Category Archive: 6b.)

The Importance of Sound Money (Robert P. Murphy – Acton Institute)

In this Acton Lecture Series address, Robert P. Murphy explains how money emerged naturally from voluntary trades, and not from government edicts; describes the operation of the classical gold standard, and how governments, including ours, wrecked it; and provides insight into the problems of government fiat money, pointing out that the danger is not simply …

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6b.) P: 2014-11-05 17:28:28

With 100 years having passed since the start of the First World War, the view of the war among historians and the public has evolved in many ways. Historian Hunt Tooley examines the turning points in how the world sees the Great War. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.

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EconVersations w/ Doug French (episode 16)

Dr. Scott Beaulier, of the Manuel Johnson Center for Political Economy, hosts EconVersations, a program that explores the role of free markets in promoting prosperity through conversations with Manuel Johnson Center faculty and guests. In this episode, Dr. Beaulier interviews Doug French.

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Global Elites are Terrified (or: Five Lessons Learned from the Scottish Referendum, by Ryan McMaken)

My reading of the Ryan McMaken article published on

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Robert P. Murphy – ‘Insider Trading Actually Helps People, It Should Be Legal’

John Stossel Show.

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BlogHer ’14 10×10 – Doug French

Doug French took part in the first Voices of the Year Community Keynote at BlogHer ’08. He shares the experience and how blogging has changed his life, in his 10×10 keynote at BlogHer ’14. BlogHer is the premier cross-platform media network created by, for and with women social media leaders. Reaching 100 million women monthly, …

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Doug French: Is Las Vegas the Freest Place on Earth?

Direct from FreedomFest 2014, Kyle Platt catches up with Doug French, director of Mises Institute Canada. They discuss the annual setting of FreedomFest, Las Vegas, as the illusion of freedom it creates for tourists. Is Las Vegas really free? Find out. Bonus: Doug answers the question, if you could design a casino game after any …

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Contrasting Views of the Great Depression | Robert P. Murphy

Archived from the live broadcast, this Mises University lecture was presented at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 23 July 2014.

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Mises Academy Free Trade 1 of 4

Robert P. Murphy walks through Lesson 19 from his textbook *Lessons For the Young Economist*. For more info:

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Author’s Forum: Faulty Premises, Faulty Policies by Dr. Gary Galles U presented an Author’s Forum with Dr. Gary Galles of Pepperdine University on May 13 at 9pm EST for a discussion of his new book “Faulty Premises, Faulty Policies.” About the Book: Faulty Premises, Faulty Policies by Gary Galles is an incredibly good guide to showing precisely what is nonsensical about political debate. How …

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Gary Galles: Thomas Piketty’s Bad Economics

Kyle Platt speaks with Professor Gary Galles of Pepperdine University about the hubbub around the French economist, Thomas Piketty, and his attacks of what he sees as Capitalism.

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Gary Galles: The Weaponized Language of Politics

Kyle Platt speaks with Professor Gary Galles about his new book: Faulty Premises, Faulty Policies. In the book, Prof. Galles details the way in which politicians use rhetorical and linguistic tricks in order to pass legislation, and how to spot these tricks. Prof. Galles’ book is available on Amazon: Or, it is completely free, …

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Dr. Frank Shostak, MMG on the coming US recession

A contrarian view on the US economy. Livewire met with well renowned Austrian School Economist, Dr. Frank Shostak of MMG in Sydney yesterday. Dr. Shostak is surprisingly positive on China due to the process of cleansing being undertaken, but has grave concerns regarding the economic health of the US. Dr. Shostak predicts that continued low-growth …

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Doug French: The Injustice System, Darrow’s Resist Not Evil

Kyle Platt speaks with Doug French, Executive Editor or Agora Financial and former President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, about Clarence Darrow’s almost forgotten book, Resist Not Evil, and the the implications of this scathing critique of the American justice system. Resist Not Evil will be available for download in the library of …

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Bob Murphy Explains “Rio 2” to Stefan Molyneux

Economist Robert P. Murphy has to explain animated kids’ movies to world-famous libertarian philosopher Stefan Molyneux. Molyneux’s scathing review of “Rio 2” is at: (Note: At the 0:18 mark Murphy erroneously refers to the film as a Disney production, but it is 20th Century FOX.)

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How the Government Wrecks the Economy | Robert P. Murphy

Enroll now: Interviewed by Merlin Rothfeld and John O’Donnell, Bob Murphy illustrates how government interference with the market economy leads to human misery.

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Closed Border Keeps You IN

Economist Robert P. Murphy discusses the odd support for “closing the border” among people who otherwise have a very cynical view of the government’s motives.

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Doug French – contributing editor at Casey Research

Doug French discusses Putin as the West’s Loan Shark.

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Supply and Demand, Part VI | Robert P. Murphy

From Robert Murphy’s 3-part series of online courses, “Basics of Economics.” Part 3 of this series, “How Government Wrecks the Economy,” starts April 24. Sign up now to attend live. Parts 1 and 2 are not required, but they are available to take as independent study. Sign up at

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Supply and Demand, Part V | Robert P. Murphy

From Robert Murphy’s 3-part series of online courses, “Basics of Economics.” Part 3 of this series, “How Government Wrecks the Economy,” starts April 24. Sign up now to attend live. Parts 1 and 2 are not required, but they are available to take as independent study. Sign up at

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