Category Archive: 6b.)

The Fed’s New “Tightening” Plan Is Too Little, Too Late

Since 2008, a key component of Fed policy has been to buy up mortgage-based securities and government debt so as to both prop up asset prices and increase the money supply. Over this time, the Fed has bought nearly $9 trillion in assets, thus augmenting demand and increasing prices for both government bonds and housing assets.

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No, It’s Not the Putin Price Hike, No Matter What Joe Biden Claims

Politicians love their buzzwords and talking points, and the Joe Biden White House and the Democratic Party use them as much or more than when Donald Trump and the Republicans ran Washington’s freak show. Last year, the mantra from the Biden administration was that inflation was “transitory,” meaning that the inflation would not last long.

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It’s Mid-2022 and the Fed Has Still Done Nothing to Fight Inflation

It was last August when Jerome Powell began to admit that inflation just might be a problem. But even then, he was only willing to say that inflation would likely be “moderately” above the arbitrary 2 percent inflation standard. Back in August, low inflation—not high inflation—was still perceived to be the “problem."

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The Economic Sanctions against Russia Are Destructive and Counterproductive: We Must Oppose Them

Imposing economic sanctions upon Russia is tantamount to throwing gasoline on a raging fire. The sanctions will not end the Russian invasion of Ukraine and only will make things worse. Original Article: "The Economic Sanctions against Russia Are Destructive and Counterproductive: We Must Oppose Them" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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To Fight Russia, Europe’s Regimes Risk Impoverishment and Recession for Europe

Politicians have become accustomed to conjuring whatever they want through the “miracle” of printing money. But in the real world, it’s still necessary to produce oil and gas through actual physical production. Original Article: "To Fight Russia, Europe's Regimes Risk Impoverishment and Recession for Europe" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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DJ Genesis: Mastering his craft, touring with Kelly Rowland, BET awards, and The Miami Pro League

This is the full podcast release where DJ Genesis talks about his passion for DJ and mastering his craft, going on an international tour with Kelly Rowland, doing the pre-show at the BET awards networking at the after-parties, and the Miami pro-League, and how it's building its own reputation around the country!

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1991: When America Tried to Keep Ukraine in the USSR

The US government today likes to pretend that it is the perennial champion of political independence for countries that were once behind the Iron Curtain. What is often forgotten, however, is that in the days following the fall of the Berlin Wall, Washington opposed independence for Soviet republics like Ukraine and the Baltic states.

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The Economic Sanctions against Russia Are Destructive and Counterproductive: We Must Oppose Them

The Western sanctions against Russia seem to shock very few Westerns. Yet, for several reasons, these sanctions should at least be the subject of lively debate in Western societies. Firstly, these sanctions are illegal from the standpoint of international law (only the Security Council can approve economic sanctions, according to article 41 of the Charter of the United Nations).

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Elon Musk’s Twitter Gambit and What It Means to the “Clique in Power”

Elon Musk’s bid to take over Twitter and turn it into a private company has apparently been successful. Now the real action begins. Musk’s buyout exposes the Big Digital media complex to unwanted and unwonted competition, while threatening to loosen its near-total control of information and opinion.

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Meet Andrew Moran, Head of Property Management and Build to Rent

As the Head of Property Management and Build to Rent, Andrew is responsible for setting strategy, growing the business, driving performance and managing key relationships. With years of experience in residential property lettings, Andrew is delighted to be a part of the Orlando Reid family. Tune in to listen to Andrew Moran discussing his work and about his life in Glossop. #OrlandoReidManchester #propertymanagement #Manchester #investments...

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The New World Order and Dehumanization on the Left and Right

Bob critiques the economic views of Yuval Harari, who predicts “useless people” because of technological advances. Bob then showcases similar thinking from right-wingers. He ends by addressing a common critique of the Christian God.

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DJ Genesis: The Miami Pro League and it’s growing reputation for pro’s to play in the off-season

In this segment DJ Genesis talks about the Miami pro League and it's growing reputation for nbe players to come play in the off-season. FIYE show instagram: DJ Genesis Instagram:

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Decentralization and the Rise of the West: The European Miracle Revisited

Decentralization has long been at the forefront of the minds of Austro-libertarians. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, for instance, appeared on Austrian television this month sharing his dream of a Europe "which consists of 1,000 Liechtensteins."

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Do Conspiracies Really Exist? Murray Rothbard Thought So

The quickest way to discredit an intellectual opponent is to accuse that person of being a "conspiracy theorist." But what happens when real conspiracies occur? Original Article: "Do Conspiracies Really Exist? Murray Rothbard Thought So" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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DJ Genesis: Dj BET awards red carpet and after parties.

In Segment 3 DJ Genesis talks about doing the BET red carpet and attending after parties that lead to networking in the business. FIYE show instagram: DJ Genesis instagram:

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How Did CNN+ Get Canned by Netflix? Austrian Economists Might Have an Answer

Days after Netflix reported bad earnings and an “unexpected” hit to their subscriber base, CNN announced that it had pulled the plug on its own brand-new streaming service, CNN+. Despite arguments to the contrary from the parent company, the CNN+ adventure turned out to be a costly mistake that attracted few subscribers and a paltry number of regular viewers.

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DJ Genesis: On Going on international tour with Kelly Rowland

In Segment 2 DJ Genesis talks about going on international tour with the Beautifully talented Kelly Rowland. F.I.Y.E show instagram: DJ Genesis instagram:

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DJ Genesis:Becoming a DJ, rocking house parties, working on his craft to master art of being a DJ

In segment one of DJ Genesis podcast, we discuss how his Journey began and how he started DJing, his early gigs of rocking house parties, and taking the time to work on his technique to become a DJ that always rocks the spot.

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Vietnam Should Have Been the End of US Foreign Intervention. It Wasn’t, and the World Is Worse Off

In 1975, after nearly a decade of outright conflict, the United States government abandoned its doomed escapade in Vietnam. It left a devastated country and over a million corpses in its wake. The corrupt South Vietnamese regime, already teetering on utter collapse, completely dissolved without American support.

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Mises in America

[William Peterson was the 2006 Schlarbaum laureate, and here is his acceptance speech, delivered October 8, 2005.] Gary Schlarbaum, I thank you for this award and high honor from your grand legacy in loving memory of a genius in our time, Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973). But let me say up front, fellow Miseseans, meet me, Mr. Serendipity, Bill Peterson, here by a fluke, a child of fickle fate. For frankly I had never heard of the famous Mises when I...

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