Category Archive: 6b.)

Why Congressional “Oversight” of the Bureaucracy Is No Such Thing

I have long been fascinated by both public policy and the interesting crooks, crannies, and oddities found in the English language. Recently, I came across one such tidbit which connected both of those interests. Hugh Rawson, in "Janus Words—Two-faced English" on the Cambridge Dictionary blog, was discussing a number of English words that are sometimes called Janus words, after the Roman god depicted with two faces pointing in opposite directions,...

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How We Might Respond to a Panedemic Were Society Not So Dominated by the State

“There are no libertarians in an epidemic” crowed Atlantic reporter Peter Nicholas back on March 10, as he listed the numerous economic interventions the Trump administration was undertaking in the wake of the mounting COVID-19 crisis. This intervention, Nicholas declared, just goes to show you that whatever antigovernment talk one might talk, government intervention in the economy is “nothing new and, as may well prove the case this time around,...

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Mises-Seminar 2020 (Vortrag 8): „Theorie und Geschichte“

Vortrag von Professor Dr. Thorsten Polleit im Rahmen des Ludwig von Mises Seminar 2020 am 13. und 14. März 2020 in der Stadthalle Kronberg/Taunus. Der Vortrag behandelt das Buch „Theorie und Geschichte“ von Ludwig von Mises aus dem Jahr 1957. Das Thema des Seminars lautete: „Die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie – 12 Vorlesungen über bahnbrechende …

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The Chicago School versus the Austrian School

Listen to the Audio Mises Wire version of this article. People often ask me, How are the Austrians different from the Chicago School economists? Aren't you all free market guys who oppose big-government Keynesians?

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LudWig Von Mises – Vídeo Introdutório – #Episódio022

Um vídeo introdutório sobre o economista e filósofo da Escola Austríaca de Economia, referência para todos os liberais e “desgraça” para os comunistas, LudWig Von Mises. Esse vídeo introdutório falarei um pouco de seu autor, da Escola Austríaca e influenciadores como Menger e Hayek. Sobre os 10 #Livros de um Box Coletânea falarei em outros …

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The Folly of “Ask What You Can Do for Your Country”

Recently, I was reminded of John F. Kennedy’s most famous line, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country,” when I heard it among several famous sound bites leading into a radio show segment. It also reminded me that we will hear it more soon, as we are approaching JFK’s May 29 birthday. However, it is worth reconsidering what it means.

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Do Lockdowns Work? Mounting Evidence Says No | Ryan McMaken

Most of the world’s regimes enthusiastically destroyed their economies and consigned millions to destitution (and a rising tide of resulting health problems) in pursuit of a trendy and unproven theory. There’s still not evidence that the lockdowns worked. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros....

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Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events

Abstract: Much of Shiller’s new book is about how economic narratives form, spread, and fade. Drawing on medical evidence about the spread of infectious disease, Shiller argues that “economic fluctuations are substantially driven by contagion of oversimplified and easily transmitted variants of economic narratives.” But Shiller ignores the powerful role of monetary disorder, whether in forming the narrative or determining the contagion rate, or as...

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The Japanese Love of Keynesian Economics Might Finally Be Coming to an End

Even those fortunate enough to have escaped infection by the Wuhan coronavirus will by now have noticed one of the virus’ many secondary effects: the disruption of the supply chain. Sick workers at meat plants, closed restaurants, hoarding, and the sudden spike in demand for things like ventilators, masks, and comestibles with long shelf lives have thrown the global flow of goods and services into disarray.

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Why an Economy Can’t Work without Market Prices

It has been a full century since Mises dropped the economic calculation bomb, but the argument apparently still haunts socialists. It should, since Mises managed to show that a socialist economy is not an economy at all but calculational chaos. Yet it is curious that it does, since most have (incorrectly) concluded that Mises’s argument, after decades of debate, was debunked.

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Ludwig von Mises on (the Standards of) gold, free market and totalitarianism. And the only 2 choices

The greatest economist of the 20-th century Ludwig von Mises on (the Standards of) gold, free market (capitalism ideology) and totalitarianism (Social ideology). And on the only 2 choices that we (the today’s) ppl have – in the 3rd decade of the 21 century! The Gold Standard should be restored! Yes, really! And we as …

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Banking and Monetary Policy from the Perspective of Austrian Economics

The editors are to be heartily congratulated for putting together this book, which covers an impressive range of topics in monetary economics from an explicitly Austrian perspective. Most of the twelve essays are of a very high quality and one will learn much about money and related topics by a careful reading of them.

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Let’s Hope Deflation Is Headed Our Way

The yearly growth rate of the US consumer price index (CPI) fell to 0.4 percent in April from 2 percent in April last year while the annual growth of the producer price index (PPI) plunged to –1.2 percent last month against 2.4 percent in April 2019.

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How Modern Economics Has Lost Its Way: It’s All About the “Unseen”

Economics has lost its way and the study has become both impotent and lacking in relevance. It's easy to see how and why once we recognize that proper economic thinking takes place two steps beyond the apparent. Noneconomists typically take none of these steps, while modern economics has lost the ability to go beyond the first.

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Ludwig von Mises (Free Market Masters) TÜRKÇE DUBLAJ

Ludwig Von Mises, tarihin en değerli liberal ekonomistlerinden ve siyaset bilimcilerinden biriydi. Seslendirme/edit: Tolga Tanyıldız Çeviri: Cemil Okumuş

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Jeff Deist on What the West Can Learn, Dr Yu on Parallel Universes – A Neighbor’s Choice

Jeff Deist on What the West Can Learn, Dr Yu on Parallel Universes A Neighbor’s Choice with David Gornoski airs live weekdays 4-6pm EST. Call in at 727-587-1040. Email A Neighbor’s Choice with a guest suggestion, story tip or question at [email protected] Multistreaming with

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Liberty Webinars: Murray N. Rothbard

? Murray Newton Rothbard (1926 – 1995) je obecně považován za zakladatele anarchokapitalismu. Patří také mezi významné rakouské ekonomy a následovníky Misese, liberální politické teoretiky a historiky. Je znám také jako mimořádně produktivní autor, mezi jeho nejznámější díla patří jeho magnum opus v oblasti ekonomie Man, Economy and State, srovnávaný s Misesovým Lidským jednáním, America’s …

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Let’s Hope Deflation Is Headed Our Way | Frank Shostak

Central banks have decided that one of their main missions is to prevent deflation. But this only ends up causing the malinvestments that lead to economic busts. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Audio Mises Wire is also available on… Apple Podcasts:

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Milton Friedman – Sobre Ayn Rand e Ludwig von Mises (leg pt-br)

Milton Friedman foi um economista, estatístico e escritor norte-americano, que lecionou na Universidade de Chicago por mais de três décadas. Nascimento: 31 de julho de 1912, Brooklyn, Nova Iorque, Nova York, EUA Falecimento: 16 de novembro de 2006, São Francisco, Califórnia, EUA Altura: 1,52 m Influenciou: Thomas Sowell, Anna Schwartz, David D. Friedman, Gary Stanley Becker, George Joseph Stigler. Formação: Universidade de...

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Krugman: We Need More Unemployment—to Save Us from Unemployment

It has been a long time since I read anything by Paul Krugman, and seeing his most recent column simply reminds me why I’ve not missed anything. As both an extreme Keynesian and political partisan, he long ago abandoned economic analysis for something economists should recognize as nothing less than what Mises called metaphysics.

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