Category Archive: 6b.)

Allen Mendenhall—Is Intellectualism Dead?

Allen Mendenhall joins the show to expand last week's discussion on the intellectual state of America. Are we living in a decidedly anti-intellectual age, or has America always been predisposed toward doers over thinkers? Have Americans simply stopped reading books? Have we lost our ability to think deeply, due to the constant distractions of the digital age? And what does the shift away from any shared baseline cultural knowledge mean for our...

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Analysing the Trump presidency with Dr Andrew Moran

Head of Politics and International Relations, Dr Andrew Moran, talks us through the 45th President's time in The White House. How has Trump shaped American politics? Find out in this video.

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A brief intro to American politics with Dr Andrew Moran

Meet our Head of Politics and International Relations, Dr Andrew Moran! Andrew talks us through the American Constitution and gives a brief overview of the presidency throughout the years.

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Exploring US presidential theory with Dr Andrew Moran

A five-minute masterclass from our Head of Politics and International Relations, Dr Andrew Moran. Andrew talks you through the modern presidential theories of American politics and chats about why it's such an exciting time to be studying politics.

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Gun Laws and Decentralization: Lessons from “Constitutional Carry”

Few political movements can boast of success like the firearms movement in the United States. Often overlooked is how before the 1980s there was no concept of licensed, let alone unlicensed, concealed carry in the overwhelming majority of the country. The sole exception was Vermont, which through an idiosyncratic state supreme court decision in 1903 has had unlicensed carry for over a century.

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Colonies Compared: Why British Colonies Were More Economically Successful

Last month, British black studies professor Kehinde Andrews argued that the British Empire was “far worse than the Nazis.” It was a controversial comparison to be sure, but it raises the question: Compared to other expansionist regimes, how bad was the British Empire?

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Community and Civil Society over State

Raghuram Rajan has written a surprising book. Now teaching finance at the University of Chicago, he is an international bureaucrat in good standing, and not a minor one at that; he was chief economist of the International Monetary Fund. Yet far from calling for an increase in “global governance,” as one might expect from someone with his background, he wants to strengthen the local, “proximate,” community.

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They Said Things Would Be Much Worse in States without Lockdowns. They Were Wrong.

Like nearly all US states, Georgia imposed a stay-at-home order in March 2020 in response to demands from public health officials claiming a stay-at-home order would lessen total deaths from covid-19. But unlike most states, Georgia ended its stay-at-home order after only five weeks, and proceeded to lower other restrictions quickly.

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How a Small Rise in Bond Yields May Create a Financial Crisis

How can a small rise in bond yields scare policymakers so much? Ned Davis Research estimates that a 2% yield in the US 10-year bond could lead the Nasdaq to fall 20%, and with it the entire stock market globally. A 2% yield can cause such disruption? How did we get to such a situation?

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It’s Time for the US to Withdraw from Korea

Pulling troops out of South Korea is an important step in changing the conversation on American foreign policy, which is swamped in platitudes of promoting missionary enterprises abroad and finding new bogeymen to confront.  Original Article: "It's Time for the US to Withdraw from Korea" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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Why a Green New Deal Is More Expensive Than Joe Biden Realizes

Wind and solar power can work well when placed in an ideal location. Much of the time, however, these projects require a lot of fossil fuel to produce, but then never deliver the promised "zero-carbon" energy. Original Article: "Why a Green New Deal Is More Expensive Than Joe Biden Realizes" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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Thorsten Polleit | Massive Geldentwertung | Jeder muss das wissen!

Videoinhalte: Banken, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Geld, Kapital, Aktien, Börse, Immobilien, Politik, Medien, Gold, Silber, Edelmetalle, Bitcoin, Kryptowährung, Währungskrise, Währungsreform, Finanzpolitik, Finanzmarkt, Banken, Finanzcrash, Eurocrash, Bankencrash,

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Why Is Economic Journalism So Bad?

Niall Ferguson holds a PhD in philosophy from Oxford, taught history at Harvard and NYU, and wrote perhaps the definitive biography of Henry Kissinger. So, naturally, Bloomberg hired him to write on economics.

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What the Shipping Container Shortage Reveals about US-China Trade

Despite the record unemployment rate, widespread hardship to businesses, strains on the healthcare system, political turmoil, and general disruption to daily life in 2020, US consumers have managed to ramp up their habit of buying things.

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In Some Countries, Lockdowns May Be the “New Normal”

While some countries in Europe are showing signs of lifting all restrictions soon, Ireland’s so-called leaders are telling citizens it cannot be guaranteed that they’ll even be able to holiday in their own country this summer. Original Article: "In Some Countries, Lockdowns May Be the "New Normal"'" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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DRUM COVER Rosanna – Toto

The infamous Rosanna by Toto I DO NOT own the music in this video, all rights go to the band and label

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Prof. Thorsten Polleit: Der Euro Absturz kommt! (SCHOCKIEREND)

Thorsten Polleit ist ein deutscher Ökonom. Er ist Chefökonom der Degussa Sonne/Mond Goldhandel, Partner der Polleit & Riechert Investment Management LLP, Präsident und Gründer der deutschen Abteilung des libertären Ludwig von Mises Institute und Honorarprofessor an der Universität Bayreuth.

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De-Socialization in Theory and Practice

On April 23, 1990, in Washington, DC, the Ludwig von Mises Institute sponsored the first Austrian School look at the "post-socialist" age. It went a long way toward developing a blueprint—consistent with the Austrian tradition—for dismantling the command economy.

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VID 20210314 182133

Me playing amogus lol

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Moral Courage and the Austrian School

When economic crises hit, most pundits and intellectuals never see it coming. That is because they have never learned the lesson that Bastiat sought to teach, namely that we need to look beneath the surface, to the unseen dimensions of human action, in order to see the full economic reality.

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