baumann: Ein guter Tag für die Menschheit

Link zur Dokumentation: Weitere Themen: – Rogoff fordert Bargeldabschaffung und 6% Negativzinsen – Rekordstrafe könnte Deutscher Bank das Genick brechen – Robert Shiller: US-Zinserhöhung könnte zu Finanzcrash führen – Großdemonstrationen gegen TTIP und CETA – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von...

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Get Ready for a New Crisis – in Corporate Debt

OUZILLY, France – We’re going back to basics here at the Diary. We’re getting everyone on the same page… learning together… connecting the dots… trying to figure out what is going on. We made a breakthrough when we identified the source of so many of today’s bizarre and grotesque trends. It’s the money – the new post-1971 dollar. This new dollar is green. You can buy things with it.

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Janet Yellen’s Shame

n honest capitalism, you do what you can to get other people to voluntarily give you money. This usually involves providing goods or services they think are worth the price. You may get a little wild and crazy from time to time, but you are always called to order by your customers.

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The Donald Versus Killary: War or Peace?

War: A Warning from the Past. Although history does not exactly repeat itself, it does provide parallels and sometimes quite ominous ones. Such is the case with the current U.S. Presidential election and the one which occurred one hundred years earlier.

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Martin Eriksson: Frihetliga nyheter med | FreedomFest 2016

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: De skattesubventionerade och statligt licensierade medierna tenderar att befästa en världsbild som är ogynnsam för frihetens sak. Men det finns efterfrågan på frihetlig nyhetsrapportering. Webbtjänsten och Radio har varit banbrytande i att tillfredsställa och utveckla denna efterfrågan. Nu står man i startgroparna till att ta det svenska …

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The Strikingly Weak ISM Purchasing Manager Indices

We are always paying close attention to the manufacturing sector, which is far more important to the US economy than is generally believed. The ISM index shows striking weakness.

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Crimea: Digging For The Truth

This summer witnessed a renewed escalation between Russia and Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine of sending saboteurs to attack Russian troops, targeting “critical infrastructure”. Kiev denied the allegations and claimed Russia’s “fantasy” was nothing but a false pretense to launch a “new invasion”.

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 16.09.2016 – Monsanto-Übernahme durch Bayer

Weitere Themen: – US-Regierung will 14 Milliarden Dollar von der Deutschen Bank – Donald Trump verspricht Steuersenkungen in Milliardenhöhe – 12 EU-Staaten bekennen sich zu TTIP – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Follow the Money

PARIS – It’s back to Europe. Back to school. Back to work. Let’s begin by bringing new readers into the discussion… and by reminding old readers (and ourselves) where we stand. US economic growth: average annual GDP growth over time spans ranging from 120 to 10 years (left hand side) and the 20 year moving average of annual GDP growth since 1967

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