Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 21.10.2016 – Wallonie gegen EU & CETA

Weitere Themen: – “Weltweites Interesse an der Deutschen Bank”: Hören, sagen, glauben… – Philippinischer Präsident sagt “Ami go home!” – Bank of England zu Bankenstrafzahlungen: “Nicht einzelne Äpfel waren faul, sondern komplette Strukturen” – Entlassungen bei Italiens Banken: Gewinne werden privatisiert, Verluste sozialisiert – Quartalsberichtssaison: Jede Menge Zahlen, auch...

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“Subtle forward guidance”: The marriage between best practice central banking and commodity markets

In the years following the 2008 crash and today, the use of forward guidance from central banking policy makers has become increasingly important. What this nonsense ultimately has translated into is a ridiculous track record in posting upbeat assessments on the economic environment, aimed at trying to fool the marginal investor into believing “there are no need for worry, central bankers have everything under control”.

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A former Wall Street Trader Explains Why He Is Net Short Now

Subscribe to Jared Dillian’s free weekly column, The 10th Man, at Mauldin Economics:

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US Stock Market – a Spanking May be on its Way

The stock market has held up quite well this year in the face of numerous developments that are usually regarded as negative (from declining earnings, to the Brexit, to a US presidential election that leaves a lot to be desired, to put it mildly). Of course, the market is never driven by the news – it is exactly the other way around.

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The Biz Lounge: Otmar Issing warns of @euro collapse

Former Central Banker Otmar Issing has warned the euro and the ECB is a ‘house of cards’ the could collapse; plus Burberry falls on half year results.

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Are we moving toward World War III? OFFICIAL TRAILER

Watch the full documentary online here:

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Dirk Müller – Kriegspropaganda bei ARD & ZDF

Auszug aus dem vom 17.10.2016. – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller Bildrechte: & OBJM /

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NIRP Has Failed: European Savings Rate Hits 5 Year High

One year ago, when it was still widely accepted conventional wisdom that NIRP would "work" to draw out money from savers who are loathe to collect nothing (or in some cases negative interest) from keeping their deposits at the bank, and would proceed to spend their savings, either boosting the stock market or the economy, we showed research from Bank of America demonstrating that far from promoting dis-saving, those European nations which had...

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USD ready for a second leg higher – then what?

One year ago we showed the following chart to explain the relative strong dollar that was on everyone’s mind at the time. With a second leg higher in the US dollar imminent, this particular chart will be more important than ever. Claims to dollars, such as demand and time deposits, or even more opaque money-like products created by the shadow banking system is just that, a claim or derivative on the final mean of payment, namely base money.

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Is It Safe To Travel To Europe?

In recent months, more and more of our clients and friends from overseas are asking us whether it is safe to travel to Europe. These fears are understandable, given the media coverage of the tragic events that occurred this year. The press painted a sinister and truly graphic picture of Europe as a war zone, as a target of global terrorism.

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En mardröm och en uppenbarelse på badhuset

Jonny är skärrad, han har nämligen haft en mardröm. Om den viktigaste frågan i samhället - simhallarna. Det är många grupper som kämpar om herraväldet över de offentliga lokaler där det finns vatten i vilket människor kan bli blöta. Men Jonnys mardröm är inte poänglös, han kommer fram till en lösning som kommer göra att samtliga människor blir nöjda, eller åtminstone står ut med att välja på honom. Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige:...

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En mardröm och en uppenbarelse på badhuset

Jonny är skärrad, han har nämligen haft en mardröm. Om den viktigaste frågan i samhället – simhallarna. Det är många grupper som kämpar om herraväldet över de offentliga lokaler där det finns vatten i vilket människor kan bli blöta. Men Jonnys mardröm är inte poänglös, han kommer fram till en lösning som kommer göra att …

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Evacuate or Die…

BALTIMORE – Last week, we got a peek at the End of the World. As Hurricane Matthew approached the coast of Florida, a panic set in. Gas stations ran out of fuel. Stores ran out of food. Banks ran out of cash.

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Australian property bubble on a scale like no other

Australian House Miden Multiples
Bubble trouble. Whether we label them bubbles, the Australian economy has experienced a series of developments that potentially could have the economy lurching from boom to bust and back. In recent years these have included: The record run up in commodity prices and subsequent correction. The associated boom in mining investment and current reversal. Record low bond yields. The boom in housing construction. Specifically apartments, that was spurred...

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George Friedman: Eurasia Is Undergoing Massive Destabilization

Download a FREE transcript of George Friedman’s speech from the Strategic Investment Conference 2016 here:

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Dirk Müller – Lügengeflechte in der Politik

“Machtbeben” – Das neue Buch von Dirk Müller – Jetzt überall im Vorverkauf: Vollständiger vom 10.10.2016. Sehen Sie den kompletten Tagesausblick auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: Weitere Themen in diesem Video: 0:17 – Aktuelle Marktlage 1:22 – Verbot von...

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Do our money managers really believe this will end well?

An economic bubble is essentially an economic activity that cannot sustain itself without a continuous influx of new money and credit to bid away real resources from self-funding endeavors. Financial bubbles are obviously closely related as financial...

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 06.10.2016 – Merkel hält an TTIP-Plänen fest

Weitere Themen: – Globale Verschuldung erreicht 225 Prozent des BIP – Unternehmen außerhalb der Eurozone performen deutlich besser – Target-2-Salden steigen auf Niveau von 2012 – Chinesen gehen in Europa auf Einkaufstour – Bundeskanzlerin will TTIP weiterverhandeln – Kriegsdrohungen zwischen dem Irak und der Türkei – Spannungen zwischen USA und Russland wachsen weiter – …

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The Dying Middle Class

As expected, Ms. Yellen smiled last week, announcing no change to the Fed’s extraordinary policies. For the last eight years, she has been aiding and abetting the largest theft in history. Thanks to ZIRP (zero-interest-rate policy) and QE (quantitative easing), every year, about $300 billion is transferred from largely middle-class savers to largely better-off speculators, financial asset owners, and the biggest borrowers during that period –...

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Fin Tales Ep 002: Claudio Grass – Perfect Black Swan Storm

On Fin Tales tonight we spoke with Claudio Grass, Managing Director of of the Swiss firm GlobalGold, about the unfolding and extremely fluid situation within European banking arena, particularly involving Deutsche Bank. We concentrated on the chances of another global crisis emerging, similar to 2008, and predicted what central banks such as the ECB will …

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