Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

España, camino de Argentina. PROPAGANDA VS REALIDAD

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The Christmas Truce of World War I

The Christmas truce, which occurred primarily between the British and German soldiers along the Western front in December 1914, is an event the official histories of the "Great War" leave out, and the Orwellian historians hide from the public. Stanley Weintraub has broken through this barrier of silence and written a moving account of this significant event by compiling letters sent home from the front, as well as diaries of the soldiers...

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10x mehr Geld

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Willst du zehnmal mehr Geld verdienen? Dann stell dir die Frage, wie du zehnmal mehr Geld verdienen kannst? Sie müssen es erst mal eröffnen geistig, mental erst mal hier oben kreieren und schauen, was gibt's für Möglichkeiten, sie werden da nämlich kommen, und da musst du schauen, okay, was muss ich tun, welche Person muss ich werden, um das Ganze zu erreichen? Und wenn du es dann einmal nämlich erreicht und...

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Africa Doesn’t Need More Government Aid; It Needs Free Markets

Africa, while being rich in natural resources, is hobbled by government corruption, socialistic policies, and a lack of economic freedom. One only can hope for change. Original Article: Africa Doesn't Need More Government Aid; It Needs Free Markets

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Unraveling the Roots of the German Mark’s Collapse

A century ago, the German reichsmark went into freefall as the most famous hyperinflation in history exploded the German economy. The repercussions still are with us. Original Article: Unraveling the Roots of the German Mark's Collapse

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Can a Libertarian Find Hope in Prison? Maybe

One usually does not equate libertarian thinking with a US prison, but prison life does offer some surprises, especially when it comes to internal governance Original Article: Can a Libertarian Find Hope in Prison? Maybe

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Murray N. Rothbard: A Legacy of Liberty

"On the free market, everyone earns according to his productive value in satisfying consumer desires. Under statist distribution, everyone earns in proportion to the amount he can plunder from the producers." Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) was just one man with a typewriter, but he inspired a world-wide renewal in the scholarship of liberty. During 45 years of research and writing, in 25 books and thousands of articles, he battled every...

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The Fed Pivot

Stock and bond markets are abuzz this week over Chairman Jay Powell's hints of a "Fed Pivot" in interest rate policy. Mark Thornton explains why this optimism is badly misplaced. Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Get your free copy of Murray Rothbard's Anatomy of the State at

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Dean Baker Debates Bob Murphy on Recession Outlook

On a recent installment of the Pynx debate series, Bob had a friendly debate with Dean Baker on a soft or hard landing in 2024. In this episode of the Human Action Podcast, Bob comments on the key disputes, underlying the differences between the Austrian and Keynesian frameworks. Bob's Debate with Dean Baker: Bob's Paper on the Inverted Yield Curve:   Join Tom DiLorenzo, Joe Salerno, and Patrick Newman in Tampa...

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Wie funktioniert finanzielle Intelligenz ?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Die folgende Sache ist ein absoluter Gamechanger in deinem Leben, denn es verändert alles und ist unglaublich sexy, auch wenn es total langweilig klingt, und zwar finanzielle Intelligenz. Zwei magische Wörter. Denn wenn du lernst, wie Geld funktioniert, das, was wir nie in der Schule gelernt haben, auch niemals lernen sollten, dann verändert sich alles, wie du Geld verdienst, wie du es behältst und wie du es...

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Authorities in Jamaica Endorse Cancel Culture

The trend of punishing people in Jamaica for being disrespectful is becoming troubling. Citizens support penalizing uncouth characters without recognizing that sanctions violate free speech. During the apex of lockdown hysteria, one man was coerced by the police to apologize after daring to criticize the prime minister. This act of overreach by the police was unsurprisingly lauded by a wide cross-section of society. Although this act was condemned...

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Henry Kissinger: War Criminal and Enemy of Mankind

Get ready to see George W. Bush, Michelle Obama, Mitch McConnell, and Hillary Clinton all mourn together at Kissinger's funeral as they hail one of the regime's most devoted apologists.  Original Article: Henry Kissinger: War Criminal and Enemy of Mankind

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The Anatomy of the Statist

Statists reveal their belief in the almighty state in many different ways, but they all want the same outcome: more government control over our lives. Original Article: The Anatomy of the Statist

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President Biden Is Wrong. Military Spending Does Not Produce Wealth

In his latest defense of bloated military spending, President Joe Biden claims that the military budget creates real wealth. Instead, military spending is destroying it. Original Article: President Biden Is Wrong. Military Spending Does Not Produce Wealth

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How the Free Market Drove History’s “Great Enrichment”

Beyond Positivism, Behaviorism, and Neoinstitutionalism in Economicsby Deirdre Nansen McCloskeyUniversity of Chicago Press, 2022; 222 pp. Deirdre McCloskey is a great economic historian, and in Beyond Positivism, she makes a number of valuable points that draw from her immense learning in this field. I’d like to concentrate on a few of these insights in this week’s column. She stresses the importance of the “Great Enrichment,” the process by which...

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Dirk Müller – Ein besinnliches Fest und eine wunderbare Weihnachtszeit

Kennen Sie das Gefühl, dass die Zeit immer schneller verfliegt und man sich manchmal fragt, wo sie nur geblieben ist? Gerade wenn man schon ein paar Lenze hinter sich hat, scheinen sich die Zeiger schneller zu drehen. Dies hat allerdings einen Grund: unsere Alltagsroutinen, die uns keinen Tag vom anderen unterscheiden lassen! Kinder hingegen lernen jeden Tag etwas Neues und sind daher stets voller Faszination und Begeisterung. Schauen wir uns doch...

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Do Third Parties Matter in U.S. Elections? A Deep Dive with Frank Luntz

Today’s guest, renowned political pollster Dr. Frank Luntz, believes the once absurd thought of the two leading presidential candidates debating each other while one wears prison orange and the other receives geriatric medical support is, in fact, a possibility. Yet, 70% of Americans don’t want a Trump vs. Biden rematch. Have we finally reached the point where a third-party candidate could win? Dr. Luntz shares invaluable insights on the 2024...

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