Category Archive: 6b.)

America the Obese: How Taxpayers Are Forced to Ruin Their Health

The first piece of legislation passed by the new Congress of the United States of America after the ratification of the Constitution included a tariff on the import of foreign sugar. Although this tariff was passed as a means to raise the funds needed to pay the debts accrued during the Revolutionary War, coincidentally it also provided elaborate protections to the nation’s wealthiest farmers of sugarcane and sugar beets. The indirect subsidies...

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Murray Sabrin’s Memoir: From Liberal Democrat to Libertarian Running for Governor of New Jersey

Murray Sabrin has a long history with the Austrian movement and is one of two people who had Murray Rothbard on his PhD committee. He talks with Bob about his memoir, From Immigrant to Public Intellectual: An American Story. Murray Sabrin's Substack: From Immigrant to Public Intellectual: An American Story: Rothbard's America's Great Depression: Bob's Blog on the Distortion of...

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Why the National Debt is Now Threatening the Regime

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by Peter St. Onge, an economic fellow with the Heritage Foundation and frequent Mises Wire author. With the costs of financing the national debt now exceeding the costs of military spending and major social programs, Peter explains why government spending is now a crisis the regime can't ignore.  "Sovereign Debt is Eating the World" by Peter St....

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China’s Inefficient and Unsustainable Central Planning

China's so-called economic miracle is running into the ground as the reality of central planning becomes increasingly obvious and an economic reckoning looms. Original Article: China’s Inefficient and Unsustainable Central Planning

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The Legacy of Legacy Admissions Is Not What the Critics Claim

In the aftermath of Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and its companion case, race-based affirmative action is, for the most part, dead. While there are legitimate criticisms of this decision from the Right, the Left has taken the near opposite approach. Rather than simply lamenting, the Left is using this as an opportunity for taking further action against what they perceive to be racial discrimination. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) states...

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The Taxman Cometh

Philip Goff’s new book Why? The Purpose of the Universe is an outstanding investigation of cosmic purpose written from the author’s panpsychist point of view. It’s an impressive contribution to metaphysics, but, you may ask, why I am talking about it in this week’s column? The answer is that the author includes an appendix, “P.S. Is Taxation Theft?,” in which he raises some very relevant points about libertarianism. You may now wonder why a book on...

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How German Exports Lost the Race with China

The German economic powerhouse is slowing, weighed down by its costly green energy policies and a bloated welfare state. Germany's economy needs market reforms, not more state intervention. Original Article: How German Exports Lost the Race with China

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Cryptocurrency: Integrity Destroyer or Policy Scapegoat?

Cryptocurrency is failing. Or so it seems. Last week, the arrest of Su Zhu, cofounder of failed crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital, brought to light the integrity issues which have plagued the crypto landscape. Along with cofounder Kyle Davies, the fund faced $3.5 billion of creditor’s claim, making its collapse one of the largest hedge-fund collapses of all time. Zhu’s arrest came from a long line of incidents. The JPEX scandal, the 2022...

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The Specter of Hyperinflation Looms over the Economy

While the White House claims that inflation is losing steam, the truth is that unless the government changes its reckless monetary course, hyperinflation could be in our economic future. Original Article: The Specter of Hyperinflation Looms over the Economy

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One Cannot Interpret Facts of Reality without Theories

Many economists, including Milton Friedman, have claimed that reality is elusive and that one cannot know its true nature. Most mainstream economists also believe that data gives us the state of the economy. By inspecting numbers such as gross domestic product (GDP) or the consumer price index, only then can an economist accurately assess the state of economic conditions. Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian School of Economics have had a different...

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Turkey Is Sustaining Major Inflation. Something Has to Give

Inflation in Turkey today is officially running close to 70 percent, but the Turkish economy seems to be booming. Inflationary booms, however, cannot be sustained. Original Article: Turkey Is Sustaining Major Inflation. Something Has to Give

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The Worse-than-Medieval Economics of Climate Technocrats

Throughout my life, a specter developed by the state has been used to haunt and cajole the world’s politics to favor centralized technocracy. I remember it first being called “global warming,” complete with apocalyptic prognostications meant to occur by specific years. Sometime after those predictions failed to materialize, it was rebranded as “climate change,” and the technocratic class’s predictions became more ethereal and vague. The craze made...

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The More Complex the Society, The Less Government Control We Need

Americans live in a complex world. That has made those who argue for ever-growing statism to often claim that “the more complex the society, the more government control we need.” One major reason is that this claim allows them to assert that even if liberty was appropriate in a long-past, simple “horse and buggy” age (as when America began as a country), it cannot possibly be so now. When I hear such an assertion, the first thing I think of is...

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Canadian Digital Protectionism Gravely Threatens Free Speech

Under the guise of "modernizing" communications, the Canadian government is vastly expanding its power to regulate social media and threaten free speech. Original Article: Canadian Digital Protectionism Gravely Threatens Free Speech

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100 Years Ago Today: The End of German Hyperinflation

On 15 November 1923 decisive steps were taken to end the nightmare of hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic: The Reichsbank, the German central bank, stopped monetizing government debt, and a new means of exchange, the Rentenmark, was issued next to the Papermark (in German: Papiermark). These measures succeeded in halting hyperinflation, but the purchasing power of the Papermark was completely ruined. To understand how and why this could happen,...

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Kendi’s Critical Race Theory Is a Failed Marxist Doctrine

While Ibrahim Kendi's infamous antiracism center at Boston University implodes, the doctrines espoused by the center continue to present false social narratives. Original Article: Kendi's Critical Race Theory Is a Failed Marxist Doctrine

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The Problem with Joe Manchin’s Centrism

Last week, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced he would not seek reelection in 2024. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Manchin explained his reasons for leaving. He starts with a relatively noncontroversial assessment of the problems facing America—rising costs, dangerous drugs crossing the border, a large national debt, unsafe communities, and foreign wars that threaten to pull the United States in. After some platitudes about these not being...

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You’re Paying for the Israel War. You’ll Also Pay for the Refugees.

The United States regime has picked sides in the Israel-Hamas war and has committed to funding Israel's ongoing bombing of non-combatant men, women, and children in the Gaza strip. Northern Gaza's infrastructure is now all but destroyed, with millions of Gazans displaced and homeless. Nearly ten times more Gazans than Israelis have now died in the conflict. Many Gazans have fled to the southern portion of Gaza, but homelessness and abject poverty...

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The TSA Is Still Crazy after All These Years

The TSA has been promising to end its boneheaded ways for more than 20 years. Flying out of Dallas International Airport last week, I ruefully recognized that all TSA reform promises are malarkey. As I neared the end of a TSA checkpoint line, I saw two women loitering behind a roped off section for CLEAR, a new biometric surveillance program that works with 35 airports and coordinates with TSA. CLEAR involves travelers standing in photo kiosks that...

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Pushing the False Narrative of U.S. Isolationism

Americans have been fed the myth that US foreign policy from 1919 to 1941 was isolationist. In reality, US policies destabilized already volatile international relations. Original Article: Pushing the False Narrative of U.S. Isolationism

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