Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

CK*Weihnachtsaktion: Urlaubsdevisen für bedürftige Kinder & Gewinnspiel

In diesem Jahr haben wir uns eine ganz besondere gemeinschaftliche Weihnachtsaktion ausgedacht! Um die Stiftung „It´s for Kids“ zu unterstützen, rufen wir Sie dazu auf, in den Tiefen Ihrer Schubladen zu kramen, um die dort – oft unnütz – lagernden Restbestände Ihrer Urlaubsdevisen direkt bei uns einzuschicken – denn gemeinsam macht der Umtausch durchaus Sinn! …

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Max Otte, Ronald Stöferle und Florian Munsch über Aktien, Gold und soziale Marktwirtschaft

Drei Autoren, drei Bücher. Jetzt lesen und dazulernen: ? Florian Munsch: Goldaktien ►► ? Max Otte: Weltsystem Crash’ ►► ? Ronald Stöferle: Nullzinsfalle’ ►► (English? Please use the YouTube settings for english subtitles) Gespräch mit Prof. Max Otte, Ronald Stöferle und Florian Munsch auf dem Privatinvestortag in Köln. Zunächst geht es um …...

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The Strongest Seasonal Advance in Precious Metals Begins Now

Plans and Consequences. You are probably already getting into the holiday spirit, perhaps you are even under a little stress. But the turn of the year will soon be here – an occasion to review the past year and make plans for the new one. Many people are doing just that – and their behavior is creating the strongest seasonal rally in the precious metals markets.

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Where’s the Inflation? It’s in Stocks, Real Estate, and Higher Ed

In my days before I worked for the Mises Institute, I had a colleague who knew I associated with Austrian-School economists. In the wake of the bailouts and quantitative easing that followed the 2008 financial crisis, he'd sometimes crack "where's all that inflation you Austrians keep talking about?"

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Episode 352: How to Think About the Economy w/ Per Bylund

44 Minutes Suitable for All Ages Pete welcomes Associate Professor Per Bylund to the show. Per is a Fellow at the Mises Institute and Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University. Per is going to give a primer on production and demand. He answers the question as to whether demand drives production and innovation, …

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Hyperinflation, Money Demand, and the Crack-up Boom

In the early 1920s, Ludwig von Mises became a witness to hyperinflation in Austria and Germany — monetary developments that caused irreparable and (in the German case) cataclysmic damage to civilization. Mises's policy advice was instrumental in helping to stop hyperinflation in Austria in 1922.

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The John O’Donnell Show with Jeff Deist

On Power Trading Radio, investors and traders across the nation are able to get live perspective on the market from experienced professional traders. The show is aimed at an audience that wants to improve its edge through active participation whether the market is moving up, down or sideways. In addition to stocks, topics will include …

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Catalizadores Políticos De Bajo Impacto Macroeconómico

Suscríbete a mi canal y comenta mis vídeos. Web: Twitter: @dlacalle

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Political Catalysts May Have A Limited Macro Impact

Can we really expect a big improvement from recent political catalysts? Please subscribe to my channel and comment below. Website: Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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The US Economy Is Being Japanified — Thanks to the Fed

Japan has not recovered fully from the lost decade of the 1990s. The Asian financial crisis was exacerbated by the dot-com crash and then a few years later the global economic collapse. Tokyo has tried everything to combat anemic growth and deflation, and resolve the zombification of the Japanese economy through an immense buildup of government debt and a dramatic loosening of monetary policy, including subzero interest rates.

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Embrace Unilateral Free Trade with the UK — Right Now

Boris Johnson's Conservatives won an outright majority in yesterday's general election, pushing the Tories to an 80-strong Commons majority in what the Daily Mail called a "staggering election landslide." Given that the Conservatives employed an election slogan of "Get Brexit Done," it appears the election was largely a referendum on Brexit.

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Banana Republic Money Debasement In America

Addicted to Spending. There are many falsehoods being perpetuated these days when it comes to money, financial markets, and the economy. But when you cut the chaff, three related facts remain: Uncle Sam needs your money. He needs a lot of your money. And he needs it bad!

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More Central Bank Stimulus Will Not Work

Watch the entire interview here: Subscribe to my channel. Follow my latest articles and videos at Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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Why the Courts Aren’t All They’re Supposed to Be

In the United States, law courts routinely hand out court order mandating payments to victims. And then do little to enforce them. For example, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2015 only 43.5 percent of custodial parents received the full amount of court-ordered child support payments. 25.8 percent received partial payment while 30.7 percent — a figure which is trending higher — received no payments.

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III Fórum de Liberdade Econômica – Firm Theory, Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management – Per Bylund

Sobre o Palestrante: Per Bylund, é membro do Mises Institute e professor assistente de empreendedorismo e registros – professor Johnston de Free Enterprise na Escola de Empreendedorismo da Spears School of Business da Oklahoma State University e membro associado do Ratio Institute em Estocolmo. Ele já ocupou cargos na Baylor University e na University of …

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Anatomia do Estado, Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) #indicação de leitura 28.

#DURecorder Este é meu vídeo gravado com DU Recorder. É fácil gravar sua tela e fazer transmissão ao vivo. Link de download: Android: iOS:

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Why Central Banks Aren’t Really Setting Interest Rates

Mainstream thinking considers the central bank a key factor in the determination of interest rates. By setting short-term interest rates, the central bank, it is argued, can influence the entire interest rate structure by creating expectations about the future course of its interest rate policy.

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Anatomia do Estado, Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) #indicação de leitura 28.

#DURecorder Este é meu vídeo gravado com DU Recorder. É fácil gravar sua tela e fazer transmissão ao vivo. Link de download: Android: iOS:

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A possibilidade de uma justiça privada – Robert P. Murphy

Conheça todo meu trabalho e formas de apoia-lo A liberdade é inevitável!! Esse vídeo foi apoiado por : Allan Ricardo,Nicola Occhipinti Magalhães, Douglas Otoni, Átila Balzer Piekarski, Patrick Tracanelli, Artur Pereira de Lima, Vinícius Perini, Ricardo Ariel Nasatto, Thiago Carneiro Ribeiral, Luis Otavio Oliveira da Matta, Lucas Terass, Lucas Terassi, Carlos Oliveira, Leonardo José …

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Central Banks May Be Driving Us Toward More Waste, More Carbon Emissions

Christine Lagarde, the new president of the European Central Bank (ECB), has added a new green dimension to monetary policymaking. The charming Frenchwoman signaled that the ECB could buy green bonds, possibly as part of the reanimated bond purchase program (a form of QE). This could reduce the financing costs of green investment projects.

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