Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Libertarianism and Value Judgments

Most people on the Left and the Right misunderstand the essence of libertarianism. This should come as no surprise since even some libertarians misunderstand the essence of libertarianism.Libertarianism should not be expanded beyond what it is, by libertarians or anyone else. It should not be fused with any personal preference or extraneous ideology.[Click to Tweet]The nonaggression principleThe guiding principle undergirding the libertarian...

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Elon Musk is Breaking American Institutions (For Better or Worse)

From USAID cuts to foreign politics - how one figure impacts US policy. #Musk #Politics

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Why We Need To Get Out of NATO

President Trump and Defense Secretary Hegseth have recently been critical of NATO, calling for the European NATO countries to pay for their own defense. This is all to the good, though it does not go far enough. As the great Dr. Ron Paul has pointed out, “We also need a change in policy. Americans are beginning to understand the economic costs of maintaining a global military empire. US taxpayers are forced to cover more than half of the entire...

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How MMT Advocates View Money and the State

According to the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), money is something decided by the state. The MMT regards money as a token. For instance, when an individual places a coat in the cloakroom of a theater, he receives a tin disc or a paper receipt. This receipt or a disc is a proof that the individual is entitled to demand the return of his coat.According to the MMT, the material used to manufacture the tokens is irrelevant—it can be gold, silver, or any...

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Larry McDonald: Last Democrat Who Wanted to Audit Fort Knox

An issue which not long ago had only the support of Ron Paul has now become a priority for the Trump Administration: the auditing of Fort Knox. At CPAC last week, Donald Trump took time out of speech to boast that he and Elon Musk were soon to be traveling to America’s largest gold depository “to see if the gold is there. Because maybe somebody stole the gold. Tons of gold.”The topic of Fort Knox is interesting itself for a number of other reasons....

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Ron Paul Tried to Audit the US Gold Reserves in 2011

[Editor’s Note: In 2011, Congressman Ron Paul sponsored legislation to audit the gold reserves of the United States and publish the results of that audit for public scrutiny. Thanks to opposition from the usual opponents of transparency and decent monetary policy in both parties, the bill was never passed. Below is the text of Congressman Paul’s opening statement on the legislation at the House Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and...

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Bidenflation Torpedoed Biden-Harris

High inflation spurred Donald Trump’s defeat of Kamala Harris last November. The economy was the top issue for most voters, and inflation was the top economic issue. As Biden’s partner in economic crime, Harris could not escape the blame for the torpedoing of the dollar’s value in recent years.Inflation occurs when the government prints excessive currency, resulting in more money chasing the same amount of goods and services. Nobel Laureate...

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Educating for Liberty: Mises Circle in Tampa

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property...

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From the Editor—January / February 2025

On the night of the Boston Tea Party in 1773, American insurrectionists donned disguises and destroyed a shipment of tea imported by the East India Company. The protestors boarded privately owned ships in the harbor and threw the tea overboard. Later that night, the activists discovered another tea shipment that had been unloaded at a warehouse. Not content with having destroyed most of the company’s import, they broke into the warehouse and...

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France Plunges Ever Deeper Into Statism

Éric Lombard, France’s Minister of Economy and Finance, makes a negative impression almost every day with his statements on the economy and the role of the state in society. These positions are a perfect reflection of the gulf between the French political class, defenders of socialist statism, and a world that is following a completely opposite path: one of freedom, economic liberalization, eager to reduce the weight of the state in the life of...

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Trump’s Economic Plans Will Raise Your Prices

Higher tariffs & trade restrictions point to increased consumer costs. #Economy #Inflation #Trade

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Wird Argentinien mit Javier Milei zur Großmacht? #thorstenwittmann #argentinien #regierung #steuern

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Congress Needs to Be Jealous of its Tariff Powers

On February 10, President Trump announced a 25 percent tariff on all steel and aluminum imports. Legally, Trump is within his rights to do so, as Congress gave the President the power to set tariffs. However, the Constitution of the United States places the power to impose tariffs in the hands of the Legislative Branch. The President’s capricious application of tariffs demonstrates why Congress needs to guard this authority more jealously.Yet,...

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Alemania votó por un cambio, pero el establishment lo bloquea. Gana la CDU, sube AfD, cae SPD y verdes. Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un...

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“Does The West Have Any Hope? What Can We All Do?”

Share this article Interview with Godfrey Bloom I recently had the great pleasure of being interviewed by my good friend Godfrey Bloom, whose point of view and sharp assessment skills of economic and political events I have consistently found illuminating throughout the years.  It’s always extremely refreshing talking to Godfrey, because his questions cut through the noise and concentrate on what is actually important. I find his views and...

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President Joe Biden’s Decision to Posthumously Pardon Marcus Garvey

President Joe Biden’s decision to posthumously pardon Marcus Garvey has been met with widespread acclaim in the United States and across the global black diaspora. Garvey is revered as an iconic black nationalist and Pan-Africanist thinker, celebrated for his vision of racial uplift and economic self-sufficiency. However, his legacy is far more complex than the hagiographic portrayals suggest. Rather than echoing the usual fawning sentiments, this...

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Faculty Spotlight—Tate Fegley

The Misesian: Dr. Fegley, you were a Mises University student and a repeat Mises Research Fellow. Can you speak to the influence that had on your academic career?Tate Fegley: My first Mises U was back in 2010, between my junior and senior years at Boise State, and it had a big effect on me. I wish I had done it sooner, since it connected me with other Austrians at Boise State for the first time.In 2015, the summer before my second year of my...

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Do We Need a New English Translation of Marx’s Capital?

Capital: Critique of Political Economy, Vol. 1 Edited by Paul Reitter and Paul NorthTranslated by Paul ReitterPrinceton University Press, 2024In September, Princeton University Press released a new English translation of the first volume of Capital. The editors, Paul Reitter and Paul North, tell us that the new translation is the product of five years’ labor. In this review, I’d like to ask what I am sure they would regard as an impertinent...

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Private Business and State Power in an Age of Bailouts, Censorship, and Easy Money

The Misesian: Unfortunately, we live in an age of a “mixed economy” and “regulated capitalism.” This means that the private sector and the government sector are mixed together, and it’s not always clear where the state ends and the private sector begins. How can we determine if a private company is a true partner of the state— truly benefiting from state power—or if the private company is really a victim of the state?Robert P. Murphy: Let me say at...

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The Misesian, vol. 2, no. 1, 2025

On the night of the Boston Tea Party in 1773, American insurrectionists donned disguises and destroyed a shipment of tea imported by the East India Company. The protestors boarded privately owned ships in the harbor and threw the tea overboard. Later that night, the activists discovered another tea shipment that had been unloaded at a warehouse. Not content with having destroyed most of the company’s import, they broke into the warehouse and...

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