Category Archive: 6b.)

Bank CEOs Have Their Heads in the Clouds

Bank CEOs always have their heads in the clouds. First, pessimists never earn a seat in the corner office. Plus, it takes a good-sized ego to climb to the top of a bank bureaucracy. A person running a bank believes they can sail the ship through any stormy economic weather. Take John Allison. He’s the chairman of a bank holding company, Home BancShares. He told the Wall Street Journal about a time when the regulator of Home BancShares, the Federal...

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Defending the Undefendable Investments

The people presented in this book are generally considered villainous, and the functions they perform, harmful. Sometimes society itself is damned because it spawns such reprehensible characters. However, the thrust of this book will concentrate on the following propositions: They are guilty of no wrong-doing of a violent nature;In virtually every case, they actually benefit society;If we prohibit their activities, we do so at our own loss.       ...

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Are Workers Being Paid Their Product? Watch Out for Misleading Charts

Dr. Jonathan Newman joins Bob to break down the data used in a popular productivity vs. pay graph. They show why you should be wary of charts coming from agenda-driven institutions and how you can spot manipulated data. The charts mentioned during this episode are available at: Gene Epstein on the Bob Murphy Show: The Economic Policy Institute 2022 Paper: The Economic Policy Institute 2015...

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Dollarization in Argentina Will Not Promote Freedom

Javier Milei’s sensational performance in the Argentinean presidential election primary confirms the very real possibility that an anarchocapitalist who quotes Rothbard and Mises could become Argentina’s next president. If elected, there is little doubt that Milei will implement proposals aimed at profoundly reshaping Argentina’s economy along free market lines. Unfortunately, a controversial idea to fully dollarize the Argentinean economy seems to...

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Is the US Banking System a House of Cards Waiting to Topple?

Decades of low interest rates have ruined saving in the US economy, and banks are going to pay dearly for it. Original Article: Is the US Banking System a House of Cards Waiting to Topple?

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“Social Justice” Is Neither Social nor Just

Social Justice Fallaciesby Thomas SowellBasic Books, 2023; 224 pp. Thomas Sowell has given us a penetrating criticism of the approach to justice taken by many political philosophers, especially John Rawls and his innumerable followers. He says that they construct an image of the way society ought to be but fail to ask whether their plans are feasible. His criticism is well-taken, although he does not offer an adequate account of the rights that...

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August Price Inflation Accelerated, and the Fed Fears More Is in Store

The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released new price inflation data last week, and according to the report, price inflation during August accelerated, coming in at the highest year-over-year increase in three months. According to the BLS, Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rose 3.7 percent, year over year, in August before seasonal adjustment. That’s up from July’s year-over-year increase of 3.2 percent, and August is the...

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Striking Autoworkers Will Only Harm Their Own Livelihoods

Autoworkers are angry at their working situation and are striking for higher wages and a shorter work week. Their anger is misdirected. Original Article: Striking Autoworkers Will Only Harm Their Own Livelihoods

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The Central Bank Policy Interest Rate vs the Natural Rate

According to many commentators, the Fed’s monetary policy, which aims at price stability, is the key factor in attaining stable economic growth. They claim that what prevents the attainment of price stability are fluctuations in the federal funds rate relative to the neutral interest rate, also known as the natural interest rate. Under this view, since the natural interest rate is consistent with stable prices and a balanced economy, Fed...

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“Debanking”: The Latest Assault on Freedom of Speech

In their war against free speech, progressive governments are now denying dissidents use of the banking system. Original Article: ""Debanking": The Latest Assault on Freedom of Speech"

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The Oil-Price Shock Is a Direct Consequence of Interventionism.

Oil prices are soaring, and, as always, we read in many articles that OPEC and Russia are to blame. However, if OPEC and its allies were almighty and the drivers of oil prices, why have Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude plummeted in 2022? OPEC only reacts to demand, but it is not a price-setter. It is a price-taker. WTI is up 13% year-to-date, but it only started bouncing in May. WTI is only up 6% in the past year. At $90.7/barrel, it...

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Most Economists Are Wrong about the Economy 

Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by economist Mark Thornton to take a look at why so many economists keep telling us the economy is in great shape. Get your free book at Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at New Radio Rothbard mugs are now available at the Mises Store. Get yours at  PROMO CODE: RothPod for 20% off

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It’s Time for Some Debt and Entitlement Alarmism

Polls consistently show that climate change is a leading issue for young Americans. Millennials and Generation Z have been coached on climate arguments—and in most cases outright climate alarmism—in school and by the media, leaving them convinced that carbon-based energy has ruined their future on the planet. It appears that children are being organized to advance adults’ political goals. Greta from Sweden addresses the United Nations, apparently...

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America’s Big Three Entitlement Bankruptcies Are Inevitable

The vast American welfare system is imploding. Future tax revenues will not come close to meeting future obligations. Something must give. Original Article: America's Big Three Entitlement Bankruptcies Are Inevitable

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Chess, Trans Athletes, and Free Markets in Sports

Transgender athletes are becoming increasingly more common in athletic competitions, and this has spurred a great deal of criticism from the right side of the political aisle. Their argument is simple: men have a distinct advantage when it comes to sports. This point seems self-evident given the immense amount of success most trans athletes (typically male to female) experience when they decide to change gender. CeCé Telfer, Mary Gregory, and...

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Strikes Always Have Economic Consequences and the Latest UAW Strike Is No Exception

On September 15, 2023, the United Auto Workers (UAW) union staged a massive strike consisting of thirteen thousand workers, and for the first time, the union hit three separate automotive enterprises simultaneously: General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis. The Associated Press noted that only three assembly plants are on strike at the moment: a General Motors factory in Wentzville, Missouri; a Ford plant in Wayne, Michigan; and a Jeep factory owned by...

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Is China Colonizing Jamaica?

Some Jamaicans complain that the Chinese are "colonizing" the country because of their economic success there. Actually, their success is due to entrepreneurship and plain hard work. Original Article: "Is China Colonizing Jamaica?"

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Haiti May Have Won Independence, But It Is Not Independent of Chaos and Poverty

Haiti is engulfed by an ongoing political crisis and the world is desperately awaiting solutions to ease a turbulent political atmosphere. Her neighbors in the Caribbean are being implored by the international community to propose measures that will avert further calamities. Working to contain the crisis in Haiti benefits Caribbean countries because Haiti’s instability can lead to regional turmoil. Moreover, the appetite for refugee status in...

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Striking Autoworkers Will Only Harm Their Own Livelihoods

On Friday, September 15, 12,700 members of the United Auto Workers union (UAW) walked off the job at plants owned by the “Big Three” automakers—Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis (which owns Chrysler, Jeep, and Ram). The walkout marked the beginning of a series of long-expected targeted strikes aiming to give the UAW leverage as it renegotiates contracts with the three companies. The strike is grounded in frustrations over worker compensation....

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Are Markets Tyrannical? Where Christian Conservatives Are Mistaken

A number of Christian conservatives are claiming that markets are as coercive as government. Try boycotting the FBI or your local police the next time they do something outrageous. Original Article: "Are Markets Tyrannical? Where Christian Conservatives Are Mistaken"

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