Category Archive: 6b.)

The Life and Death of American Exceptionalism

Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 12-14 October 2023. Sponsored by Jule and Lynne Herbert. The Life and Death of American Exceptionalism | Thomas DiLorenzo Video of The Life and Death of American Exceptionalism | Thomas DiLorenzo

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Why This Time the Dollar Faltered Has Been Different from the Last Time

Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 12-14 October 2023. Sponsored by Paul Dietrich. Download the slides from this lecture at Why This Time the Dollar Faltered Has Been Different from the Last Time | Jeffrey Herbener Video of Why This Time the Dollar Faltered Has Been Different from the Last Time | Jeffrey Herbener

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The Dollar Crisis of 1861–1865: Greenbacks, Gold, and Confederate Dollars

Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 12-14 October 2023. Sponsored by Scott and Cathy Ullery. Download the slides from this lecture at The Dollar Crisis of 1861–1865: Greenbacks, Gold, and Confederate Dollars | Timothy Terrell Video of The Dollar Crisis of 1861–1865: Greenbacks, Gold, and Confederate Dollars | Timothy Terrell

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How to Reform the Fed

Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 12-14 October 2023. Sponsored by Bob Tancula. [embedded content]

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Abundance, Generosity, and the State: An Inquiry into Economic Principles

Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 12-14 October 2023. Download the slides from this lecture at

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Wall Street and the Origins of Bretton Woods

Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 12-14 October 2023. Sponsored by Brian and Shanna Tvenstrup. Download the slides from this lecture at Wall Street and the Origins of Bretton Woods | Patrick Newman Video of Wall Street and the Origins of Bretton Woods | Patrick Newman

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No, We Cannot Afford to Fund Yet Another War

US government officials from President Biden to Secretary Yellen think the US can fund endless wars, but the American people are suffering in reality. Original Article: No, We Cannot Afford to Fund Yet Another War

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Cut through the Media Noise, and Remember the Economic Priorities

Trying to keep up with economic news is exhausting. Tune into the financial news channels or scroll through any number of economic blogs, and you’ll be hit with a fire hose of alarming headlines, scary-looking graphs, and a tone-deaf establishment emphatically declaring that the economy is better than ever. Debates rage on social media and in the halls of Congress over the most trivial policy details. All while the financial markets swing...

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Is There Inflation in Government-Financed Goods and Services?

Governments are fond of accusing private firms of “greed” when prices increase during periods of inflation. However, they fail to tell the public that government services also face price increases. Original Article: Is There Inflation in Government-Financed Goods and Services?

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The Dangers of a “Cashless” Economy

Before delving into the dangers of eliminating cash and mandating that all transactions be conducted by digital means, let us briefly discuss the legal aspects of money. In the United States, as in all economies that have legal tender laws, only cash is recognized as money. Some may think that the balance of their bank accounts is money too, but that is not quite the case. Your bank balance is one step removed from legal money. All banks must...

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Countering the Woke Offensive

Did someone recently flip a switch? It seems as though Wokeism, the Great Reset, ESG, DEI, and an assortment of other radical left-wing positions, have just taken over. It is in the movies, media, sports, finance, retail businesses, and even in the beer industry. Yet, it is not a uniquely American phenomenon. Wokeism is a part of the international Zeitgeist. For example, this past June, I inadvertently experienced a huge “Pride” parade (reported as...

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Rothbard on a Priori History

Rothbard warned against the assumption that because democracies are “better” than dictatorships, they are necessarily more peace loving. Original Article: Rothbard on a Priori History

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The Fate or Wealth of Nations: AI, Robotics and Automation

What contributes to the wealth of a nation? Gross national income (GNI) and gross domestic product (GDP) are two well-known measures of a country’s economic growth. One measures the earnings of a country, and the other measures the value of the final goods produced by the country. What drives these measures in the twenty-first century? We are now witnessing a pivotal technological divide among countries in their ability to invest in and deploy...

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Foreword: Legal Foundations of a Free Society

[This article is the foreword to Stephan Kinsella's, Legal Foundations of a Free Society (Houston, Texas: Papinian Press, 2023)] The question as to what is justice and what constitutes a just society is as old as philosophy itself. Indeed, it arises in everyday life even long before any systematic philosophizing is to begin. All throughout intellectual history, one prominent answer to this question has been to say that it is “might” that makes...

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Can the American Government Wage a Just War?

In a recent Mises Wire article, Connor O’Keeffe posed the question: “Is It Just War or Unjustified Slaughter of Innocents?” O’Keeffe points to Murray Rothbard’s claim that the difference between war and other manners of crime is merely a matter of scale, concluding that what we currently see occurring in the Middle East—as well as in any number of previous conflicts around the world—is not justified. However, it can be further shown that...

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Taking a Closer Look at the Vaunted Scandinavian Welfare States

While politicians like Bernie Sanders and AOC tout the Scandinavian welfare model for the USA, there are a few things to understand about these countries and the economies that support their welfare programs. Original Article: Taking a Closer Look at the Vaunted Scandinavian Welfare States

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Was the French Revolution Good or Bad?

For a number of reasons, the French Revolution is a kind of Rorschach Test for educated people. One cause of this phenomenon, if I may pile on metaphors, is clearly the blind man/elephant problem. There are so many parts of the Revolution, so many stages, so many protagonists, so many ideas, so many policies—often quite contradictory—that we are sometimes confused not only as to how to interpret it, but as to what part to interpret as well....

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What is Software Quality? An Austrian Approach

The International Software Testing Qualifications Board provides an excellent preliminary definition of quality: “The degree to which a work product satisfies stated and implied needs of its stakeholders.” However, despite all its virtues, this definition still requires further clarification to fully grasp all of its business ramifications. Here is when the notion of value comes in handy. Value Is Subjective We learn from praxeology that...

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The Cultural Impact of the Dollar

Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 14 October 2023. Includes an introduction by Dr. Sandra Klein and audience question and answer period. Sponsored by Gregory and Joy Morin. The Cultural Impact of the Dollar | Guido Hülsmann Video of The Cultural Impact of the Dollar | Guido Hülsmann

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How a Trickle Can Turn into a Flood

Infamous hyperinflations like what hit Germany in 1923 did not begin as a flood. Instead, they started as smaller bouts of inflation initiated by governments that printed money to pay for deficit spending. Original Article: How a Trickle Can Turn into a Flood

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