Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics


Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Jetzt ein Demokonto eröffnen & in Sachwerte kaufen? Negativzinsen durch ein Online Bankkonto umgehen?

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Higher Education in Crisis: The Problem of Ideological Homogeneity

In my second article on the college problem, I discussed the public policy factors that contribute to the rising cost of higher education. But politics makes its way into education through more than public policy, as professors bring their political views into their classrooms and research.

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Markus Krall DAX Ausblick Inflations

#geldanlage #gold #goldbarren #goldpreis #goldpreise #ernstwolff #wolffofwalstreet #dirkmüller #finanzcommunity #reset #börse #corona #inflation #enteignung

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The French Must Rediscover the Taste for Individual Freedom: An Interview with Professor Pascal Salin

Pascal Salin is an economist, professor emeritus at the University of Paris-Dauphine, and was president of the Mont-Pelerin Society from 1994 to 1996. Among the extensive list of books Professor Salin has published, mention can be made of the following titles: La vérité sur la monnaie (Paris: Odile Jacob, 1990), Libéralisme (Paris: Odile Jacob, 2000), Français, n’ayez pas peur du libéralisme (Paris: Odile Jacob, 2007), Revenir au capitalisme pour...

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Andrew Moran: Hồi chuông cảnh báo cho lạm phát đình trệ

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Markus Krall Solar, Gas, Strom „Echte Gefahr

#geldanlage #gold #goldbarren #goldpreis #goldpreise #ernstwolff #wolffofwalstreet #dirkmüller #finanzcommunity #reset #börse #corona #inflation #enteignung

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Major cracks in financial markets! | Ronald Stöferle & James Connor

Ronald Stöferle was interviewed by James Connor of “Bloor Street Capital”. Together they discussed the current market setup, what the cracks in financial markets mean for the course of the Federal Reserve, as well as its implications on gold. History often rhymes We are currently witnessing another period of stagflation. Already before the COVID crisis, we saw strong indicators, which pointed to a decrease in globalization and a slowing economy....

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Edward Chancellor’s Much-Needed (But Not Heeded) Wisdom on Interest Rates

The subject of time and money has hit a boiling point. Just look at Sri Lanka and Iran, where food riots have turned deadly, or, shall we say, currency riots have. People can’t buy food, and “protesters angry at the soaring prices of everyday commodities including food, have burned down homes belonging to 38 politicians as the crisis-hit country plunged further into chaos, with the government ordering troops to ‘shoot on sight,’” reports...

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Alex Jones Got What He Deserved

Reminder: Our online conference “End Inflation and at the Fed,” continues this evening at 7 p.m. (Eastern time) with the third talk of our series. Our speaker will be Kevin Dowd, professor of finance and economics at Durham University, much of whose work revolves Austrian and Public Choice economics.

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Keith Weiner: Gold & Silver – Enormous Buying Pressure

▶︎1000x – Enter your Email ▶︎ ▶︎ Subscribe to this YouTube channel ▶︎ ▶︎ Join the official 1000x Telegram channel! Join us on the road to 1000x: Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. Keith also serves as founder and President of the Gold Standard Institute USA. His work was...

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What Do Supply and Demand Curves Really Tell Us? Not Very Much

It is commonly held that prices of goods and services can produced by means of supply and demand curves. These curves describe the relationship between the prices and the quantity of goods supplied and demanded. Within the framework of supply-demand curves, an increase in the price of a good is associated with a fall in the quantity demanded and an increase in the quantity supplied.

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Markus Krall Warum Sprit in Frankreich billiger ist als in Deutschland

#gold #goldbarren #goldpreis #goldpreise #ernstwolff #wolffofwalstreet #dirkmüller #finanzcommunity #reset #börse #corona #inflation #enteignung

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Fed Socialist Money Manipulation Cancels Individuals’ Better Judgment

When a person is free to work, shop, and invest, he brings to each task his knowledge from doing the other tasks. As he works, he has a sense of what it takes to please customers, because he’s also a customer. As he shops, he has a sense of what workers can do for him, because he’s also a worker. As he invests, he has a sense of who adds value best, because he also works to add value and shops for value.

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GAS- und STROMPROBLEM, was jetzt auf uns zukommt! (Blackout, Rationierung)

Wird Strom zum Luxus? Im heutigen "Marc spricht mit" mit dem langjährigen und sehr erfolgreichen Rohstoff-Investor Alexander Stahel bespreche ich unter anderem, ob 2023 für uns alle einen riesigen Preisschock wird, wir Stromrationierungen oder gar Blackouts auch in Deutschland sehen könnten und was die deutsche Politik tun muss, um eine Deindustrialisierung zu verhindern und die Stabilisierung unserer Wirtschaft zu garantieren....

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Higher Education Woes: Student Loans Help Fuel Higher College Costs

In my previous article on the college problem, I discussed the cultural factors that have contributed to the falling value of a university degree, which I hoped would show that we cannot reduce the decline of higher education to public policy failures. However, bad policy has been a major contributor to the problems plaguing the university system, both at the federal and state levels.

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Claudio Grass – The Movement Is Spreading World Wide, The Great Awakening, The [DS] Has Failed

Claudio Grass - The Movement Is Spreading World Wide, The Great Awakening, The [DS] Has Failed

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Markus Krall US Arbeitsmarktbericht Anleger haben ihre Lektion immer noch nicht gelernt

#gold #goldbarren #goldpreis #goldpreise #ernstwolff #wolffofwalstreet #dirkmüller #finanzcommunity #reset #börse #corona #inflation #enteignung #edelmetalle #finanzcommunity #finanzen #finanzpolitik #Drmarkuskrall #banken #finanzcrash #eurocrash

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Es beginnt JETZT! Erstem EU-Land geht der Sprit aus! Sind wir die nächsten?!

Kein Benzin, Versorgungskrise, Engpässe, Streiken, Streiks, Spritschock, Geschlossene Tankstellen, Spritt knapp, Frankreich, Spritpreis, Benzinpreis, Diesel, E10, Ukraine Krieg, Russland, Gaslieferung, Ölliefereung, Klimaschutzprogramm, Spritkosten, Nachrichten, Nachrichten aktuell

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Does Bank Lending by Itself Set Off Boom and Bust Cycles?

Popular thinking says that banks are the key factor in the expansion of credit. However, is this really the case? For example, take a farmer Joe that produces two kilograms of potatoes. For his own consumption, he requires one kilogram, and lends the rest for one year to a farmer Bob. The unconsumed one kilogram of potatoes that he agrees to lend is his savings.

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X22 Claudio Grass The Movement Is Spreading World Wide, The Great Awakening, The DS Has Fai

Durham is not setting the path, he has the FBI on trial, he is exposing everything they did. The FBI did not work alone they were directed, Durham is making the connections.

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