Category Archive: 6b.)

May 23, 2013 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 2829

Robert P. Murphy, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, discusses the consistent libertarian ideology of distrusting government in domestic AND foreign affairs; the liberal misconception that big government will protect the little guy against big corporations; how the Fed’s zero-interest rate policy has hurt savers and retirees; arguments for and against government austerity; …

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April 5, 2013 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 2773

Robert P. Murphy, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, discusses the new monthly Federal Reserve Awareness Day; the connection between central banking and war; cutting the size of government to enable long-term sustainable growth; why President Nixon ended the last vestiges of the gold standard in 1971; the non-monetary reasons for taxes; and …

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Failure and Prosperity | Doug French

The Federal Reserve has had long enough to demonstrate its use to the American economy. The latest economic crisis alone is enough to discredit its claims as the great stabilizer. There is the long history of devastating inflation, the government spending it funds, the wars and welfare that are made possible by its printing presses, …

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Only the Austrians Can Explain Depressions | Robert P. Murphy

The Federal Reserve has had long enough to demonstrate its use to the American economy. The latest economic crisis alone is enough to discredit its claims as the great stabilizer. There is the long history of devastating inflation, the government spending it funds, the wars and welfare that are made possible by its printing presses, …

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June 29, 2012 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 2439

Robert P. Murphy discusses the Supreme Court’s strange ruling on ObamaCare; the apparent weakening of the Commerce Clause and strengthening of Congress’s taxing authority; why Leftists hoping for single-payer national healthcare should be sorely disappointed by ObamaCare; why the Europeans think they can borrow more money to solve their debt crisis; the two options for …

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May 22, 2012 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 2389

Robert P. Murphy, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, discusses his article “Who Needs War for Oil;” why the US military doesn’t need to intervene in the Middle East to “secure” supplies of oil; how embargoes hurt oil exporting countries more than their customers (shown by the US-supported embargo on Iran); and the …

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March 22, 2012 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 2300

Robert P. Murphy discusses the standard arguments against the gold standard, many of which were used by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke during his speech at George Washington University, how paper fiat money begets big government; why the Fed will continue doubling down, using the same failed strategy until their luck turns around or the dollar …

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November 18, 2011 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 2156

Robert P. Murphy, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, discusses his article “The Economics of War;” how open markets and free trade make expansionist states and war unnecessary; a cost/benefit analysis of empire and “war for oil;” and the $15 trillion US debt (a trillion here, a trillion there, and soon you’re talking …

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Binary Intervention: Government Expenditures, Business Cycle (RGS 2008, Lecture 19) Robert P. Murphy

Sponsored by Alice J. Lillie, this program is an intense study of Rothbardian economic analytics, using ‘Man, Economy, and State,’ as well as supplemental materials. Hosted at the Ludwig von Mises Institute; Auburn, Alabama; June 8-13, 2008. Playlist for complete lecture series: Read Murray N. Rothbard’s classic study ‘Man, Economy, and State’ online: …...

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October 21, 2011 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 2106

Robert P. Murphy discusses the “boom and bust” business cycle and what exacerbates it; why the Federal Reserve – with a primary mandate of ensuring price stability – is a demonstrable failure; how Ron Paul popularized the Austrian school of economics and removed the aura of infallibility from Fed chairmen Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke; …

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August 26, 2011 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 2015

Bob Murphy discusses the kernel of truth in the parody of Paul Krugman’s “destruction boosts the economy” theory (wouldn’t that make Haiti among the world’s richest countries?); Ron Paul’s plan for gold-backed currencies to compete with Federal Reserve dollars; how a gold standard limits the government’s ability to inflate the currency and make wars; how …

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Utan fredsmaxim, ingen dans

Är det dags att ompröva den gyllene regeln? Peter Strömberg menar att det är hög tid. Lyssna på hans tal på senasteäffen i Stockholm (4 januari 2018). Du kan även läsa talet på FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES:

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Utan fredsmaxim, ingen dans

Är det dags att ompröva den gyllene regeln? Peter Strömberg menar att det är hög tid. Lyssna på hans tal på senasteäffen i Stockholm (4 januari 2018). Du kan även läsa talet på FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES:

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Production: Entrepreneurship and Change (RGS 2008, Lecture 10) Robert P. Murphy

Sponsored by Alice J. Lillie, this program is an intense study of Rothbardian economic analytics, using ‘Man, Economy, and State,’ as well as supplemental materials. Hosted at the Ludwig von Mises Institute; Auburn, Alabama; June 8-13, 2008. Playlist for complete lecture series: Read Murray N. Rothbard’s classic study ‘Man, Economy, and State’ online: …...

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The Pattern of Indirect Exchange (RGS 2008, Lecture 5) Robert P. Murphy

Sponsored by Alice J. Lillie, this program is an intense study of Rothbardian economic analytics, using ‘Man, Economy, and State,’ as well as supplemental materials. Hosted at the Ludwig von Mises Institute; Auburn, Alabama; June 8-13, 2008. Playlist for complete lecture series: Read Murray N. Rothbard’s classic study ‘Man, Economy, and State’ online: …...

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June 9, 2011 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 1898

Robert P. Murphy, senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses the skirting the US debt ceiling, which can continue for a few more months, the GOP’s current pretensions of fiscal restraint, why a failure to raise the ceiling doesn’t mean default is impending since spending could be cut or govt. assets sold, how …

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April 13, 2011 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 1802

Robert P. Murphy, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, discusses why the old adage “war is good for the economy” is simply not true; the hidden costs in “trickle down” benefits from large government and military expenditures (like the highway system and communications infrastructure); the Obama administration’s inconsistent policy on large government deficits; …

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Tommy Tarre, Liberty Stockholm Toastmasters (Freedomfest 2017)

Det är inte nog med att ha rätt, man måste också kunna förmedla det väl - för att travestera ett gammalt svenskt ordspråk. Medlemmarna i den relativt nygrundade talarföreningen Liberty Stockholm Toastmasters kombinerar sin kärlek till frihet med en passion för vältalighet. Tommy Tarre är en av föreningens grundare och mest framstående talare. Han kommer tala om hur man inte bara med logos, utan särskilt med ethos och pathos kan bli en effektivare...

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Tommy Tarre, Liberty Stockholm Toastmasters (Freedomfest 2017)

Det är inte nog med att ha rätt, man måste också kunna förmedla det väl – för att travestera ett gammalt svenskt ordspråk. Medlemmarna i den relativt nygrundade talarföreningen Liberty Stockholm Toastmasters kombinerar sin kärlek till frihet med en passion för vältalighet. Tommy Tarre är en av föreningens grundare och mest framstående talare. Han kommer …

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December 16, 2009 – Per Bylund – The Scott Horton Show – Episode 1061

Per Bylund discusses the confiscatory nature of “national defense,” the ability of individuals to defend themselves without state intervention, common ground between Left and Right anarchism and the debate about whether private property can exist without the state. Check out the interview page here: For more on Scott’s work: Check out The Libertarian Institute: …

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