Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics


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The Debt-Ceiling Debate Was Pure Theater

In recent months, Americans were treated to a particularly cheap political spectacle: negotiations over the debt ceiling. “Extreme right-wing Republicans have hijacked the debt ceiling process,” said Vermont senator Bernie Sanders. “The fight over the debt ceiling could sink the economy,” intoned National Public Radio. Florida representative Matt Gaetz said that when it comes to the debt ceiling, he sees no need to parlay with the Republicans’...

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Is the Banking Crisis Being Orchestrated?

With each iteration of the banking crisis, the Federal Reserve System and federal regulators gain in power and authority. Maybe the banking crisis isn’t an accident. Original Article: "Is the Banking Crisis Being Orchestrated?"

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Bidenomics Is Yet Another Version of Failed Industrial Policy

On June 28, President Joe Biden took to the stage in Chicago to drum up support for his economic agenda, which his own team has taken to calling “Bidenomics.” The speech was part of a broader publicity tour, “Investing in America,” with the president and his cabinet traveling the country trying to get the American people to see Biden’s economic policies as successful and popular. In his speech, the president attacked so-called trickle-down...

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How will A.I. change your doctor visits? #shorts

Artificial Intelligence software mah eventually automate routine tasks, freeing healthcare providers to focus on more complex and value-added tasks #artificialintelligence #airobot #financeai #fintech #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #tech #aihealth #aihealthcare

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¿Quién Ganó El Debate Electoral? 🤔

#debate #feijoo #sanchez Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Pennsylvania Legislators Want Higher Unemployment, Government Dependency, and Crime

On June 20, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed a bill to raise the commonwealth’s minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2026. Although the bill is unlikely to pass the state senate, it seems only a matter of time before the minimum wage is raised from its current $7.25 per hour, where it has been since 2006. The Lesson Those supporting this bill need to read Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson. Written in 1946, it has become a classic...

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The Soviet Abuse of Indigenous Peoples

The Democratic Socialists of America promotes a supposedly pro-Indigenous people platform. They stress that they do not want to further the “dispossession and exploitation of Indigenous people” while also recognizing the sovereignty of Native Americans. The Communist Party USA’s political program also stresses the inclusion of Indigenous people in the working-class movement. While these organizations are partially right in calling for the...

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Misreading Mill

Patrick Deneen writes that the nonaggression principle promotes a liberalism that is harmful to society, as evidenced by John Stuart Mill's idea of the tyranny of public opinion. Original Article: "Misreading Mill"

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Is Secondhand Smoke Bad, or Is It a Public Good? It’s Complicated

Murray Rothbard once proposed: Quick: Which is America’s Most Persecuted Minority? No, you’re wrong. . . . All right, consider this: Which group has been increasingly illegalized, shamed and denigrated first by the Establishment, and then, following its lead, by society at large? Which group, far from coming out of the “closet,” has been literally forced back into the closet after centuries of walking proudly in the public square? And which group...

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The G7 in Hiroshima: The Latest Attempt to Impose a Unipolar World

It's fitting that the G7 recently met in Hiroshima because the policies they are following are blowing up the world economy. Original Article: "The G7 in Hiroshima: The Latest Attempt to Impose a Unipolar World"

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The Argentinian Zombie Currency

Argentina is one of the world's poster children for hyperinflation. Unfortunately, monetary reforms aren't working because the authorities are not serious about having a sound currency. Original Article: "The Argentinian Zombie Currency"

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Myth #6: There Is a Tradeoff between Unemployment and Inflation

Recorded by the Mises Institute in the mid-1980s, The Mises Report provided radio commentary from leading non-interventionists, economists, and political scientists. In this program, we present another part of "Ten Great Economic Myths". This material was prepared by Murray N. Rothbard. Every time someone calls for the government to abandon its inflationary policies, Establishment economists and politicians warn that the result...

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Hitze-Panik: Politik will öffentliches Leben einschränken!

► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung ► Social Media Twitter: Instagram:...

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The Truth About Bidenomics: More Debt, More Inflation

Estimates of United States growth have improved but remain massively below the Federal Reserve projections. After the largest monetary and fiscal stimulus in recent years, growth remains well below trend, and debt is significantly higher. It is interesting to hear Janet Yellen say that “trickle-down economics did not work” when this is the failed trickle-down: massive government deficit spending leads to negative real wage growth and weaker GDP....

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How will A.I. change your education? #shorts

Artificial Intelligence software will eventually provide teachers with analytics to understand how their students are grasping concepts and where their weaknesses lie. Giving teachers essential information on what to teach, and how to teach it. #artificialintelligence #airobot #financeai #fintech #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #tech #aieducation #educationtechnology

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¿Qué puede pasar si Sánchez Gana las Elecciones?

Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Wall Street to the Fed: Inflation Is Over. Give Us More Easy Money!

The problem here not that the central bank is "setting" the "wrong" interest rate. The problem is the Fed has long been relentlessly forcing down interest rates to satisfy various politically determined "needs." Original Article: "Wall Street to the Fed: Inflation Is Over. Give Us More Easy Money!"

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Is my job safe from the AI takeover? #shorts

No one is certain the exact impact AI will have on the workforce but the growth of AI likely means more than just a shift from humans to machines in the workplace #artificialintelligence #airobot #finance #fintech #chatgpt #technology #tech

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Call Rent Control What It Really Is: Theft

Rent control is all the rage with progressives, with several states and localities trying to impose it. However, when people have their property effectively—and legally—stolen, there are long-term consequences. Original Article: "Call Rent Control What It Really Is: Theft"

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