Category Archive: 6b.)

Seditious Conspiracy: A Fake Crime and a Danger to Free Speech

"Over the past three years, the word sedition has again become popular among regime agents and their friends in the media. It's not the first time the word has been frequently used. In the American context, it's frequently employed whenever the ruling class wishes us to become hysterical about some real and imagined enemy, both domestic and foreign."This event was co-hosted by the Mises Institute and the Ron Paul Institute, and recorded...

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Is Private Property Simply a Racial or Social Construct?

In a 1964 article in the Yale Law Journal titled The New Property Charles Reich argued that “government largesse” is an increasingly important source of wealth and should thus be understood and regulated as a new form of property. Reich argued that “Property is a legal institution, the essence of which is the creation and protection of certain private rights in wealth of any kind” and that “Property is not a natural right but a deliberate...

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Required Reading: 25th Anniversary Rothbard Graduate Seminar

Listed and linked below are the readings that all students must complete before attending RGS. All materials are available on free of charge, and most readings are available in multiple formats (e.g., PDF, ePub, HTML, audio). Complimentary physical copies of the readings will be available to attendees upon arrival at RGS. Physical copies can be mailed in advance to U.S. addresses upon request by emailing [email protected]...

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Required Reading: 25th Anniversary Rothbard Graduate Seminar

Listed and linked below are the readings that all students must complete before attending RGS. 

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How Statism Destroyed Argentina

The seventy-fifth anniversary of Ludwig von Mises’s Human Action invites us to ponder on Mises’s scholarly achievements and how the economic mainstream has not yet caught up to his advances in economics. Like Jesus Huerta de Soto points out in his preliminary study to the Spanish version of the thirteenth edition of Human Action: few are the treatises on the side of the mainstream that even try to match what Mises does in Human Action.Mises’s work...

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Human Action on Its 75th Anniversary Helps Us Understand How Statism Has Decimated Argentina

The seventy-fifth anniversary of Ludwig von Mises’s Human Action invites us to ponder on Mises’s scholarly achievements and how the economic mainstream has not yet caught up to his advances in economics. Like Jesus Huerta de Soto points out in his preliminary study to the Spanish version of the thirteenth edition of Human Action: few are the treatises on the side of the mainstream that even try to match what Mises does in Human Action.

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Welcome and Opening Remarks

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property...

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The War on Poverty Makes Poverty Worse

The city of San Antonio’s Status on Poverty Report was released recently, and the response was predictable. “I just want . . . some sort of an action plan.” Council should “better direct” taxpayer dollars “toward helping all San Antonians thrive.”If officials had a decent grasp of history, they’d know the likely outcomes from such efforts: more of the same.Poverty is the natural, initial state. Society wasn’t just born into affluence; it had to be...

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“Don’t Do Something! Just Stand There!”

The city of San Antonio’s Status on Poverty Report was released recently, and the response was predictable. “I just want . . . some sort of an action plan.” Council should “better direct” taxpayer dollars “toward helping all San Antonians thrive.”If officials had a decent grasp of history, they’d know the likely outcomes from such efforts: more of the same.Poverty is the natural, initial state. Society wasn’t just born into affluence; it had to be...

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Renato Moicano: “If You Care About Your…Country, Read Ludwig von Mises.”

Last night, Brazilian fighter Renato Moicano went viral after his victory over JalinTurner at UFC 300, giving a shout-out to Ludwig von Mises himself.'I love America, I love the Constitution...I want to carry...guns. I love private property. Let If you something. If you care about, read Ludwig von Mises and the six lessons of the Austrian economic school.The full clip is available here, with some colorful adult language...

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The Myth of the Equilibrium Interest Rate

“Fast thinking” is a corrupting short-cut in mental processes which the late Daniel Kahneman identified by experiments in financial decision-making. Fast thinking plagues the market-place as it responds to the new threat of responses to Fed-led inflation. That threat had emerged even before the post-pandemic inflation starting in late 2022 cooled from its peak levels. The most recent surge in prices had materialized even though its symptoms in...

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The Lords of Easy Money, The Price of Time and Austrian Business Cycle Theory

Two books have recently been published on post-2007-2008 financial crisis history. The first is The Lords of Easy Money: How the Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy by Christopher Leonard and it is my favorite of the two. Mr. Leonard describes the post-crisis financial environment extremely well in a way that is consistent with Austrian Business Cycle Theory (ABCT) without naming it. I expected this as the author is a journalist writing for...

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The Hazards of “Colorblind Equality”

The words of Lewis Carroll are often cited in reference to the culture wars and the redefinition of words whose meaning used to be regarded as plain.“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”This is...

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Disappointing News

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito Website powered by Mises Institute donors Mises Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent the law allows. Tax ID# 52-1263436

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Simon Guenzl vs. Dave Smith on Open Borders

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito Website powered by Mises Institute donors Mises Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent the law allows. Tax ID# 52-1263436

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Why Politicians and Bureaucrats Choose Politics over Sound Economics

We are taught from a very young age; “Government works for you”, or “the Government is the embodiment of the populous.” We accept these slogans blindly and carry on day to day. However, reality does not match up with these catch phrases. This is painfully clear when looking at the incentives that face these officeholders. After examining just a few, it’s clear we ought to adopt slogans that align with reality like, “the Government works for...

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The Non-Austrian Theory of the Nonbusiness Cycle

The Prophets of Doomby Neema ParviniImprint Academic, 2023; 227 pp.It was to be expected that Neema Parvini would give us an excellent book, and he has not disappointed us. Parvini is an outstanding Shakespeare critic and has written an important book on property rights, The Defenders of Liberty. In The Prophets of Doom, he discusses with marvelous concision a number of thinkers who have rejected the notion of universal historical progress,...

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Savor the Taste of Independence, Grow Your Own!

Growing your own tomatoes can be rewarding far beyond the sweet taste of your crop.The traditional extra benefits keep bringing many of us back season after season. If you’re a gardener, you know the great feeling of acting directly on nature to produce the food you eat. Raising tomatoes gets you outside and sweating, and usually provides a sense of accomplishment. It encourages discipline and planning and demands a bit of knowledge and a ton of...

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Milei Tries to Tackle Rent Control in Argentina

The major cities of the world have been facing housing problems for years. With the increase of immigrants and of people experiencing homelessness, the discussion about housing regulation has intensified.The West, once a bastion of ideas of freedom and free markets, continues to harbor central planners whose delusions of omnipotence are paid for by the misfortune of ordinary people as the regulation attempts of these planners fail because such...

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The Population Explosion Disaster that Never Happened

I do not hear much talk about world population these days, the way I did growing up in the 1960s and ’70s. People were supposedly starving, dying, with tens of millions more sure to die. The problem back then was that there were just too many, well, people.Population numbers coming out of China and India were unthinkable, and projections indicated many more people were going to be born into this dire situation. There were over twenty thousand...

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