Category Archive: 6b.)

No, the American Republic Was Not Founded on Slavery

The fact that some Americans supported slavery in the eighteenth century is not at all remarkable. Most of the world agreed with them. What is remarkable is that many of them sought to abolish slavery in the new republic. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack. Original Article: "No, the American Republic Was Not Founded on Slavery".

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Populism Worked for the Pro-Freedom Party in the Past. Can It Work Again?

Is it still possible to "rouse the masses of people against the elites that are looting them" in effective numbers? As late as 1992, Rothbard thought so. And he had historical examples on his side.

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No, the American Republic Was Not Founded on Slavery

Journalistic propaganda is a powerful instrument of indoctrination. Without evidence, foul ideas can easily penetrate mainstream discourse. For instance, recently it has become fashionable to posit that slavery is America’s original sin.

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Was Rothbard a Populist?

Why did Murray Rothbard embrace populism and why did he think it could work to limit the power of the state? In short, Rothbard believed that a small elite had seized the power of the state to fleece and oppress the majority. Rothbard was in part basing his ideas on the historical narrative of the Democratic populists of the nineteenth century who formed the party of sound money, low taxes, and decentralized power. This laissez-faire party also...

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Das Ende naht: Wohlstand in Gefahr

Einen zweiten Lockdown wird die Wirtschaft nicht verkraften. Damit ist der Wohlstand für alle in Gefahr. Michael Mross im Gespräch mit Ökonom Thorsten Polleit. Buch: Unser Telegram Kanal: Instagram:

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On Foreign Policy, Trump Is Still the Lesser Evil

The Democrats, Liz Cheney, and the Never Trumpers still want endless wars, and they hate Trump's apparent lack of enthusiasm for embracing their dreams of empire. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack. Original Article: "On Foreign Policy, Trump Is Still the Lesser Evil".

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Brain Death: Challenges and Responses

Does it matter if we call irreversibly comatose patients “dead?” Our guest is Doyen Nguyen, OP, MD, STD. Dr. Nguyen was previously an academic hemato-pathologist and is currently a Catholic moral theologian and bioethicist.

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Econtradictions: Bob Discusses Free Trade, Welfare Benefits, Price Gouging, and Utility Theory

Bob unveils a new series in which he explains and then evaluates apparent contradictions in the way free-market libertarians handle certain issues. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Bastiat’s “Petition of the Candlemakers”Bob’s article on price gougingFor more information, see The Bob Murphy Show is also available on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and via RSS.

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How Decades of Media and Faculty Bias Have Pushed America to the Left

It’s been clear for decades that national news organizations such as CNN and the New York Times tend to be biased in favor of social democracy (i.e., “progressivism”) and what we would generally call a “left-wing” ideology.

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Der Antikapitalist: Ein Weltverbesserer der keiner ist – mit Thorsten Polleit (Mises Karma 55)

Mises Karma – Der freiheitliche Podcast – erscheint seit Episode 51 auf Youtube auf dem Kanal von eigentümlich frei. Besuchen Sie auch die Website von Mises Karma unter: Episode 55: Der Antikapitalist: Ein Weltverbesserer der keiner ist Im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit über sein neues Buch „Der Antikapitalist: Ein Weltverbesserer der keiner ist“ und Antworten auf die Fragen: Was ist eigentlich Kapitalismus? Warum...

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Was Hoppe Wrong About Democracy?

Hans-Hermann Hoppe has shown in his writings on democracy that democracy leads to economic impoverishment and political disaster under certain conditions.  But what are those conditions, and are they dominant in electoral institutions in the United States today?

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The Progressivism of the Future Is Really Just the Socialism of the Past

The world is currently in the midst of a newly aggressive drive to bring about a new socialist order through a powerful and "efficient" technocratic state. This new order has been labeled as "progressive," but it is merely the latest version of the socialist impulse which we have seen before in the form of socialism and communism. 

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If We Want to Increase Demand in the Market, We Must First Increase Production

An individual’s demand is constrained by his production of goods. The more goods an individual produces, the more of other goods he can secure for himself.

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Digitales Zentralbankgeld: Ein Einfallstor für Verstaatlichung – Schutzlos ohne Bargeld

Der Meisterring, den die Notenbanken, darunter auch die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB), derzeit schmieden, heißt digitales Zentralbankgeld. Thorsten Polleit, Chefvolkswirt der Degussa Edelmetallhandel, beschreibt, wie die Menschen mit digitalem Zentralbankgeld wirksam kontrolliert und gesteuert werden können. Mehr dazu: Wenn Sie unsere Arbeit freiwillig unterstützen möchten, können Sie das folgendermaßen tun:...

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David Gordon on the Bishops and the Gospel of Nice

David Gordon on the Bishops and the Gospel of Nice

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Bob Murphy Analyzes “The Hunt” and “The Purge” Movies as an Anarchist

Bob offers his commentary on the movies “The Hunt” and “The Purge”—both produced by Blumhouse Productions—and focuses on whether The Purge storyline offers a challenge to Rothbard’s depiction of anarcho-capitalism.

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Central Banks and the Problem with Playing God

Today’s Western institutions have long been deemed to be sacrosanct. As a matter of fact, though, nation-states are increasingly met with reservation or even outright resentment. Public trust in government is near historic lows, and pillars like the media or democracy are suffering from a loss of confidence.

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Professor Matthew McCaffrey on the Austrian Definition of Capital and its Application for the Health of Your Business

An understanding of the Austrian definition of capital is tremendously useful to all business owners and managers.

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The Jacksonians’ Bank War: Liberty versus Power

The Jacksonians saw central banking for what it was: a way of making the rich even richer, while ripping off ordinary people. We remember the Jacksonians not just because they were right about the central bank, but because they were also very successful in their fight against the Bank and its allies.

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Why There’s So Much Confusion over What “Inflation” Means

Understood properly,  inflation is not a general increase in prices but is an increase in the money supply "out of thin air" which brings about the impoverishment of wealth generators. When inflation is seen as a general increase in prices, then anything that contributes to price increases is called inflationary.

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