Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

ACHTUNG: Digitale Konzerne übernehmen die Macht! (Interview mit Insiderin Sandra Navidi)

Heute spreche ich mit der Finanzexpertin und Wall Street Insiderin Sandra Navidi über ihr neues Buch, die Digitalisierung, zukunftssichere Jobs, die Aktienmärkte, sinnvolle Anlagen im Zuge der Nullzinsphase und vieles mehr. Viel Spaß! Sandra auf Twitter: Sandra´s neues Buch: Sandra´s altes Buch: ► Timestamps 00:00 - 01:40 Vorstellung Sandra Navidi 01:40 - 04:05...

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BRUTAL: Las Mentiras de Sánchez y Podemos – Tarifazo en la Luz y Hachazo en las Pensiones

Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Financial Security For Your Future | Why Purchasing Power Matters To David

Purchasing Power Matters! David shares what and why it matters to him. We earn and save for the ability to secure our financial future. Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Tell your story and let the world hear why Purchasing Power Matters to you. Connect with David on Twitter & YouTube here: Visit the PPM website for details on how to share your story...

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INFLATION wird Silber zum GEWINNER machen! (Interview Ole Hansen von Saxo Bank)

Im heutigen Rohstoff-Superzyklus Interview mit Ole Hansen, Direktor für Rohstoffinvestments bei der Saxo Bank geht es breit gefächert um die Themengebiete Inflation, Deflation, Rohstoffe, Kursziele und ob wir uns überhaupt in einem Superzyklus befinden. Ole Hansen Twitter: Aufnahme Datum: Anfang Juli 2021 ► Timestamps: 00:00 - 00:55 Intro 00:55 - 04:41 Vorstellung Ole Hansen 04:41 - 09:00 Warum sind Rohstoffe...

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The Secret Ronald Reagan Told Me about Gold and Great Nations

Today [August 15] marks 50 years since President Richard Nixon closed the “gold window,” ending the ability of foreign governments to exchange United States dollars for gold. Nixon’s action severed the last link between the dollar and gold, giving the U.S. a fiat currency.

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Feeling Sorry for College Students

An op-ed in the Los Angeles Times makes me feel sorry for many college students, at least many of those who take economics courses in their respective schools. In fact, the op-ed even causes me to feel sorry for the people at mainstream newspapers who decide which op-eds to publish in their papers.

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Leben in Freiheit in 9 Monaten – raus aus dem Hamsterrad – Freiheitsfallstudie aus Paraguay

Mehr Zeit, mehr Geld, mehr Freiheit … es geht! Kostenloses Freiheitsgespräch: Infos zur Paraguay-Investorenreise: Freitagstipps abonnieren: „In 9 Monaten vom Hamsterrad zum freien und selbstbestimmten Leben“ Praxisfallstudie zum Nachmachen! Alex und mein Namensvetter Thorsten sind zwei fantastische Mitglieder...

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WaPo Editors: “Liberty” Requires Us to Implement Vaccine Passports

Mandating private and government employees to be immunized against covid-19 and requiring the use of standardized electronic passes as proof of immunization across the nation is what liberty is made of, the editors of the Washington Post argued last week. 

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Bretton Woods and the Spoliation of Europe

Having marked the quinquagenary of the destruction of the gold standard Sunday, August 15, it is natural to be a little nostalgic for the Bretton Woods system. After all, it might not have been the classical gold standard, but at least it wasn’t as bad as the fiat standard that succeeded it.

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Two Percent Inflation Is a Lot Worse Than You Think

With June 2021 CPI growth being at a thirteen-year high, inflation has been on a lot of people’s minds lately. You can’t blame them, seeing as over 23 percent of all dollars in existence were created in 2020 alone. Although future inflation is certainly an important concern, in this article I instead focus on the chronic inflation this country has faced for over a century.

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Totale Kontrolle: EU will Vermögensregister (+ Bargeldobergrenze)

Die aktuelle Krise wird von der EU geschickt genutzt um unpopuläre Fakten zu schaffen. Neben der ständigen Bekämpfung des Bargeldes und der jetzt eingeführten Bargeldobergrenze prüft man nun die Machbarkeit eines zentralisierten Vermögensregisters. Nur vordergründig geht es um Geldwäsche und Steuerhinterziehung in Wirklichkeit um die totale Kontrolle, Überwachung und Endeignung. Mehr dazu in diesen spannenden Video! ► Genanntes Dokument:...

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The Demise of the Gold Standard

This is the fiftieth anniversary of the demise of the gold standard and the beginning of the current fiat paper standard. Many will say “good riddance” to gold and “thank goodness” for the “good ole greenback”! Reflection, however, produces an alternative conclusion.

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Digital-Euro führt zur totalen Kontrolle

Videoinhalte: markus krall, dr. markus krall, krall, dr markus krall, krall markus, markus krall total, dr. markus krall - der crash ist da, dr. markus krall neu, dr. krall, markus krall crash 2021, markus, ceo degussa markus krall, dr. markus krall aktuell, finanzkrise markus krall,

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Look Beyond Your Borders! Your Dollars Will Go Further | Why Purchasing Power Matters To Myles

Purchasing Power Matters! Myles shares what and why it matters to him. Your buying power goes a lot further beyond your boarders. The cost of living in the USA is a lot higher than other nations. Educate yourself and look for ways to make your dollars stretch farther. It's not how much money you make. It's about how much you can keep. Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Tell your story and let the world hear why Purchasing Power...

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A Look Back at Nixon’s Infamous Monetary Policy Decision

Putting the World on a Paper Standard Half a century ago one of the most disastrous monetary policy decisions in US history was committed by Richard Nixon.  In a television address, the president declared that the nation would no longer redeem internationally dollars for gold.  Since the dollar was the world’s reserve currency, Nixon’s closing of the “Gold Window” put the world on an irredeemable paper monetary standard.

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Das ENDE des EURO kommt! (Schuldenzyklus) – Interview mit Chris Watling

Heute vor 50 Jahren hat Richard Nixon den Goldstandard in einer Nacht und Nebelaktion ad acta gelegt. Seitdem haben wir ein ungedecktes auf Schulden basiertes Papiergeldsystem. Zum Jubiläum spreche ich heute mit Chris Watling. Er sagt, dass sich unser Geldsystem am Ende befindet, ungerecht ist, zu Spekulationsblasen neigt und wir ein neues Geldsystem brauchen. Website von Chris Watling: Chris Watling Beitrag...

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LIBERALISMO ANTE LA AMENAZA TOTALITARIA. Compromiso Político y Batalla de las Ideas

Charla completa aquí: -FBZ0Ro8 _______________________________________________________________________ Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un...

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Why the NARA Secrecy Over the Secret JFK Records?

For some unknown reason, there seems to be some secrecy on the part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) over the still-secret 58-year-old records of the CIA and other federal agencies relating to the Kennedy assassination.

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Inflation’s Assault on the Family

I moved aside and watched our twelve-year-old van pull into the driveway. My wife opened the door, smiled, and told me she got the job. Putting the basketball down, I hugged her and told her I was proud. The job was a part-time evening and weekend position at the local country health food store, a good fit considering my wife's interests. But deep down, a sense of sadness and partial defeat rolled over me.

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