Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

FRIEDMAN: How the U.S. Is Preparing for War With North Korea

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FRIEDMAN: How the U.S. Is Preparing for War With North Korea

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“Sell in May”: Good Advice – But Is There a Better Way?

If you “sell in May and go away”, you are definitely on the right side of the trend from a statistical perspective: While gains were achieved in the summer months in three of the eleven largest stock markets in the world, they amounted to less than one percent on average. In six countries stocks even exhibited losses!

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How to Stick It to Your Banker, the Federal Reserve, and the Whole Doggone Fiat Money System

Somehow, former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke found time from his busy hedge fund advisory duties last week to tell his ex-employer how to do its job.  Namely, he recommended to his former cohorts at the Fed how much they should reduce the Fed’s balance sheet by.  In other words, he told them how to go about cleaning up his mess.

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Rising Oil Prices Don’t Cause Inflation

A very good visual correlation between the yearly percentage change in the consumer price index (CPI) and the yearly percentage change in the price of oil seems to provide support to the popular thinking that future changes in price inflation in the US are likely to be set by the yearly growth rate in the price of oil (see first chart below).

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Hugo Chavez Superpriser!

Priskontroller och inflation. En tång av ondska. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES: GOOGLE+: LINKEDIN: Donationer Hjälp oss nå fler med budskapet om fred och frihet genom att...

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Hugo Chavez Superpriser!

Priskontroller och inflation. En tång av ondska. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES: GOOGLE+: LINKEDIN: Donationer Hjälp oss nå fler med budskapet om fred och frihet genom att teckna...

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A Cloud Hangs Over the Oil Sector

As we noted in a recent corporate debt update on occasion of the troubles Neiman-Marcus finds itself in (see “Cracks in Ponzi Finance Land”), problems are set to emerge among high-yield borrowers in the US retail sector this year. This happens just as similar problems among low-rated borrowers in the oil sector were mitigated by the rally in oil prices since early 2016.

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Sandra Navidi: „Es wird langsam brenzlig“ – Droht der US-Regierung die Handlungsunfähigkeit?

Zu Gast auf dem Frankfurter Börsenparkett spricht Sandra Navidi im Interview über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Washington, sowie über Hintergründe, Verstrickungen und Seilschaften von US-Regierung, Wallstreet, Russland und den Geheimdiensten. Das ganze Video sehen Sie auf – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Cashkurs*Trends Webinar zum Megatrend Cybersecurity

Am Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2017 fand ein exklusives Cashkurs*Trends-Webinar mit Dirk Müller und Dr. Eike Wenzel statt, und zwar zum spannenden Thema “Cybersecurity: Das digitale Wettrennen um die eigene Reputation” Wie funktioniert dieser Zukunftsmarkt? In welche Richtung gehen die Entwicklungen? Und wie können Sie von diesem Trend profitieren? Zusammen mit Charttechnikexperte Henry Philippson und Fundamentalspezialist …

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The Triumph of Hope over Experience

On Wednesday the socialist central planning agency that has bedeviled the market economy for more than a century held one of its regular meetings. Thereafter it informed us about its reading of the bird entrails via statement (one could call this a verbose form of groping in the dark).

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Ursula von der Leyen plant massive Aufrüstung der Bundeswehr

Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 11.05.2017 – Weitere Themen: Märkte: Konsolidierung auf hohem Niveau? • Betrugsverdacht bei Kryptowährung “One Coin” • News und Zahlen zu Snap, Schaeffler, Gamesa, Deutsche Post und Solarworld • Trump wegen Entlassung des FBI-Chefs unter Druck – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk …

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Keynote Speaker: Professor Otmar Issing

Professor Issing speaks to the future of the European and global economic order, including the European Union and European monetary union, in the context of the challenges thereto posed by current global pressures including Brexit, the dynamics of the current European national political and economic situation and the economic policies of the new US administration.

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“Sell in May and Go Away” – in 9 out of 11 Countries it Makes Sense to Do So

An Old Seasonal Truism Most people are probably aware of the saying “sell in May and go away”. This popular seasonal Wall Street truism implies that the market’s performance is far worse in the six summer months than in the six winter months.

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Ronald Stöferle: “Wir befinden uns in einem positiven Umfeld für Gold”

Interview mit dem Fondsmanager der Incrementum AG Get our free Newsletter (English) ►: Get our free Newsletter (German) ►: Subscribe to our YouTube channel ►: *Stay ahead of the investment-crowd* Commodity-TV and Rohstoff-TV offer you free interviews and company presentations across the Metals-, Mining- and Commodity sector.

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Central Banks’ Obsession with Price Stability Leads to Economic Instability

For most economists the key factor that sets the foundation for healthy economic fundamentals is a stable price level as depicted by the consumer price index. According to this way of thinking, a stable price level doesn’t obscure the visibility of the relative changes in the prices of goods and services, and enables businesses to see clearly market signals that are conveyed by the relative changes in the prices of goods and services.

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The Fed Will Blink

GUALFIN, ARGENTINA – The Dow rose 174 points on Thursday. And Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said we’d have a new tax system by the end of the year. Animal spirits were restless. But which animals? Dumb oxes? Or wily foxes? Probably both.

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Stichwahl in Frankreich: Marine Le Pen gegen den “neuen Kennedy”

Ist Emmanuel Macron​ tatsächlich ein “neuer Kennedy”? Wie Le Pens Chancen stehen und on ihr Gegner der Wunderheiler für Frankreich ist, kommentiert Dirk Müller im heutigen Tagesausblick. Die weiteren Themen des Tages: Nordkorea: Wird “eingefrorener” Konflikt heißer & Trumps Pläne für die Banken – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von …...

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Why Does Freedom Work? | Robert P. Murphy

Research Fellow Robert P. Murphy’s presentation at the “New Bridges: San Francisco” conference, held in San Francisco, on April 7, 2017 Robert P. Murphy is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, Research Assistant Professor with the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University, President of Consulting by RPM, Senior Economist with the Institute for …

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Cracks in Ponzi-Finance Land

Retail Debt Debacles The retail sector has replaced the oil sector in a sense, and not in a good way. It is the sector that is most likely to see a large surge in bankruptcies this year. Junk bonds issued by retailers are performing dismally, and within the group the bonds of companies that were subject to leveraged buyouts by private equity firms seem to be doing the worst (a function of their outsized debt loads).

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