Category Archive: 6b.)

The US Savings Bond Scam

Remember savings bonds? They were popular before the central bank made sure that safe, low-interest investments became a thing of the past.  Original Article: "The US Savings Bond Scam". This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros.

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Darum leben wir gar NICHT im Kapitalismus

Ist der Kapitalismus gefährlich? Oder sind es in Wahrheit die Antikapitalisten? Thorsten Polleit warnt vor den Sozialisten und macht klar: Es gibt heutzutage gar keinen Kapitalismus auf der gesamten Welt. Der Chefökonom der Degussa bezeichnet es vielmehr als Interventionismus.

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Both Theory and Praxis: Rothbard’s Plan for Laissez-Faire Activism

It should be self-evident that a just and moral political regime can only exist in the long term if a sufficiently large number of people actually believe in it.

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Jahlil Okafor, Tim Hardaway, Royce O’Neale go CRAZY in INTENSE NBA Open Gym

Miami Hoop School hosted an NBA open run with Jahlil Okafor, Tim Hardaway, Royce O'Neale and more! The intensity was high the entire run. NBA trainer Andrew Moran runs the Miami Hoop School which has many NBA stars as clients. Follow @miamihoopschool on instagram #opengym #jahlilokafor #timhardaway

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Ep. 5407 – Jeff Deist on the Cancerous Growth of America’s Federal Government

Jeff Deist discusses the idea that the best path forward for America may be some kind of peaceful breakup. He reminds us that America has never truly been one country, the way that, for instance, many small European nations are—and indeed the United States was never really supposed to be a single unified monolith.

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Talk of “Unity” Is Both Hypocritical and Delusional

Grand invocations that "I will unify us" are actually shorthand for "We mean to get our way, regardless of others' well-being and desire."

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James Mill: Laissez-Faire’s Lenin

[An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (1995)] James Mill (1771–1836) was surely one of the most fascinating figures in the history of economic thought. And yet he is among the most neglected. Mill was perhaps one of the first persons in modern times who might be considered a true "cadre man," someone who in the Leninist movement of the next century would have been hailed as a "real Bolshevik." Indeed, he...

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Here’s What Donald Trump Should Do Before Inauguration Day

Even if he loses, Donald Trump still has time to change military policy, pardon allies, unseat the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and throw a wrench in the deep state apparatus. Original Article: "Here’s What Donald Trump Should Do Before Inauguration Day​". This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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Curt Carlson on Innovation Champions

Austrian economics sees an economy in motion, perpetually renewing itself. Economic agents (firms, customers, investors) constantly change their actions and strategies in response to outcome they mutually create. This further changes the outcome, which requires them to adjust afresh.

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Jeff Deist-America’s Economy Under Tyranny?

Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute, talks about the denial to hear opposing opinions and explains why disproportionate amounts of new money goes to the wealthiest.

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Election 2020: Choking on the Political Red and Blue Pills

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Presidential election 2020 is the same as every other, except in the ways it isn’t. Allow me to expand on this. What is the same? The purpose of all elections is to allow a band of people called the state to legitimize their claim of control over everyone and everything within a given jurisdiction.

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The 2020 Voting Process – and What to Learn from Czech Republic

Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute, gives the talk "Our National Psychosis" about the 2020election voting process, the political divide and what to learn from Czech Republic.

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Lockdowners and “the Desire to Dominate”

In many years of lecturing at Mises University, Judge Napolitano has given the same—terrifying—ending to his introductory speech. Not until the horrors of this year did it dawn on me that perhaps his point has its basis in reality. The dear judge often mentions, almost like a joke, the libido dominandi—the desire to dominate, or the will to power, harking back to Augustine of Hippo’s centuries-old writing.

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The Idea that Democracy Is the Same as Liberty Is a Weapon in the Hands of Despots

As Americans approach a date with their polling places and “get out the vote” campaigns crescendo, there is plenty of rhetoric that all but deifies democracy.

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Dr. Markus Krall und Dr. Thorsten Polleit: US Wahl 2020 und der politische Globalismus

„Krall & Polleit Direkt“ geht in die zweite Runde. In Ausgabe #2, gedreht am frühen Morgen des 4. November 2020 gibt es kein anderes Thema als die US-Wahl 2020. Es erfolgt eine erste Einordnung nach dem Wahltag durch Dr. Markus Krall (CEO, Degussa Goldhandel) und Chefökonom Dr. Thorsten Polleit, in welchem das spannende Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen beider Kandidaten reflektiert wird. Inhalte (Zeitmarken) 00:00:00 Einleitung am frühen Morgen des 4....

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Why Socialism Won’t End Worker “Exploitation”

A belief still commonly held today by not just Marxists and socialists, but progressives of many stripes, is the insistence that employers are “stealing” part of their workers’ labor because the wage workers receive from their employer are less than the contribution of their labor to the final value (i.e., selling price) of the finished good.

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#37 Thorsten Polleit zur noch nicht entschiedenen US Wahl – Golden Times

Der Ausgang der US-Wahl ist nach wie vor ohne Ergebnis. Thorsten Polleit: "Ich denke, es wird noch weitere Verzögerungen geben." Was sagt die Wahl aus über die Lage der Demokratie in den USA? "Die Demokratie in den USA erweckt mehr Vertrauen als beispielsweise viele Demokratien in Europa. Ich glaube, die Wahl zeigt, die Demokratie in den USA nach wie vor voll funktionsfähig ist." Welche Rolle spielt der Ausgang der Wahl? Wie ist...

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What Will It Take for Americans to Consider Breaking Up?

Things don't have to be this way. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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The Election Was a Tie. Now What? | Ryan McMaken

The winner doesn’t represent “the nation.” There is no consensus. We’re not coming together “as a people.” These tired slogans should now strike every intelligent person as nonsense. Original article: "Close Elections Force Us to Ask Unpleasant Questions about Democracy" "Why Threats of...

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#2 „Krall & Polleit Direkt“ – Markus Krall und Thorsten Polleit mit einer Analyse der US-Wahl 2020

„Krall & Polleit Direkt“ geht in die zweite Runde. In Ausgabe #2, gedreht am frühen Morgen des 4. November 2020 gibt es kein anderes Thema als die US-Wahl 2020. Es erfolgt eine erste Einordnung nach dem Wahltag durch Dr. Markus Krall (CEO, Degussa Goldhandel) und Chefökonom Dr. Thorsten Polleit, in welchem das spannende Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen beider Kandidaten reflektiert wird. Inhalte (Zeitmarken) 00:00:00 Einleitung am frühen Morgen des 4....

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