Category Archive: 6b.)

Stellan Abrahamsson – Schwerige eller Sveitz (Freedomfest 2018)

Från Freedomfest 2018. Sverige och Schweiz hade ungefär samma förutsättningar under senare delen av Europas industrialisering. Båda länder höll sig utanför kriget och hade industrin intakt. Länderna hade ungefär samma befolkningsmängd och befolkning med liknande kulturell bakgrund. Båda ligger med närhet till stora exportmarknader i Europa. Båda blev framgångsrika till en början men hur gick …

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Per Bylund on AI and the Structure of Production

Our guest is Dr. Per Bylund ( of Oklahoma State University, who joins Jeff Deist to dispel some of the myths surrounding artificial intelligence and mass data collection. AI is just the next evolution of smart software, Bylund argues, and should be celebrated like all technology as higher order capital goods that increase productivity and …

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Self-Interest Is Not Selfishness | by Gary Galles

When Mother Teresa used her Nobel Prize money to fund services for the poor, she was exhibiting “self-interest,” but not selfishness. Like virtually everyone else, she used her property to achieve an end she valued, but which benefited others as well. Read the text version of this presentation online: * * * * DISCLAIMER: …

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How Truly Free Markets Help the Poor | by Ryan McMaken

Free markets have provided an abundance of goods and comforts for even low-income households. But constant government intervention in the work, lives, and incomes of the poor continues to create many barriers to economic success. Read the text version of this presentation online: * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by …

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How Economic Aggregation Hides the Problems of Interventionism | by Gary Galles

Government likes to put out lots of data showing things like income and employment for huge numbers of people. The problem is, this tells us almost nothing about how real-life people are hurt or helped by government intervention. Read the text version of this presentation online: * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation …

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The Folly of 1845: Texas and the Evils of Annexation | by Ryan McMaken

The opposite of secession is annexation wherein governments extend their monopolies over a greater territory. Just as secession naturally limits the power of states, annexation extends it, and should be opposed. Read the text version of this presentation online: * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von Mises …

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The True Cost of the Homeownership Obsession | by Ryan McMaken

The homeownership rate is now back where it was forty years ago. So what did all that federally-subsidized homebuying over the past decade accomplish? There was a lot of malinvestment, and a lot of politically-favored interest groups that got richer. Read the text version of this presentation online: * * * * DISCLAIMER: This …

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The “Dog-Eat-Dog” Delusion | by Gary Galles

Opponents of free markets sometimes describe market competition of dog-eat-dog, but that metaphor has nothing to do with markets and everything to do with politics and war. Read the text version of this presentation online: * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is protected …

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Diversity in Goals Brings Diversity in Value | by Frank Shostak

Every person has different goals for himself, which means everyone will value differently the means to attain those ends. No central planner can know these goals and values. Read the text version of this presentation online: * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is …

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Per Bylund – O governo nos deixa menos civilizados

Artigo: Como o agigantamento do governo nos divide e nos deixa menos civilizados Autor: Per Bylund Disponível em: Leituras Relacionadas Ludwig von Mises – As seis lições: Marcello Mazzilli – Estado? Não, Obrigado!: Murray N. Rothbard – Governo e Mercado:

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Robert P. Murphy – O grande problema do socialismo não é a falta de conhecimento

Artigo: O grande problema do socialismo não é a falta de conhecimento, mas sim a incapacidade de calcular Autor: Robert P. Murphy Disponível em: Leituras Relacionadas Ludwig von Mises – O cálculo econômico sob o socialismo: Friedrich August von Hayek – O uso do conhecimento na sociedade: Israel Meir...

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Trade Wars and Trump’s Trade Tariffs, with Ryan McMaken

Tonight, on Show 19 of the MisesUK.Org podcast, regular host Andy Duncan spoke with Ryan McMaken, who is editor of both ‘Mises Wire’ and ‘The Austrian’, at the Mises Institute, in Auburn, Alabama, as well as the host on ‘Radio Rothbard’. They spoke about trade wars, trade tariffs, and other such matters, particularly in regard …

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A response to Neil deGrasse Tyson regarding NASA | by Robert P. Murphy

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism | by Robert P. Murphy: Murphys website: Reposted from: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism | by Robert P. Murphy: Murphys website: Reposted from: . This video originally came from Dave Murphy, but Im stealing it from DITRH. Heres. Never attempt to make at home what it will cost …

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Ryan McMaken on Privatized Approaches to Gun Violence

The gun control debate is nothing more than a smokescreen: another divisive and emotional issue in a country obsessed with politicizing every human ill, all premised on the wildly irrational idea that we can get rid of 300 million firearms. But there is a market for safe schools and safe public spaces, a market security …

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Canada And Energy Freedom (by Robert P. Murphy)

More on the environment and natural resources: Video taken from: On 29, 2017, Senior Economist for the Institute for Energy Research, Robert P. Murphy, testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy. For more information see:. Dr. Robert P. Murphy is an economist with the Institute for Energy Research, Senior Fellow of Business …

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The Economics and Politics of Education | Robert P. Murphy and Jeffrey Tucker

More on education: Recorded: 28th, 2005 LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE – CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 3.0 From: .. More on education: Recorded: 28th, 2005 LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE – CREATIVE . Jeffrey Tucker interviews Robert Murphy on the topic of Murphys upcoming Mises Academy online course, Principles. Jeffrey Tucker interviews Robert Murphy on the topic of …

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Doug French | Going Broke: The Ethics of Default (PFS 2011)

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Obamacare’s Jonathan Gruber and the Superhero Oath | by Gary Galles

Economists can use their knowledge for both good and evil, and for those in government, such knowledge is often used to deceive and make government programs look less costly than they are. Read the text version of this presentation online: * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von …

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Nobel Winner Jean Tirole’s Faulty Views on Monopoly | by Frank Shostak

Economics Nobel Prize winner Jean Tirole still clings to the old neoclassical model “perfect competition” and monopoly. Read the text version of this presentation online: * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is protected under Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)....

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How Macroeconomic Data Encourages Government Intervention | by Frank Shostak

Entrepreneurs need very specific information about their products, markets, customers, and profits. Government macroeconomic data, however, does nothing to assist entrepreneurs to obtain this important information, but only helps justify economic intervention. Read the text version of this presentation online: * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by...

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