Category Archive: 6b.)

The Bureaucrats Can’t Fix This

In the midst of the emerging economic chaos triggered by the COVID-19 coronavirus, individuals are seeking answers from governments as to how to prevent the emerging economic disaster. Most economic experts are sympathetic to this and are urging the authorities to push massive injections of money. Thus in the US the central bank has embarked on a $2 trillion stimulus.

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Jeff Deist on Viral Economics – A Neighbor’s Choice LIVE with David Gornoski

Multistreaming with Jeff Deist, President of Mises Institute, joins us for his take on the unfolding coronavirus fallout. Then anthropologist Mark Sunwall joins us to discuss how politicians are driven by fear over faith. Science and U with Dr. Yu about new magnetic properties in the solar system observed. Call in at 407-916-5400. Email …

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The Crisis Has Exposed the Damage Done By Government Regulations

As we watch in real-time how governments respond to the novel coronavirus pandemic, some of the most predictable forms of state overreach—from restrictions on the freedom of assembly to the suppression of regular commerce—have been rolled out. Thankfully, there is no unified world government, so there exist various examples of how certain countries are dealing with the crisis that we can closely examine and learn from.

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PRL Podcast Episode 265: Jeff Deist

Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute and former chief of staff to Ron Paul joins us to talk about his punk past, the future of political liberty, the left-right paradigm, and more! Help keep the lights on in Anarchy Basement by becoming a patron:

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End the Shutdown

The shutdown of the American economy by government decree should end. The lasting and far-reaching harms caused by this authoritarian precedent far outweigh those caused by the COVID-19 virus. The American people—individuals, families, businesses—must decide for themselves how and when to reopen society and return to their daily lives.

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Oren Cass and the Conservative Critique of Pure Laissez-Faire

Oren Cass is the executive director of American Compass (, a conservative think tank that stresses the importance of family and domestic industry, in opposition to a singleminded devotion to economic efficiency. Cass was previously a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, and was the domestic policy director for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign.

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The Last Thing We Need Right Now Is Bernie’s Proposed Tax on Financial Transactions

When one imagines working on Wall Street, he envisions stock traders scrambling to place buy or sell orders, perhaps even some puts or options. Today’s powerful artificial intelligence tools allow traders to game stock market trading. In some ways, this computer-driven high-frequency trading resembles actual gaming in that it may seem as if one is simulating various trading scenarios.

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More than Half of All US COVID-19 Deaths Occur in Only Four States

As of March 24, nearly 30 percent of all the COVID-19 deaths in the United States have occurred in New York state. Of the 910 deaths reported so far in the US, 271 happened in New York. Washington State was in second place, with 13 percent of the nation's COVID-19 deaths.

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Diversification versus Risk

It is widely held that financial asset prices fully reflect all available and relevant information, and that adjustments to new information is virtually instantaneous. This way of thinking which is known as the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is closely linked with the modern portfolio theory (MPT), which postulates that market participants are at least as good at price forecasting as any model that a financial market scholar can come up with,...

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Was wird aus unserem Geld? (Ferngespräch 3 mit Thorsten Polleit)

In der dritten Folge des Ferngesprächs spricht André F. Lichtschlag mit dem Honorarprofessor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Chefvolkswirt der Degussa und Präsidenten des deutschen Ludwig-von-Mises-Instituts Thorsten Polleit über die wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen des politischen Krisenmanagements für die Volkswirtschaften und für jeden Einzelnen. Wie immer werden in dieser Reihe spontan aktuelle Entwicklungen und brennende Themen beleuchtet. Bitte...

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Central Bankers Are Running Out of Options

Corona fears have shifted the world’s central banks into hyperdrive. Talk more, do more, lend more—and buy everything that moves. One after the other, the major central banks took to the barricades, manned the canons, fired their bazookas, and every other military metaphor you can think of.

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Episode 395: Jeff Deist On The Government’s Response To The CoronaVirus

67 Minutes Suitable for All Ages Pete invited the president of the Mises Institute, Jeff Deist, to return to the show to go over the government’s response to the CoronaVirus, and to see if there are any positives that can be found in this situation. Show notes and links –

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Währungspolitik und Weltherrschaft

Ulrich Schlüer im Interview mit Thorsten Polleit, Chefökonom

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The European Central Bank Is Being Stretched to Its Breaking Point in Italy

When Mario Draghi’s tenure was approaching its end, I argued for a sterner governor for the European Central Bank (ECB); hence, I was not even slightly enthusiastic when Draghi’s successor turned out to be Christine Lagarde—a patent dove, as can be inferred from her ideological proximity to a famous Keynesian like Olivier Blanchard.

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Diseases Are Bad. Government-Forced Shutdowns Are Often Worse.

However high the death rate of the COVID-19 coronavirus becomes, the governmental response to the threat will be even more dangerous. If the current blockade of economic life continues, more people will die from the countermeasures than from the virus itself. In a short time, the basic supply of everyday goods will be at risk. By interrupting the global transport and supply chains, important medicines will be missing and food supplies will be...

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Ep. 5208 – Ryan McMaken on the Coronavirus and our Fragile Economy – 3/13/2020

Scott interviews Ryan McMaken about the current coronavirus-induced financial slowdown and what it might mean in terms of the next big crash. McMaken explains that with America’s incredibly over-financialized economy, practically the only tool that the government knows how to use is huge injections of liquidity directly into the financial sector. This of course only …

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In Spain You Can’t Use Your Own Back Yard. Police Make Sure of It.

The last days and weeks of the coronavirus epidemic give an interesting insight into the human psyche. Elementary liberties are restricted all over the world, such as the freedom of movement or private property. Yet most people accept these restrictions without blinking, as the state declares their indispensability.

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No, Technology Shocks Aren’t Behind Recurring Business Cycles

Economic fluctuations, also known as business cycles, are seen as being driven by mysterious forces that are difficult to identify. Finn Kydland and Edward C. Prescott (KP), the 2004 Nobel laureates in economics, decided to attempt to find out what these forces were.1 They hypothesized that technology shocks are a major factor behind economic fluctuations and demonstrated that a technology-induced shock can explain 70 percent of the fluctuations in...

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A crisis tailor made for increased government power with Jeff Deist

The current outbreak has consumed everything lately–from media to government. My guest today says crises of all kinds, whether economic, political, military, or health, send ideologues scrambling to explain how such events fit neatly into their worldview. In fact, political partisans often attempt to paint any crisis as having occurred in the first place precisely …

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Truths About Money – Past, Present, and Future | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit

Thorsten Polleit is Chief Economist of Degussa, Europe’s largest precious metal trading firm, since April 2012. From 1998 to 2012, he worked as an economist in the international investment banking business. In 2012, he co-founded an Alternative Investment Fund. In September 2014 he was appointed Honorary Professor for economics at the University of Bayreuth. Thorsten …

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